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Posts posted by memmaclub2

  1. Any manager is all about getting results that either keep the club in the general position they except to be or better and then maybe a 10/20% improvement. Bobby Martinez first season was a great example. he took us on again by abut 20%. While playing good football. These managers then get sacked when they fall below those standards for a long time. Moyes was given a lot of leeway because the club had no money and when he was good he did really well and when he was bad will still stayed in the division. I used to love watching Everton on TV and sporadically live and even up to last season with Koeman who I never thought fully got the club I was still genuinely excited at every kickoff. Even with Sam first 5-6 games he was getting results but since then the complete Apathy of the man and how it has bled into the rest of the club has made me Hate him as a person but also hate the club for not changing him.

    I was on the forum shouting for the heads of all of our managers when results were bad so I don't want to be a hyprocrite but I wish we had given bobby more time to turn it round and maybe supported him better with some defensive coaches. I always thought during and since the Moyes days we weren't like the other clubs changing managers at the drop of a hat and I want Sam gone today, but the next guy needs more time to get it right and we need to push more of the youth and not spunk 25mil on loads of players in the summer. I would rather keep the current squad letting go the obvious dross and but 2-3 40 mil level players than 11 between 10-25 mil. The next manager should not be calling it  clear out it should be keeping the core and buying a couple first team players to have an impact.


    IN terms of who the coach is I am not sure taking the latest flash in the plan as I see Fonseca is the right thing to do. I would like someone who knows bit about everyone and come to build a legacy. Like Jose and chelsea or wenger or even moyes at everton. Just because we are richer i doesn't mean every summer have to buy a wholeness team.

  2. He,ll steal living for as long as he can he is shocked at why he never got a big club until now. 

    Koeman should have gone earlier and we should have had a very good manager lined up. We then have to beg Sam to take it and in all honesty he is just not up to it but his arrogance won’t let him see or admit it.

    morishi has taken us from plucky under dogs with no money to an embarrassment who pretend to be shopping with the big boys but actually shopping at a lower level than Southampton 

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