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    Marco Rojas
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  1. Well Im gonna print my own damn crest on my own damn tshirt and wear it with pride lol
  2. This stimulates me NOT!. Still makes a mockery of the process in which they profiled other club crests and the direction they suggested that it may go ie: 'reflecting a modernisation'.. In my opinion it still falls short of what it could be and should have been.
  3. Yep fair point... but just did this as requested from jona... along the lines of AC Milan... but Ive done my dash with it all seeing as the decisions being made shortly.
  4. And just for jona 32 ....the oval variation... personally Im not that fussed on ovals... and I dont think this carries over some of the uniqueness/traditions and history ... but there ya go an oval lol Maybe my creative juices have stopped flowing!
  5. The thread got moved for some reason... if the club has settled on a design that's fine... this is more an exercise in broadening the scope of creativity more than anything else. I would agree however with the 'plump' look and that it looks hideous (in my opinion). Ive done branding for companies for 20 years or so now and Id have to say now that while it embraces a raft of historical and unique attributes which are absolutely required to maintain its integrity, uniqueness and purpose... it somehow falls short in projecting some other progressive and modern qualities... aspects that reflect the 'now' and the realisation of greater 'buy in' and in the greater context of its scope for greater merchandising/marketing potential.
  6. I don't my sphere if influence comes within light years of the board somehow lol Its something that another more influential person could run with tho. Will have a crack at an oval in the concept... watch this space
  7. Have my contributions and my own concepts on the crest been removed?... perhaps they were an unwanted distraction?
  8. I think this will be the last cut for this.. its been been fun progressing it. Subtle changes only really. Balancing out the latin and wreaths.. and slighly embelishing the wreaths themselves. The border is marginally narrowed and the 1878 is a different font. The tower now has a solid blue surround rather than the white.... Will be keen to see the actual final voting for the 3 that have been put up for nomination.... and then will have a cry lol
  9. Cheers all... I still think a couple of little tweaks could be added but as Vranny pointed out the bus has left the station with it a little... unless someones a good buddy of Mr B. Kenwright or Mr R. Martinez lol
  10. Yeah.. Im wondering if what you put in is what you get out sometimes... so hence my crack at a derivative. Im personally liking the last option now with the text inside the sheild... but as you said the boat has sailed. I equally agree that there should be some risks taken.. and thats often dictated by either the breif or the creativity of the designer... or combination of both. So hence my first remark!
  11. yeah fair call... I have looked at all the criteria and it was on a whim that I threw this together after seeing the 3rd crest and just figured.. 'why not' . point taken on the to modern aspect... I do wonder if the options being voted on are a little 'safe' .. and maybe when it comes to aspects like merchandising etc may come across a little bland. Ive thrown in a 'reverse ' option on the same idea to reflect a blue background... and just for the sake of it I have had a crack at incorporating the name in the crest and demodernised it haha... Thanks for your thoughs!
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