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Matt Tiger

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Everything posted by Matt Tiger

  1. First 10 minutes was absolutely dreadful then I thought it was fine
  2. We obviously haven’t. Been great but I thought we grew into the match in the last 10 minutes or so. Happy to go in without conceding and beginning to look a little better.
  3. We don’t really look up for this one…
  4. Enormous result. Miserable watch but I’ll take it.
  5. They’re gonna score any minute here….
  6. We need subs on. Team is falling apart.
  7. Absolutely horrible foul call to nearly give them one. It feels like we’re going to need another goal to get three out of this one
  8. They’re giving us every opportunity to counter. Our comfort on the ball has completely disappeared
  9. Can’t tell if this should count
  10. Starting to be wasteful on the ball now
  11. McNeil obviously having a great outing but lord is he predictable
  12. Great stuff from Godfrey
  13. This result has nothing to do with the ref whatsoever he was shit but we created better chances and our finishing was horrific. Can’t win without finishing.
  14. Inclined to agree but not getting points at home against a mid table side certainly isn’t great.
  15. Unfortunate. We were the better side, but we couldn’t convert and they could. Brutal result for us.
  16. Finally simms for maupay. Let’s get one here.
  17. Absolute joke of a call
  18. Iwobi off? Interesting…
  19. Clear penalty to me. Wouldn’t be a dagger if we had ANYONE who could finish.
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