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Cornish Steve

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Everything posted by Cornish Steve

  1. Do I get a prize for finishing last in the first round and now being tied for the lead in the second? Congratulations to MikeO, who also correctly predicted the result of the latest game and is closing in on verreauxi for the overall lead. Geth - I took the liberty of reversing the leaderboard this time around.
  2. Incidentally, I've been watching most games on Univision (Spanish channel), and Stoichkov is one of their commentators. It's odd hearing Spanish spoken with an Eastern European accent (not that I understand any of it).
  3. That's funny. Ignore overridden? It's like you're covering your eyes and then peeking between your fingers.
  4. I'm just mad about Cristian, Cristian wants to be blue. I'm just mad about Cristian, He's just mad about you. We need this mellow fellow To put on blue and yellow As we shout "Hello Tello." I'm just mad about Barca, Barca's singing the blues I'm just mad about Barca, We'll be loaning their youths. We need a mellow fellow To put on blue and yellow As we shout "Hello Tello."
  5. When playing away, we could bellow "hello yellow Tello" to the mellow fellow.
  6. And Rubecula retains the overall lead for round 2, with verreauxi still way ahead for the tournament as a whole.
  7. Yup. Only one person predicted a Chile win, and that was Rubecula - who takes the lead for round 2.
  8. Tim Cahill has to be up there. What a World Cup he has had.
  9. He meant that commonsense doesn't extend to widgets.
  10. Who'd have predicted that score? Certainly no-one here! Everyone playing is tied for the lead this round.
  11. We need a goalscorer. Maybe this Cahill guy's worth a punt.
  12. Hey, don't worry. No one scored more than a single point for the Brazil-Mexico game.
  13. Classy Japan. http://www.policymic.com/articles/91279/japan-fans-did-what-no-other-soccer-fans-would-after-their-world-cup-team-lost?utm_source=policymicFB&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=social
  14. I was mightily impressed with South Korea. They played with confidence and determination, despite shaky moments in their defence. They deserved the draw, and to some extent they deserved a win.
  15. Several of us managed to scrape a single point to start the second round of the tournament, and we can all claim right now to top the leader board! For the tournament as a whole, verreauxi leads. Welcome to Geth who has now joined us!
  16. TonkaRoost gets a perfect score and leaps five places up the table. The first round is over, and congratulations to verreauxi for winning by a landslide.
  17. And he plays for no team right now. According to the BBC, his former team were relegated and he left them.
  18. I'm sure I was in the crowd somewhere when the Olympics were held in Atlanta.
  19. They had Christ as a pundit? I'm listening!
  20. Hey, I forgot that: I've been a qualified coach for decades! Thanks for giving me some credibility. BTW, many of the reports I've read on the first England game express the opinion that Rooney was the main problem. It's certainly not true that every pundit thinks he's brill.
  21. Maybe I can point out that the gap between first and second place is now the same as the gap between second and last place (which yours truly currently occupies).
  22. Verreauxi wins yet another game and now has a 10-point lead for the round.
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