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Finn balor

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Everything posted by Finn balor

  1. Let’s get this right Martina is fucking shite. Tony Thomas esque for those who remember. He is a championship player at best. I live in Manchester now and watched the game with Liverpool fans and wondered how we have signed such a poor player
  2. I said at the start who cares what he has done before? The man is a professional .
  3. He talks sense, what is this? It’s a smile on my face.... could all go tits up but u know what? Fuck it. Carry on Sam
  4. No reason why we can’t go there and nick a win. They’ve not much in the squad as regards to quality. We get a win there and things are rolling
  5. I think Sam says “proven” striker. Not many of them about in the premier league. Giroud won’t come maybe batyshuai at chelsea? Is he proven though? Vardy? I’d take a punt on dembele at Celtic. Centre back and left back are a must aswell. I’m sure Sam has targets and has a good network. Mirrallas, McCarthy to be the first ones to go
  6. Could have got Dortmund in next round. Fans would have loved that
  7. Newcastle will go down they are awful. Surely we have a young left back somewhere that can play? 0-2 win DCL and Lennon
  8. Fuck em. If we want to win it let’s have it!!!!
  9. I don’t agree with that. I think a big factor was Sam sitting there and players realising that they have took the piss for too long
  10. Silva would have been my pick but where does he go apart from us? We are the golden grail. Top four. The shite, maybe arsenal. Apart from that we are the club. I just hope Sam is working on us
  11. That would be ideal but players don’t come often like that. Apart from llahm
  12. Why not? Sam will want to stick it up to a lot of people. Good player when fit.
  13. If it was Davey unsworth I’d say we’d get beat 3/4 nil. Under Sam I feel confident we will be in the game. We might not win but we will be in the game. It was the shittest under Martinez when we got tonked when the writing was on the wall. We’ve done something this time. 0-2 Rooney and Niasse
  14. At last we are acting like a professional club. Pointless game. Shakespeare taking us? Sensible. I didn’t want Sam but I tell you what he seems to know what he is doing. Under 23s with benni and mirrallas as capt
  15. World Cup year players need to be playing. We should aim high. Six months loan deals.
  16. I said it from the start. It’s us who has the problem. If he brings us success who will moan? I’m sure he had more reservations than us.
  17. Thing is with him he stands up to anyone, mouriniho, wenger he will have ago back at them and not be bullied. I think once he gets loved up in our club you will see more of that
  18. I’m warming to him. I’ve got a lot of friends who are Bolton fans and they love him
  19. I said it from the start. It’s us who has the problem. If he brings us success who will moan? I’m sure he had more reservations than us.
  20. Fair play, for me I’m hopeful now. Obviously because I’m an evertonian. That’s what we are.
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