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Posts posted by chalkpie

  1. With our 60% possession we had two shots at goal. Hull are far more direct having 10 shots and two goals. Martinez has got to change the way we play, it is not working.



  2. If we fail to score in this game I will show me arse in Tesco's frozen foods aisle. BUT not over confident of a win.


    You better hope some old bag doesn't mistake your arse for a frozen ham and try and put it in the shopping trolley.

  3. Having read the Newcastle thread last night, I can't believe just how fickle some fans can be. The team goes through a sticky patch, and our manager is suddenly crap, our best players are suddenly crap, our tactics are crap, and everyone should be fired. Indeed, it would appear that some armchair warriors are so confident they are right that they seriously think they could do a better job and they are the only ones with the right answers. Quite frankly, this is hilarious. Of course, everyone has the right to post their own opinions, but it takes some gall to think we know it all and to turn on the team in sometimes rather vicious ways. The name-calling would appear to be classic examples of ad-hom attacks revealing weak and unsubstantiated claims. Personally, I'm hoping that the bad moods will be healed with the passage of time. If not, maybe the term 'fan' needs to be redefined to mean someone who supports the team, its players, and its manager only when they win.




    I think Ian Snodin says it perfectly here. He supports the club, but even he concedes that changes must be made in RM's strategies. I think supporting the club and wanting change when the team is going down the toilet are completely independent of each other.

  4. But that's ridiculous then. If his approach or tactics demand players at a level/calibre higher than the personel he has present, you adapt or change upur approach to suit the abilities. That is the role of a manager. To get the best out of the personel under his tuition.


    Its like a new teacher, teaching year 2's GCSE's expecting them to understand and execute it, irrelevant to their true/current skillset.


    As a teacher myself, I couldn't agree more.


    If the man is *that* unwilling to adapt his system and vision to the current clan he has, then the lion's share of the problem lies with him. I have always liked this guy since day one, but I guess his arrogance and pride is becoming more and more apparent, and I think he is starting to lose favor (or favour for you brits) for some of us. I'm still with him and back him 100% for now, but if changes aren't made, that number is gonna dwindle.

  5. http://royalbluemersey.sbnation.com/2013/6/6/4375422/tactical-analysis-inside-the-mind-of-roberto-martinez


    Apologies if this has been talked about before, but this article seems to break down the tactile play of RM, and from what it seems to conclude that Wigan weren't able to execute his approach properly due to technical and talent limitations, it seems like the current Everton clan is also experiencing the same issues. From what I see at least.

  6. It wasn't that you were ignored as such...It was that it was in the middle of a 'live' game day thread so no one would have the time to answer!!!


    I don't think you'll get a set answer on why what when where...but keep reading back in the forum and you'll get some various, and interesting, views. Also Google Everton and read some articles.


    As for the bickering...If it doesn't involve you, take it with a pinch of salt and laugh at it. It's all a bit daft at times but it's mostly us English men who think we know it all about football and therefore our own view is dead right. It's nothing more than a bit of macho testosterone...we're just a bunch of bitches.


    Enjoy and welcome!!!


    Thanks for the welcome man. Understood on the live game thing - but remember I'm 5 hours behind you bloody bastards :lol:


    This place looks great the more I read and re-read.

  7. Simply put, Martinez's tactics have been found out. Last season, we would use our quick passing and playing out the back to break teams down and it worked for a large part. This season however, teams have been pressing us and our players don't have the technical ability to control the ball and play out of it. As soon as a bit of pressure builds up from the other team, we either pass it all the way back to the goalkeeper until he hoofs it up and we lose possession or we give away a bad pass and get countered. Also, our "quick passing" from last season has severely slowed down and we take too long to make decisions at times. This allows for the other team to get back and defend/press us.


    As for the bickering, I don't want to comment on it but will say that it is usually not the standard of the forum. I've been around for over 2 years (holy crap, didn't really realize it's been that long) and for the most part, everyone is welcoming and knowledgeable of the game. Welcome to the forums and stick around, there is always some good discussion going on (it helps when Everton are playing well though :P)


    Thanks for the answer man. That makes a lot of sense. I was watching Chelsea this morning and trying to imagine the team being Everton, and was saying to myself Everton never plays in this style - and wondering why they don't? And for the record I can't stand Chelsea!


    Martinez seems like a brilliant guy - how does he not realize that this style is not working? Why is he still insistent on using this passing game? I just can't almost believe that he would be that inflexible to try a new mousetrap out. I really want to give him the benefit of the doubt but I am starting to become a non-believer after watching this same style of play game after game, and getting our asses handed to us on a platter in the process.


    Yeah, most everybody seems cool on these discussions on what I've seen so far, but to start exploring this forum for the first time and seeing that BS straight away gave me the wrong impression.



  8. I asked this question in another thread but it went ignored, so I'll try again:


    What is the major difference between last season and this season (aside from the obvious getting our asses wiped all over the pitch) in terms of tactical play and style?


    Why/how did it work last season and not this year?


    And maybe slightly O/T here but as a newbie the bickering/name-calling between Brett Angel and MC11 almost makes me want to unsubscribe after one day. WTF is wrong with you guys? Where are the mods? So congrats guys!

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