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Cornish Steve

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Everything posted by Cornish Steve

  1. Bluenosetoffee was the only person to predict the exact score of the Japan-CIV game. It's not enough to catch verreauxi, though, who stays top of the table for now.
  2. The difference between CIV and Japan: Drogba. Within 5 minutes of him coming on the field, the score went from 1-0 Japan to 2-1 CIV. That's what England need, someone who can inspire the team.
  3. We disagree again. Based on this performance, both England and Italy will struggle to get out of the group. England may have been dreadful, but Italy weren't much better.
  4. Agree completely. Both teams were poor; it wasn't just England. Either one of these teams would have been buried by most of the teams that played previously. I've been in the jungles of that region several times, and it does get very humid. Still, by that time of day, the heat will have subsided. For me, climate is no excuse - and both teams had adequate time to prepare. It will be interesting to see how well or poorly Cameroon and Croatia play in that stadium.
  5. Most of the British press appear to agree with you, so I'll let it lie and agree to disagree.
  6. I'm not questioning what you saw; it's just that I saw something quite different. England's right flank was more exposed than their left.
  7. BTW, I can tell you two players who would have made a big difference out there today (only they aren't English): McCarthy and Coleman.
  8. And why is Frank Lampard in the England squad again? The team needs players who can actually make a difference.
  9. You reading the shite's twitter feed again? Again, Baines was certainly not the weak link. Four or five other players are better candidates for that title. Plus, Baines had a decent crack at goal from a set piece, whereas Gerrard's was an embarrassment. (Put that in your red pipe and smoke it!)
  10. Actually, I thought Baines did OK. Other than Johnson at right back, our defence was average - compared to the midfield, which was MIA. I'd have trouble picking a player of the game for England, but it would probably be Sterling. For the next game, England should think seriously about whether Rooney, Wellbeck, Gerrard, and Johnson should play. Plus, the team needs a spark, because there isn't one right now. It's like watching people working for the government - doing a 9-5 job with no real commitment, creativity, or desire to win, but all too ready to pick up a big paycheck.
  11. Once again, verreauxi takes the lead with another perfect score. Well done!
  12. At a high level, the game was won and lost in midfield. Frankly, England didn't have one. Gerrard, in particular, offers nothing to the team. Yes, there's a weakness at right back (Bolatelli easily lost his marker for Italy's second), but I'd be more worried about the midfield.
  13. I don't understand the comments about the teams playing well. I've watched every game so far, and the only team to play worse than England and Italy was Australia, and at least they tried.
  14. Well, that's 90 minutes of my life I won't get back. Both teams were awful - boring, unimaginative, and without passion. I know they'll blame the climate, but they've had weeks to prepare and the game was played during evening hours. I was watching on a Spanish channel (because we don't get cable and none of the English-speaking broadcast channels were showing this game), and the commentators were actually laughing at England at times - especially at Rooney. When he wasted that corner, they spent several seconds just laughing. Mind you, it was rather comedic. If I was the manager of Costa Rica, I'd feel rather confident right now if this is the calibre of the opposition.
  15. I was impressed with two or three of the Costa Rica players. Plus one of the Greek backs was very impressive, despite the scoreline. Sadly, didn't note their names!
  16. Two very average and boring teams. Very little creativity. Someone like Ross Barkley would turn this game on its head. BTW, who was it on a stretcher and receiving treatment right after the England goal?
  17. I know I predicted an England win, but I really do think that Italy will. We shall see. Both teams are relying on their big-name status and not on current ability.
  18. Costa Rica have the least expensive team in the tournament. The value of their entire squad is less than the average worth of a single England player. We ought to be able to find some value there. Come on, Roberto.
  19. Congratulations to Peter H and verreauxi for scoring two points from a very unexpected result (one point for the correct result at half-time and another point for predicting the correct number of goals scored by Uruguay). The rest of us didn't do too well! MikeO retains a one-point lead at the top.
  20. MikeO retains a slim lead despite being the only person to score zero points this game and there being one perfect score.
  21. And he made the two outstanding passes of the game.
  22. 3-1 final because of the goal in stoppage time, but the Ossies had several chances to make it 2-2 in that half. They are awful, I have to say, but they showed spirit. Was very disappointed with Chile because I had them down as one of the potential surprise teams of this tournament. They were rather poor.
  23. MikeO is on a tear. Maximum points again! Congrats also to doc_bump for a perfect score this round. Here are the results for the latest game and the prediction league table so far.
  24. Only one person predicted correctly that the Dutch would win, so congratulations to NyarkosLeftToe. Overall, MikeO retains his lead.
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