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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. There’s no fight in James mate we’ve all witnessed that in the last year, fight is definitely the one thing no one can accuse him of
  2. There is a report he couldn’t come to a deal with Porto because of his wage demands.
  3. But he was a free wasn’t he Brands was hailed on here for the best deal ever for getting him on a free.
  4. Hard core piercings not from me thanks That’s a bummer mate when you’re on your hols, pleased all’s well now mate onwards and upwards get down to the bar and have a few cold ones, best medicine I can suggest
  5. Ask your lady friend to join you and get Josh to become scarce after the first course, you never know your luck mate you might get desert
  6. Just one of many that have said the same thing. I can’t prove it’s true as no one can prove that 90k is true, but what I can do is try and make educated guess as to why a world class player in the opinion of most on here and some media hasn’t been snapped up, when he doesn’t want to be here and his manager doesn’t want him and he’s only 90k a week, he’s been offered to numerous clubs by his own people yet know takers for a 90k a week world class player on a free really? But to me if the 200-220k figure being banded about is more the real figure, then I can understand why no one is prepared to take him on, and let’s be honest in this market world class players are demanding wages of 300k and a lot higher so it wouldn’t be outlandish that he’s on that money considering when at RM he was on a reported 280k one of there highest paid players, it was said that he came he on reduced wages which he did 80-60k is a huge drop, but to think he would consider dropping in the region of 190-170k to come here is fanciable yet most here believe that.
  7. I think you’ve pulled mate, now post my email before you get all ga ga and lovey dovey and we don’t get any sense out of you for awhile whilst your dick rules your brain
  8. Go a long with it mate nothing ventured nothing gained, a couple of drinks and see how it goes mate she’s made the move and you’re accepting the invite so you have already passed base one and you didn’t have to ask her for drinks and get turned down that’s a result all ready. It might finish up being just friends more than not it does, but you could end up being friends with benefits and taking it further, but your never know unless you take the plunge, so give it a go what have you got to lose bar a few euros for a couple of drinks and maybe a bite to eat. is that going to far for a first date
  9. Only natural RB we have if Coleman’s out, so he has to play or there’s no future having him.
  10. Mike could you post what I sent you yesterday please.
  11. Have a great time mate don’t teach Josh to many bad habits, and when you get back we will be top of the league. Just had a thought mate I hope you didn’t pack the case in 2019 chances are your clothes won’t fit you
  12. I always think good captains lead by example, and Richarlison definitely does that, my problem with him being captain is no one would get a look in at pens and free kicks
  13. You are definitely a member mate I don’t think we will get a season ticket whilst we are still at the Old Lady, our time will be when we are at the new stadium but all good things come to those who wait. Enjoy the Burnley game mate I’ll put in that I hope we see Jarrad gets some minutes if Benitez likes what he’s seeing in training.
  14. Depends what you are more interested in playing football or the money or even both, Tosun wanted his cake and to eat and he’s got to have a good few million. I’m not going to pretend I know what’s going through anyone’s head when it comes to money and what advice they get from there agents.
  15. I was surprised that Iwobi was mentioned to be in the top 3 or 4 we don’t really see him on his toes that much.
  16. I agree that those figures are being banded about, my point being if his wage demands have had an influence on his move then they have been relevant.
  17. Mandy and myself have eventually got a Spanish Residency it’s taken about 5 months and a lot of frustration and paperwork, it’s not a full residency and we can keep our British Citizenship and our tax affairs will be held in Britain, we have to deposit €400 a week into our Spanish bank account and can come and go as we please with no time restrictions on how long we can be in the country. If it goes well we may live there full time for a few years this country has gone pear shape since the Brexit deal was so brilliantly and clearly negotiated by Boris to give us a better deal at no cost.
  18. They are there if you care to look for them, but like you I don’t sit in the boardroom or negotiate on his behalf, so I can’t say that what I’ve read is true or not. But it doesn’t make sense to me if he was 90k a week that clubs wouldn’t take him on, but it does make sense that if he was on the reported figure 200-220k is the reason we’ve seen no movement.
  19. I have read it on line and some had been posted on here, I thought must new about the the extensive negotiations with Porto, also just to throw more into the mix regarding his earnings at RM I’ve seen a couple or more reports saying he was one of their highest earners on 280k a week.
  20. His wages would be very relevant if they are the reason we can’t shift him, he hinted or said he would like to go back to Porto, Porto said he wouldn’t budge on his wages, and when a loan was talked about didn’t they want us to contribute 75% of his wages.
  21. How long ago did you catch it mate, is there a chance that your eyesight will improve? I hope it does mate. You’ve got me thinking now about my own eyesight which has got worse when reading in the last few weeks, I never considered that could have been down to Covid I just thought wear and tear and old age was catching up with me, no puns about my age please Shukester, but it makes sense now why you have been posting stuff in the wrong thread
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