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Everything posted by Btay

  1. Atkinson people. Absolute pisstake letting someone slide through the back of someone like that.
  2. Better from andros there. Need a bit of quality and this free kick could be a chance.
  3. I don’t mind the 3 at the back for burnley given the 2 big lads they have up top. However we aren’t winning the midfield so our wingbacks are too deep which is making it a 5 at the back. Need to up the tempo and really get at them. I would like to see Rondon on for Townsend with Richarlison and Gray wide. Rondon should relish the physical battle.
  4. If we can get an early goal they might open up a bit and leave space behind. Otherwise I can see them being very compact and organised.
  5. First thing I thought when the accident happened. Sometimes regulations can be a bit pedantic but as you’ve mentioned, this saved someone’s life here.
  6. Over the moon for Daniel. Set all the house lights to orange
  7. It’s going to be interesting with Mclaren if they pull daniel ricciardo over to let Lando through.
  8. Think they both are at fault. However - first lap Hamilton pulled out of a similar situation wheres in this one max didnt and the accident was the result. Truly lucky no one got hurt.
  9. Look, at the end of the day - if Rafa can get more out James the way he looks to be doing with Gray, Iwobi & Doucoure ( even Allan has looked a lot better ) it will only be a good thing for Everton.
  10. That’s the hammer driving the nail into the timber in one shot right there.
  11. Where has he been quoted though saying he wants to leave?
  12. Absolutely. Few tricky games for the teams around us this weekend and next so hopefully we can get maximum points going into some of our trickier rounds.
  13. 3-0 palace. That edouard from Celtic with a brace in 10 minutes.
  14. I understand your point completely mate. FYI. He’s recently said about how much affection the Everton fans have shown him and that he wants to do well for them. “Everton play on Monday, if they want to take me I’m ready, I’m looking forward to playing if it’s my turn. “I’m very happy because the Everton fans have shown me a lot of affection, if I get to play I’ll play well as always.”
  15. Palace a big chance of getting 3 points off a 10 man Spurs here. Penalty to palace as I’m writing it.
  16. Don’t think the race leader will break out to 1.5 seconds within the first lap like Max did last weekend. Hopefully 2nd is within DRS as well when it’s enabled
  17. Bottas starts the actual race at the back regardless of how he performs in the sprint due to all the changes to the car though right? Edit - sorry mate I’ve seen you’ve allowed for that. It will be interesting to see if Hamilton gets by Bottas easy and what pace Bottas does in second.
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