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Posts posted by Chach

  1. 1 hour ago, Palfy said:

    You can never truly know that and it was the EU that originally through the offer of an extension into the mix, we need that extension to get an agreement in this country and for the very real possibility of it been given back to the people to have the final say.

    I never seen anywhere that he said we need a new mandate he said we shouldn't be given an extension, and obviously Brexit doesn't mean Brexit or there wouldn't have been a deal agreed by May and the EU that kept us in the EU trade agreement that's not Brexit if you voted out.

    Its pretty clear mate, he's saying if you need to have a vote on the deal your PM has negotiated then we'll give you an extension. But he's also saying the deal that has been negotiated is the one we are prepared to give you and if you want an extension to renegotiate that then don't waste our and your time.

    It shits me to tears that the other states are now going to blamed for the UK's stupid decisions, its all a big conspiracy when the UK has brought this entirely on itself.

    The EU did not have a referendum on the Brexit, the UK did and they are now protecting the interests of the union like any good union would and should.

  2. 48 minutes ago, Palfy said:

    France will do as they are told for fear of upsetting Germany the question of an extension was raised months ago as an idea by the EU it's self, Germany needs a deal for fear of having to carry the financial can if we leave with no deal, but what we are seeing from Macron is typical he wants us out with no deal for his own gains, and Spain are still licking their wounds over Gibraltar.

    Now we have the one person that supposedly has the knowledge saying we are relying on 27 EU countries to save us from financial ruin by allowing an extension to article 50, to that I say you want us to suffer financial ruin because if we don't the EU will fragment with more citizens in each country wanting a vote to leave, so the personal grievances of each individual country will be swept a side by the need for a deal because the bigger problem for the EU is we go it alone and are successful.

    He's simply saying we need a new mandate, the current mandate is leave (Brexit means Brexit)

    Why would they agree to an extension so the UK can fanny around for a deal it's never getting?


  3. 6 hours ago, Palfy said:

    So Holystove please don’t bring Macron into it France may dictate to Belgium but not here. 

    All EU members must agree, so France has veto.

    This is the power we are giving up so we can "take back control"


  4. 12 minutes ago, Shukes said:

    Abromovic wipes that off on just transfers alone though. He’s runoured to have put billions into Chelsea to get them where they are. He will never get it back.... but I don’t think he cares.

    He knows that he is part of Chelsea’s legacy and that’s all he cares about. He must be one of the most well known owners in world football. That’s worth billions to him.

    The loan is the investment, that's his net contribution.

  5. 18 hours ago, StevO said:

    You don’t think their owners have spent billions either? 

    You think if Abramovic sold Chelsea tomorrow he would get his money back? He will sell the club for more than he bought it but he won’t get back the few billion he put in. 

    Clubs don’t make them kind of profits, they put it all back in to compete. Ego!

    Abramovic paid just over 200m for Chelsea and the loan through a parent company is just over 1.1b. Club is worth way more than that.

    We're not talking about profit from revenues, we're talking about increase in market cap through investment.

  6. 19 hours ago, StevO said:

    Any billionaire who’s in football for the money is an idiot, no one makes money owning a football club anymore. It costs them a fortune, unless you own Man Utd and you leverage your assets it’s very very hard to make money and be competitive at the same time. 

    I don’t see why you think we are failing Palfy? Yeah haven’t won anything but we aren’t any worse off than we were under Bill. We’re just about the same, but with a bit of muscle in the market. 

    Surprised how many people have liked this when it's demonstrably wrong. Just because someone structures a company in the most tax effective way ie to appear as though it's losing money does not mean its cost them anything when the value of it's shares are going through the roof.

    This is not just football, CEO's don't give a shit about paying dividends, they just want to grow the business.


  7. 6 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

    he's not a practicing jew though matt, he has stated he is agnostic or athiest (can't remember which now) and is just jewish by birth in essence.  i don't see that as an issue.

    My good man, have you forgotten where you live?

    Atheism not a problem? The Dems were using that in 2016, the GOP will go to town on it. He needs to come out as a direct descendant of Abraham ASAP.

  8. 2 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

    And if my aunty had a dick she'd be my uncle. 

    All good and well saying that but the reality is that this is who she is, and that is the way she was brought up.

    Invite these people into your community and have them live next door to you, knowing they hate you and would prefer it if you were dead.


    Does this make it any easier?


  9. Top rant from a mate on facebook


    "I left the Labour Party and indeed the UK a few years ago because I knew the schism between centrist and left would never come together again.

    When I realised that centrists were far more engaged with attacking the left than they were with going at the Conservatives, I knew the UK was truly fucked. I didn’t want to be around for the collapse.

    As the point of no return passed by, when fellow centrists were willing to let Labour lose rather than get us in power and then worry about the leadership, there was clearly no fixing it. Then Brexit came along…

    Brexit is the fulcrum cause. A more cynical person than me might even say part of its purpose was to smash the left. However Brexit is just symptomatic of a larger malaise of people being incapable of seeing anything other than their own shrieking agenda. There is no more consensus or greater good, only what I want NOW NOW NOW.

    If this centrist spilt happens in full, and a new party is formed, the left will not migrate to it. They will entrench. The split will mean a Tory boot on the face of UK for the rest of our lives. I don't even feel that is hyperbole. The true insanity is that there is a perfectly good 'third way' party in the Lib Dems they could go to if they weren't happy with Labour. But this isn'tt what they want. They don't want the UK to be a better place they want to smash Labour because it's not doing what they want.

    I’d done with Corbyn a while ago. I get what his play is over Brexit but it is wrong. Centrists will say this is all his fault but we all know this split has been in place for some years now. It's not the fault of any sides despite millions of pointing fingers. Everyone is now chasing their own agenda, it's everyone's fault. Brexit is just a brass idol that blame culture bows before. Everyone spends hours pointing fingers and apportioning blame but not one minute doing anything themselves other than, at best, paint a twee banner for an utterly ineffectual ‘protest’ once every 3 or 4 years.

    I talk all the time about being a communist when I am having a laugh online but I’m pretty centrist. Always was ( I used to volunteer for Chuka in the Streatham ward). But I supported Corbyn wholeheartedly pre-Brexit because I wanted Labour to be in power. I saw the right wing propaganda machine wear everyone down, on all sides, until people I very much respect and appear to possess a brain started piling in on him, in what seemed to me to be an act of peer-pressure rather than political know-how. Long before Brexit came along they’d given up on Labour. You don’t get to choose your team, you support it regardless. You do what is best for it. If you don’t like the manager you get rid when the time is right. But you don’t kneecap the players, burn the bus and demolish the stadium when things aren’t going well.

    But there is no getting away from it now. Brexit is a Cold Civil War. It’s hammering the UK into pieces and every time something like this separatist move happens, essentially opportunists making the most of the disaster for personal gain, more pieces are lost under the furniture and won’t ever be found again to glue back on.

    My centrist friends are crowing and whooping today. But I fear what I always said would come to pass has finally happened irreversibly, the end of Labour. And it wasn’t the swivel-eyed nutjobs of Momentum that did for it, it was the ‘nice’ middle class, slightly pompous ‘those who know betters’ who killed it, and it will let the very worst people in the world continue to have their way.

    Of all the recent bullshit in the UK and LORDY has there ever been a lot to choose from! this is the one thing that will reverberate down history. The day we gave it all to the Tories on a silver platter.

    And it will be the weakest and most vulnerable who will bear this brunt of this insanity. As always."

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