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Everything posted by Chach

  1. https://aeon.co/videos/watch-a-single-cell-become-a-complete-organism-in-six-pulsing-minutes-of-timelapse?utm_source=Aeon+Newsletter&utm_campaign=c8959663c9-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_30_05_54&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_411a82e59d-c8959663c9-68965365
  2. UKIP Manchurian Candidate
  3. I think the sex and city example reasonably demonstrates that what is culturally acceptable for women in a western democracy is not universal, which was the intention. With regards to the rise of white identity politics and the far right in Australia I have been making the point its symptomatic of all western democracies, not just he US so not really sure why you felt the need to post that.
  4. That really only scratches the surface of Haidt's work which I think has the potential to be revolutionary in the way we interact with each other (libs and cons, like Mike I did find some of the graphics slightly hyperbolic/problematic not Haidt's fault) I haven't actually read the book but this review is probably a better summation than the video of the crux of his thesis https://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/25/books/review/the-righteous-mind-by-jonathan-haidt.html I have listened to him discuss it a lot though and I think this is the best primer (it's on itunes etc), if you are a liberal and you have ever thought "OMG, WHY CAN'T CONSERVATIVES JUST LISTEN TO REASON AND SEE THE LOGIC" then I would highly recommend it. If Trump, Brexit, the rise of the alt right and authoritarianism in general doesn't tell us we need to start interacting with status quo Cons better then it's likely to get worse. https://armchairexpertpod.com/pods/jonathan-haidt
  5. Polling shows 30-40% want immigration decreased (if not stopped altogether) a seemingly large proportion of those people conflate normal immigration with undocumented arrivals which is why they have hard ons for things like walls and I can't imagine "a better, more efficient system" is going to placate them. Did you watch the video I linked summarising Jonathan Haidt's work?
  6. Great piece from Ian Dunt in the Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/the-collective-madness-behind-britains-latest-brexit-plan/2019/01/31/48d4d67e-2578-11e9-81fd-b7b05d5bed90_story.html?fbclid=IwAR3AMPdBOfudBSWtf94nS4e3swvBnj7zHA_MjO5jmMY7a-CJOybBIcZ0crs&noredirect=on&utm_term=.3ee1f77d0bcf
  7. Compromise? "So how about investing the supposed billions into services to provide a better system, like cutting applications waiting time down to something that isn’t sometimes years? That way, you make the immigration & aslyum process less intimidating, easier to understand, etc. and encourage the use of it." You think this is something that people opposed to immigration would see as a compromise, and then accuse me of trolling? Ok, then.
  8. Yeah so what you are saying is you want to impose your political ideologies regarding immigration on the other half of the population who don't share them because you think its right. Thing is the other side think they're right too and democracies are built on compromise. This is a well studied issue, its not going away any time soon.
  9. Again, I understand that the immigration issues between western countries are not perfectly analogous but what is is its weaponisation by right wing elements and I don't think it's going away the jobs lost to automation will pale in comparison to the jobs lost to AI. Anyway if you say the Dems are winning and Trump is losing then I'm happy to take your word on that, I didn't realise how much I appreciated US world leadership until it was gone.
  10. Sorry mate but even if you googled devils avocado you'd get the same definition and the fact you are located in America hasn't made your arguments to someone who actually aligns with your political bias any more convincing. Especially when you just strawman and cherry picking the bits of arguments you want to refute (Trump hasn't even asked for $70b, its a figure plucked out of the Dems arse) I might be in Australia but you're in New York virtue signalling into your progressive echo chamber, that won't beat Trump
  11. I don't mean to sound dickish but I suggest googling devils advocate, I don't think the wall is a good idea but 40% of your population do and that is what you must contend with. I live in a country where we raced to the absolute bottom of the barrel over the minuscule amount of boat arrivals we received (like 3000 out of like 250k legal + over stayers) that resulted in not only a draconian border security policy but empowered the conservative right wing of a centre right liberal party to enact all sorts of environmental and economic wrecking activity. As long as you are right about the wall not being effective though hey ,who gives shit about all the other unintended consequences.
  12. Then there's a good chance you fall in the group of people who would "rather be right than effective", I think the politicization of immigration and immigrants is completely toxic to any democracy and have seen two many centre left parties go to the wall because they wouldn't make a good show on border security. As long as we keep lumping anyone who wants an orderly immigration system in with the "ignorant and intolerant" lot then we will just keep empowering the right.
  13. I'm yet to digest, this looks pretty significant though. https://www.factcheck.org/2018/06/illegal-immigration-statistics/ I come back to my original avocado, right or wrong a significant portion of the population are worried about illegal immigration more and more evidence points to these character traits being genetic, they can't help it and they aren't going to be won over, you must have noticed this when you are arguing with conservatives. Is this the hill the Democrats should risk dying on, why give him any more ammo? Just think about what they could negotiate with him to let him have what he wants for something in your opinion will make ZERO difference except create a load of jobs?
  14. Where are you getting your figures from on methods of entry, I can;t find anything decent?
  15. Umm, do you think that might be because he never delivered the wall he promised?
  16. the same way the wall works around your house, its a physical and symbolic deterrent that says "you're not allowed in here" Obviously if someone is really serious about getting into your house they still can, but that's not a reason to not have any walls.
  17. There's also an argument that some people don't want the wall because it will work. Devil's avocado: He won the election, he has a mandate for the wall. Trump wants $22b, Democrats say worst case scenario could be $70b either is a drop in the ocean in the US budget added to a debt that the US is never likely to worry about repaying and it's essentially an infrastructure project that will create jobs, likely many for Mexicans. Given the election is now less than two years away, is this really the hill that the Dems want to risk dying on?
  18. There should be ellipsis in my post to be fair to the writer, thats not a direct quote in context. Mea culpa.
  19. "When I was in college, a fair number of my fellow students liked to describe themselves as “socially liberal and economically conservative.” This was the 1990s, when Bill Clinton’s “third way” was thriving, and I was attending a college — Yale — where the student body was predominantly affluent. When members of the national media — whose incomes also tend to be above average — describe the prototypical centrist voter, this is the same image they often have in mind: socially liberal and economically conservative. But it’s a big myth. In reality, the American public is closer to being “socially conservative and economically liberal” than the reverse." https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/29/opinion/howard-schultz-president.html?rref=collection%2Fbyline%2Fdavid-leonhardt&action=click&contentCollection=undefined&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection
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