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Everything posted by GoldfishMemory

  1. He'd have just headed any on comming traffic out for a throw in anyway!!! Nice to hear your ok Davey
  2. Or between the age of about 12 and death if my mother and ex girlfriends are anything to go by!!
  3. Fan-fuckin-tastic What a trip, what a match, what an atmosphere and what a great time we had with the Germans. I'm still wiped out but I'm up to go catch the Chel$ki coach, another win for the mighty blues today? Me hopes so COYB
  4. If he can stay in the league and keep them stable nest season it's a success. You cant judge a new manager on his promotion season to the prem its gona be a fight no matter what!!
  5. IMO its under instruction from Everton / Merseyside police. I'v noticed this season how controling merseyside police are with people traveling abroad for the football and everton have doon fuck all in our defence.
  6. I'm up the wall over Jags is he a mid or is he a defender? He has the atributes to become a decent centre mid but he looks like a headless chicken when he plays there. He breaks up play but 90% of the time he goes to ground and puts the ball out of play so I don't know On the other hand he was the most fustrating player on the pitch last night getting caught out of position regular and giving away easy balls far too often under no pressure at all. We (I say we, my mate who was fumin) counted 8 before half time then give up so he didnt become one of those moaning cunts. I was diappointed to say the least Time to toe the line Phil an show us what you can do
  7. Thats ace Theres a centre half think he might play for Tranmere who's surname is Goodison!
  8. You might just have a bit of grit or a small stone lodged in the mechanism somewhere mate, I had a nasty noise comming out of my brakes a few years back and it was sorted with a few squirts of compressed air to clear out the debris.
  9. I'v been out of college 3 years now mate an it'd still take me around 5 years to earn his monthly wage!
  10. Blimey I'm sorry to hear that I hope you are both as well as can be expected, Mac, T & the lil Macs too!
  11. Think the draws sat. I'd take anyone at home TBH apart from Arsenal theyre just too fast on the attack for us <_<
  12. Damn my speed reading, I read that as net 8K and deducted it was a weekly pay slip :|
  13. Watched Vaughan last night at Luton and the kid is gona be great he's a rough diamond and with a bit of polishing over the remainder of the season we will have a massive talent on our hands. Good luck to the kid and I hope he's over his injury woes.
  14. Not at all, I couldnt care less where the council boundry lies. We are making a massive mistake business wise by moving from a city under major redevelopment to some waste ground on the edge of town. Boro, Derby, Bolton all horrible places to go and once you loose the passion in your crowd in a new stadium it all falls apart. Look at Bolton's 18,000 attendance last week!! We must keep everton an active part if the city not an outskirts spectator watching anfield get a string of sporting events & concerts. They are the bastard son's of Everton why should we surrender the city and give them all that earning potential??
  15. Theres a pic of the front with his name, number & address on NSNO somewhere! Makes me laugh that footballers get paid weekly and most of us have to struggle through a whole month to pick up our tiny (in comparison) pay packets.
  16. Ooooww I smell a spicy story!! Good to hear from you mucker an I look forward to your full time return even if you are mad as a box of frogs
  17. Got taught a new verse to the Arteta song last night Follow follow follow, Everton is the team to follow, From the banks of the mersey, To the flats in Kirkby, It's better than bein from Oslo, So tell all the shite you know, Everton is the team to follow, Cos theres nobody better, Than Mickel Arteta, He's the best little Spainiard we know.
  18. Little Johnny keeps asking his Dad for a television in his bedroom, to which his Dad keeps saying "No". After all the nagging, he agrees and says, "OK". Several nights later Johnny comes downstairs and asks "Dad, what's Love, Juice?". Dad is horrified, and after looking at Mum who's also gob smacked, proceeds to give his son the whole works, warts and all. Johnny now sits on sofa with his mouth open in amazement. Dad asks, "So, what is it you've been watching then Son?" Johnny replies, "Wimbledon."
  19. I think it's ment as a bit of a disclaimer Mike as they are running a trip nobody can say they didnt get warned by the organisers!
  20. You serious? TC was my hero when I was a kid, scored a hat trick against Southampton in my first ever game 89 or 90 I believe.
  21. Just picked this up from Kipper. Reading the 2 paragraphs in green something jumped out at me, what the fuck are they playing at?? This is a seniour European nation surly as part of Europe they need to be open to freedom of speach and accept that people will have an opinion weather it is for or against the Nazi ideology. Our country is over run with racist biggots from all backgrounds and we let them have their say, I was under the impression we are in this stupid situation as a result of being part of the European Union and working under their guidelines when it comes to freedom of speach and human rights. Now it appears that another major European nation is still stamping it's feet over something it doesnt like and getting away with it so it begs the question why is our country so weak over everything? Germany arest people because they dont like what is being said about actual historical events. America turn back holiday makers after 7 hour flights with little explaination Astralia leave ships full of imigrants out at sea untill they get so hungry they go home Great Brittain is incapable of controling it's own boarders, lets muslims & white groups alike spout racist shite on a regular basis under the umbrella of 'freedom of speach'. Lets in thousands of eastern europeans regardless of the fact the know they're gona get jobs cash in hand and add fuck all to the economy. What is this country playing at and why is it continuing when everybody else in the world seems capable of drawing a line in the sand regarding issues that effect it's people. When are we going to get a grip, we are proberbly one of the smallest (in physical size) developed nations in the world and still we let our little island get over run because we just can't say NO! Soap box away for another few weeks
  22. The quote came from a Cardiff fan!
  23. Was reading a favorite quotes thread on another forum an this one cracked me up. "Everyone's very comfortable on the ball and almost all of them are athletic. We play what I call 'orgy football'; The other team know they're going to get it, but they don't know from whom or where from" - Sam Hammam Can't think of one of my own at the mo but I'll get back, any other favorite quotes??
  24. No and I havent said I do. I think he's looked lazy but I also know he's had virtually no pre season and didnt train at all during the 3 weeks after the news of his possible transfare to us. He's looked better & sharper each game he's played, he did alot of running yesterday which you wouldnt have seen on the TV and the only real negative I can give about yesterdays performance is his first touch was shite for most of the game. I just think he needs a little time and Moyes to play to his strengths more. I also think (well know in my mind!) the two goals scored by Yak would have been missed by our squad n the past whereas now when we put the ball in the box if it hit's the Yak he will hit the target and that is something we have been missing for years, even AJ last season wasnt exactly clinical when put through! As for Beattie & Bent, ALL wigan fans if given a gun would end Marcus Bents suffering & Beattie has found his level once again! Yes creativly we have got better (miles better!!!) but we have created in the past also just failed to finish!
  25. If it's that straight forward Licker why havent we been banging them in for years?? I'v lost count of the amount of times one of our players has ballooned a chance like Yak put away against Bolton & it's been a long time since I'v seen anyone in a blue shirt beat a keeper one on one. Correct me if I'm worong but for the last couple of years we've been crying out for a player who can score and when we get one just because he's a lazy fucker it's all of a sudden easy to score goals and anybody can do it. Beattie & Bent start off an embarrassingly long list of actuall professional footballers who couldnt!
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