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Elston Gunnn

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Posts posted by Elston Gunnn

  1. He was just as shit first half. Getting in good positions then running into trouble and losing the ball.

    He tried of that there isno doubt but he failed. Gave it away all fur coat and no knickers.

    He's fucking garbage.

    I come in peace, truly.


    Paddock's post has got me laughing. But not at Paddock. Just images, and good memories.


    1. I'm charmed, in more ways than one, by the Britism, "all fur coat and no knickers." Comparable to the Americanism, "all hat, no cattle."


    2. But then my mind started wandering to hats and knickers, so naturally I thought of the Randy Newman song, probably made famous by Joe Cocker, "You Can Leave Your Hat On." Whimsical eroticism. Never know where TT will lead.


    3. Once I got past the knickers [........], I honed in on Paddock's, um, bottom line, that McGeady is utter garbage. I'm certain you're all way ahead of me on this one, but just to be sure, the relevant comparison is surely this brief interchange in "Waldorf Salad," the "Fawlty Towers" episode featuring Basil's battle with the ugly American tourist.


    Mr. Hamilton: What I'm suggesting is that this place is the crummiest, shoddiest, worst-run hotel in the whole of Western Europe.


    Major Gowen: No! No, I won't have that! ...... There's a place in Eastbourne.

  2. I know, we're saying it every week. But this, and Palace, really are must win games with the ones that are coming up for us.

    Not literally true, but close enough to literal truth to be uncomfortable. Most important is that we build on momentum from last three matches. Stoppage equalizer from Lukaku to force replay. Then Naismith header to come back against City. Then inspired Cup play - the better team playing 65 minutes down a man.


    So, even without a win in last 3 matches, all 3 showed significant improvement from mostly self-induced deep hole [abetted by some tough ref decisions and maddening injuries]. Maybe it's pathetic to feel as if these most recent 3 "feel like victories," but we can remember how truly pathetic our play had become.


    Emotionally and psychology, we were looking into the relegation abyss. These last 3 constitute a big step back from that abyss. A loss to WBrom, and we're looking over the edge again. A tie, even a miraculous late equalizer next Monday, won't suffice. Such a point in the table might, sure, ultimately keep us up, but anything other than 3 against WBrom -- WBrom at Goodison, for heaven's sake -- will feel like a loss and will be, not just feel like, a momentum destroyer.

  3. WH corner, headed to Collins, bad shot, happy to report.


    Naismith hustle forces WH to boot it wide. Now WH chance, they blow it.


    Goal WH.......


    Caught short, bad balance, bad defending, I guess.

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