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Cornish Steve

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Everything posted by Cornish Steve

  1. I've lived in the US now for almost 30 years and remain only a British citizen. In my case, as a matter of principle, I point-blank refuse to pledge allegiance to any flag. There are many reasons why individuals refuse to switch or add citizenship, so I guess we won't know in his case.
  2. Quick. Call the Everton scouting team. They may have overlooked that!!!
  3. It used to be that, to get the 3-point bonus, you have to predict correctly both the score and the first goalscorer. If there was no goalscorer, then no 3 points. We changed this last season so that the person would get the 3-point bonus. However, it would be double-dipping to give them two points for no goalscorer since they already have 5 points for predicting 0-0.
  4. Congratulations to mogsy for predicting the correct score. 8 points (because no Everton goal). For the month, season, and points per prediction, Blue 250 keeps the lead.
  5. Just another article urging Everton to sell John Stones, right? The previous tacks didn't work, so let's try another.
  6. Does anyone know how to search the Ashley Madison customer list? Trying to find the chairman of Dynamo Kyiv. Thought it might help in ongoing negotiations... It's amazing how many people are caught up in this web.
  7. You do realize that's the capital of Burkina Faso, right?
  8. Nah. It's because he's completed only 56 of his last 72 passes. Suarez passed 69 of 88 and three kidney stones. Just no comparison. They're all just crap. Ain't gonna happen. He does have an Albanian passport though.
  9. I'm not suggesting that any stat paints the complete picture of this guy. What I am saying is that none of us knows. We can be sure of one thing, though: the Everton scouting staff have been doing the job they're paid to do. When we're in the dark, we have little option but to trust them. Let's face it. I tend to be over-optimistic, and you tend to be over-pessimistic. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Honestly, I'm not trying to get you riled up, and I apologize if I come across as patronizing (plenty would probably agree). Edit - kant spill
  10. The truth is you'd never heard of this lad until his name was mentioned here a few days ago. You read a single statistic, and in your infinite wisdom, decide he's crap. Just admit that, like everyone else, you don't have a clue and that it's a matter of trusting our coaching staff.
  11. My comment is that all you do is whine. You act as if you know it all and the Everton staff are clueless. Insult all you like, but in situations like this you have to ignore the press and ignore the latest rumours. Just hang in there and see where things stand this time next week. Suggestion: switch the direction of your bed and maybe you'll one day get out on the right side of it.
  12. Romy, I would disagree with you on Kone. Just look at the difference when he was replaced by Naismith. Much of what he did went unnoticed, until it was no longer there.
  13. Well, we can - but just can't be sure of it at the time.
  14. The person who's later absence revealed the importance of his earlier presence: Kone.
  15. And if he'd scored 80/80, we wouldn't have a chance. Instead, we have to scout carefully and spot potential. Are you suddenly that much more knowledgeable and capable than the entire Everton staff? Why not trust people to do their jobs instead of just whining on and on?
  16. Why the negative nellies? If people get depressed about trying to secure a top player, what would they be like about losing one? Geez. The team is no worse off because of all this speculation. This is negotiation, especially with eastern Europeans. Been there, done that. In the end, it's all about money. If they don't sell this week, they lose a lot of money. Just be patient and stop reading the news until next week!
  17. There's little doubt that City are the team to beat this season. We matched them toe to toe in the first half. What let us down, ultimately, is a weakened defence.
  18. Redundant, I know, but just wanted to emphasize their common country of origin.
  19. Some may hate RM's optimism, but he can win people over when it matters.
  20. You just watch him become the next Luis Suarez from Uruguay.
  21. A bit below the belt, Mike. These guys are heroes and most likely saved a lot of lives.
  22. What a difference two weeks can make. Back then, it was all doom and gloom after the draw against Watford, how we won't be bringing in new players, and how we'll be bottom of the league after the next few games. I think it's called "momentum", combined with the British penchant to always be depressed (the weather, maybe?).
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