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Everything posted by Makis

  1. I also remember us signing many injury-prone players who surprisingly were injury-prone at Everton as well.
  2. And I'd like to see a 24-year Dixie Dean. About as likely to happen.
  3. Think the fuss is connected to Shaktar’s performance in the CL.
  4. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/everton-aim-ditch-sam-allardyce-12260820
  5. We were linked with him when he was still playing in Denmark.
  6. So, Allardyce is prepared to pay 8 million plus about 7 million per season for someone who manages about ten matches per season? A four-year contract would cost the club roughly 35 million. I would hope that money is spent on someone who spends more time on the field than in the treatment room.
  7. So we build a stadium bigger than that other lot. They expand by rebuilding one of the stands. Then what? How about instead focusing on what's the best for this club and not worry about that other lot? Matchday revenue is only a small part of a club's income these days. Especially Everton's as the club wants to keep the tickets affordable.
  8. A 27-year from a South American league. What could go wrong?
  9. Sounds like an Italian hitman. Which could be handy.
  10. I have nothing against him as a player but I’d be careful to sign too many injury-prone players.
  11. He owns just shy of 50% of the club so if he put 200 million in the club it would be like giving 100 million to the other owners. And as mentioned he doesn’t have that kind of money lying on a bank account somewhere.
  12. "Exploratory talks"? So season ends in two months and the club don't know who the DoF is come summer?
  13. Brilliant, I was going to correct you.. for about two seconds.
  14. Being a coach is totally different from being a manager. Harvey was a great coach but failed as a manager because he didn't have the skills for it. Management requires a lot of people skills, even more now than then. You have twenty millionaires many of them petulant and you have to keep them all reasonably happy and motivated or it doesn't really matter what you draw on your whiteboard. As a coach you don't have to worry about that sort of things.
  15. If we were in a steady situation with a settled team then maybe. With the current circus of players, half of whom seem uninterested and a squad that needs a complete overhaul, Arteta would be a too big risk.
  16. Where the heck am I supposed to find my customer number? Checked both the club's site & the store site, but can't find it. Hard to check the survey without it.
  17. For players at some point they start to separate their career with their support for a club.
  18. I can't help comparing him to Sakho. Shit at the RS and Sam made him so good the West Ham defence was practically quickly built around him. He's got pace and power and is good in the air. We need all three so it's convenient we get all of that in one package.
  19. What's the last time Lennon scored a goal? Walcott is now 1+1 after less than two hours.
  20. So City would have saved gigarmous amount of money if they had bought Bramble instead?
  21. I'll stop now. That there was so wrong that I can only conclude you haven't actually watched the matches.
  22. You mean other players start their careers at 20?
  23. If he had had a good season do you think he would have been sold for 20 million? He’s been struggling this seadon but he’s played quite a lot before this. Hardly a fringe player.
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