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Posts posted by NYBlue

  1. I'm hoping that this one is the one where Gerrard has a mare against us and it finally sinks it that's he's lost it. Goals and more goals. We definitely should't be fearing them, just need some pride, passion and belief. We'll get the result.

  2. Its an intersting situation isn't it.... Barkley out and we concede goals by the bucket load.


    Does he stop other teams committing themselves as much due to his ability to create quick counter attacks? Does this counter threat make teams think twice?


    Personally I love watching the lad in full flow, some things are worth more than money, he reminds me of the days when we watched Rooney swagger around as a 17 year old.

    You raise a good point there. I think the timing of the injury on the eve of the season really disrupted things simple because of the focal point he plays/was going to play from the off. Doesn't excuse the mistakes that are being made but definitely hit us harder than we probably think.

  3. I keep seeing conflicting reports about Costa. He's out then maybe out, I guess we won't know for certain until the teams are announced. Doesn't help the fantasy football.


    Agreed on the above, 433 with that lineup would be excellent. Eto'o on at 70, score at 90+4 and then 'hobble' over to Mourinho with his zimmerframe celebration.

  4. Good post. Definitely in line with what we should have been doing. While Moyes did bring down the overall playing age of the squad I feel that this current strategy is getting more recognition because Martinez is willing to take on the risk that comes with playing younger players than Moyes was comfortable with.

    Continuing that strategy will be wholly dependent on what progress we make this season. Make good progress then we'll be able to keep Ross, Rom, Stones. Stutter and the offers will come in for those players.

  5. Think it's very sad for a lad who came through our ranks with such promise to take what he thought was a step forward to end up taking three or four steps back.


    Wish him a decent career but it'll never hit the heights we (and he) hoped.


    Same, we got a great deal for him. Can't believe that Sunderland would consider paying that much without it being a loan to start with.

  6. The first I heard about this news was when I got a notification on my mobile. It's only when I came on here that I saw that the press conference had been planned. Slightly strange that we went all out on Ross signing the new contract but taking a step back it clearly states that the team is being built around him and that he is very happy at Everton, it's a huge statement.


    It may seem strange to an event such as that but surely in a few years we'll look back and say that it was a defining moment in the club's recent history.

  7. I can see him back here in January if he's not getting enough action/making a big enough impact at Barca. (May just be wishfull thinking though.)

    Same. I see the reasoning being back at Barca, common sense would dictate that it would have been better for him to stay with us. Hope it does turn out like that, would be a great addition in January and would be a huge lift for the club.

  8. With the United players that we got on the cheap I think that was more of a reflection of United's appreciation in their desire to play elsewhere. They did it for a number of players.


    I can't believe they are paying a reported 34M for Luke Shaw, in that case I guess the price being quoted for Cleverly isn't too bad.

  9. Funny, few people mentioning the price. It's not cheap is it. Their currency conversion is a tiny bit off which makes it a bit more expensive in $. I was intending to get a first shirt for the mrs but not at those prices.


    Anyone know when the squad numbers are announced?

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