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Posts posted by Chach

  1. 12 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

    she and harris are probably the best bets.  i just think sanders and biden's age and being old white guys really hurts them.  unless either of them were able to get a real powerhouse VP (showing even if they die it would be in possibly better hands) i just think age will be their downfall.

    Bernie is great and from an outsiders point of view a US national treasure and I'm sure Biden is a great guy who can work with conservatives, but surely now they are just taking up space. You think how fast illness can overtake you at that age, its irresponsible to be taking on/aiming for such a high office surely?

  2. 1 minute ago, markjazzbassist said:

    there are no good candidates for the dems.  Bernie is great but too old, Biden too old, Warren had the native american snafu, Kamala Harris too unknown, etc.  I think Trump will win again.

    I think it has to be Warren, at the time I thought the native american thing was a show stopper but she seems to have shaken it off. She's whip smart and people will warm to her.

  3. On 07/08/2019 at 04:45, Ghoat said:

    Long post is long


    have you read the executive summaries of the Mueller report?


    Putin's primary goal is the break up of the EU and the destruction (inc sowing discord) of as many liberal democracies as possible, there's no 4D chess game going on and Clinton would have seen straight though him and united the west against him. 



  4. 12 hours ago, SpartyBlue said:

    The second amendment was intended to ensure a well regulated militia so that the population could overthrow a tyrannical government if necessary. 

    Quite an odd concept in a democratic republic of 50 states, makes me think the collective rather than individual theory was the way it was intended.

  5. 11 minutes ago, pete0 said:

    Surely you can muster more than 3 words and a picture that Corbyn has already apologised about. Then again maybe the BBC didn't publish the apology since they struggle to understand what one is. 


    Oh he apologised, well that's fine then. It probably had nothing to do with getting caught and everything to do with him being genuinely sorry.


  6. 18 hours ago, pete0 said:

    You can see for yourself. That already denied comments about Diane Abbot, oh and protected/enabled pedophiles. 

    A link? They've done a whole panarama on it. His BBC record isn't great either looking at that he's anti Muslim and BBC even said  “any attempt at a reasoned, detached, analytic or investigative programme”. About his work for them. So why hire him for a very specific piece? How is that not bias. 

    So you say this scum fella has Jewish daughters so he's got a vested interest yet dismiss the Labour Jewish communities opinion 👍

    The irony that you are attacking a journalist who is being smeared as an islamophobe for criticising Islam, to defend a guy who has been smeared an anti semite for (from what I can tell mostly) criticising Israel is too delicious not to point out.

    The BBC is a giant organisation, cherry picking a few bad outcomes does not make the whole thing rotten.

  7. 16 minutes ago, pete0 said:

    They've edited the picture, how's that balanced, what purpose does it serve? Every week they're saying he's to blame for the antisemitism in Labour. Was there none in the party before Corbyn took over, what was BBCs coverage on it before he took over? 

    Scores of objective articles don't balance a very blatant smere campaign against one man. How can you possibly claim a former Sun journalist doing the panarama isn't bias. How are the facts presented in the JVL article bias? 

    They specifically deny any editing of the picture and its not self evident in the picture its been edited its just a claim by Owen Jones, if you want to claim that the BBC are blaming Corbyn for antisemitism in Labour then provide a link.

    How can I possibly claim a former Sun journalist doing the panarama isn't bias?

    Why does being at the Sun for three years of a 40 year career in the 70's preclude you being an investigative journalist on Panorama. He has two Jewish daughters too, does that preclude him from having an interest in anti-semitism?

  8. 3 hours ago, pete0 said:

    I'm assuming you're not a Brit, Lyons is talking as if you will already know the stuff as over here it's pretty much known the BBC are against Corbyn and doing everything they can to sway people. Here's one example to get the jist


    Just look at the disproportionate coverage of Corbyn supposedly being antisemitic compared to Boris who called black people picaninnies with water melon smiles and Muslim women letter boxes. 

    The BBC would have you believe Corbyn is a racist Russian sympathiser, yet his record shows he's an equality striving pacifist. 

    Just found another article about a recent BBC documentary about Labour being antisemitic, the 'impartial' BBC had a former journalist of the scum direct it. 

    As a public broadcaster the BBC has a duty to be impartial. Yet it has employed the former Sun journalist and Corbyn critic John Ware to direct tonight’s documentary. His greatest hits include:

    • The widely criticised 2015 Panorama documentary that made false claims about Jeremy Corbyn.
    • A documentary described by the Muslim Council of Britain as “an anti-muslim witch hunt” and in the Guardian as “McCarthyite”.
    • Another documentary about British muslims that the BBC had to apologise for and pay compensation.
    • A film about the ‘hard left’ running local schools which was criticised in the BBCs own magazine for abandoning “any attempt at a reasoned, detached, analytic or investigative programme”.

    It’s clear John Ware has an anti-Labour agenda and he should not have been employed to direct a ‘fair and impartial’ documentary


    I'm expat but follow UK news, you have drawn a massive bow there from a graphic used on Newsnight (about Corbyn wanting "incontrovertible evidence" that Russia was involved in an assassination attempt on ex Russian spies in the UK using Russian nerve agents) and them promoting the idea he's racist. Do you have anything where the BBC originate claims that Corbyn is racist?

    There are literally scores of objective articles on the BBC reporting on issues with anti semitism in the Labour party presented dispassionately, far less biased that the Jewish Voice for Labour piece you've linked there., that piece analogous to the kind of ad hominem attacks on journalists that Trump makes.

    I'm a liberal and to say the BBC has a Tory bias is fanciful to say the least.


  9. 54 minutes ago, pete0 said:


    “I don’t think I’m alone in feeling that the BBC has sought to hedge its bets of late. There have been some quite extraordinary attacks on the elected leader of the Labour Party. I mean quite extraordinary. I can understand why people are worried about whether some of the most senior editorial voices at the BBC have lost their impartiality in this.”


    “All I’m voicing is the anxieties that have been expressed publicly by others,” added a paid up member of the Labour Party :)

    Giving zero specific examples.

    Question time is a televised debate program, its never going to get the balance spot on. If you go to the front page of the BBC website its pretty much 100% straight reporting.

  10. On 26/05/2019 at 17:46, MikeO said:


    Yes he's done some decent humanitarian stuff abroad as well but still cut from the same cloth as the rest of them. Never experienced applying for Universal Credit I wouldn't think, or working on a zero hours contract or getting by on minimum wage.



  11. 7 hours ago, MikeO said:

    Missed the Piers Morgan reference because I was sat in the dentist's waiting room when I replied so not sure it was directed at me. No matter, but just to clarify (if it was directed at me) that you couldn't be more wrong; I spend no time watching gameshows or breakfast TV so I have no interest in his opinions or his methods of putting them across. Plainly you'd need to be blind not to have noted his fame/notoriety/opprobrium come to your attention if you have any interest in current affairs but I've spent 7/8 hours watching the live feed from from parliament over the last couple of days and absolutely zero time watching TVAM or whatever they're now called.

    Hope you don't find this embarrassing, perhaps you watch him a lot; each to their own.

    I follow people on twitter I find reprehensible to make sure I don't live in an echo chamber of my own making.

    I'd be more embarrassed if I'd spent all day reading the live feed and my analysis was "its all the woman's fault"

    Like you say though, each to their own :)

  12. 13 hours ago, Matt said:

    Which was nothing :huh: 

    Yep, so you can't blame her for not achieving what couldn't be achieved which is why I find the armchair analysis from the peanut gallery so cringe inducing.

    Regardless of party politics/bias, I think its hard to make a case that she hasn't done her best to try and minimize the harm that will come from Brexit. 

    The day after day humiliation of going back to the EU, cap in hand, I don't think a blokes ego would let him do it which is why Cameron fucked off, and she kept the Brexiteers at bay.

  13. 1 minute ago, MikeO said:

    You'd need to ask them that.

    I find those kind of responses you posted embarrassing to point I wish I had less capacity for empathy, they're whatever the thing one higher than cringe inducing is.

    Piers Morgan disciples.

  14. 19 hours ago, MikeO said:

    So? As the guy who committed the crime is charged with "assault by beating" it would suggest the he was punched in the head because CPS guidelines say...

    "A battery is committed when a person intentionally or recklessly applies unlawful force to another. Where there is a battery, the defendant should be charged with ‘assault by beating’. (DPP v Little (1992) 1 All ER 299)."

    So the press suggesting an egg was thrown at him (without reference to distance) is misrepresenting what seems to have happened. Even the Met put out a statement that, "On Sunday, March 3 at around 3:52pm an egg was thrown at a Member of Parliament."

    I have no idea what actually occurred but on the face of it someone's not telling the truth; the fact that he wasn't hurt (although punching a 69 man in the head is quite likely going to cause a fair bit of pain) is irrelevant.

    "battery is classified as the application of unlawful force"

    My main issue was the assumption that the BBC were playing it down. It was a non event and the fact Jez probably took it in his stride and played it down himself fed into that narrative.

    If it was Mo Salah the guy would probably be up on attempted murder charges.

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