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Posts posted by Palfy

  1. I agree with you old son but for heavens sake be careful. it is almost blasphemy in some quarters to criticise the magnificent manager we now have.


    IMO he took the job and he gets paid for what he does, so fans are entitled to call a spade a spade and not have to call it a shovel to appease the less intelligent.

    Thanks for the warning maybe to late I've already felt the wrath of those who think they should be obeyed.
  2. Thierry Henry is such a twat. Worse than Carra and Redknapp's!

    He is just terrible. Talks out of his arse.


    He was talking about Barkley moaning that he only has two assists, ignoring that he has created the most chances despite not even playing every game.


    He said something earlier that was equally as ignorant too.

    Enough said that's how much we care about what Henry has to say about Barkley.
  3. With all due respect I think that is a load of shite. So we are incapable of making intelligent passes and runs, and having players be able to tap in goals? How much money, time, and transfer windows does that take?

    I used to think the same until Leicester came along last season and shattered ALL of the rules. Hardwork, determination, teamwork, and a sense of synergy is all it takes to score goals and deprive the opponents of the same. Football isn't rocket science as Ped pointed out recently on Toffee TV.

    Watching Tottenham play today was a bit if an epiphany for me today. Keep it simple, make intelligent runs, be in the right place at the right time, do some work when you don't have possession (looking at you Big Rom).

    If Koeman can't accomplish these basic components from seeing these lads all day five (5) times per week, then he should fuck right off and let a manager who can do it. Sorry, tough love for the flying Dutchman. Shit or get off the [insert Dutch word for toilet].

    Memphis Delay isn't going to save us, or bring us to the top 4, but playing like Tottenham, Chelsea, or The Shite will.

    Most people think we are just going to buy our way out of the problems we've got, that seems to be the common defence for Koeman's lack of management skills.

    It doesn't quite work like that you have to have the ability to coach players to play in your system no matter how much they cost, but I fail to see any shape or style of play to the team, far from it what we've been served up lately is best described as a shambles.

    He has totally lost the plot constantly changing the players, changing the formation, it's no wonder the players are struggling if he hasn't got a clue what he's doing what chance have they got.

  4. There is a huge difference between "opinion" and "audible unneccesary criticism"...

    My opinion of lukaku is just that. My treatment of any player who wears the shirt is support.... barkley takes shit off the fans and grief from the manager and pundits - hes getting picked on.

    Gerrard is absolutely spot on.

    100% the manager needs some man management skills when it comes to Barkley, he's got everything in his Arsenal you need to be a top player, the criticism is knocking his confidence a long with a manager who doesn't know what to do with him.
  5. Davies does look a bit rough round the edges but looks mentally strong.

    Haf I remember a story you told me about a lad you new who didn't make it but should have, be honest would you play Barry or Davies at this moment in time if you were in charge.

    Also I would play Holgate instead of Jags or Williams I don't believe you can play them two together because there both to old and neither has got any pace so they sit to deep cause they don't want a chase back to box when they know they'd be skinned, so if you play Holgate with either one he would be able to get us further up the pitch Jags or Williams would follow him confident in the knowledge that if a ball was played in the space behind them Holgate has got the speed and legs for the chase, now in my head that is such a basic and simple thing to do which would help with the so called pressing, yet Koeman can't see that and he's on 6M a year, that's what I mean by doing the best with what you've got.

  6. I thoughg it was telling the way a 19 year old kid came on and looked like he was on speed.

    Too many lazy fuckers.

    Spot on Davies should be playing from the start, instead we get the predictable Barry nearly every game, we all know he's past it according to Pad even Koeman knows it, so to constantly pick him over Davies is in my book incompetent management.

    If Davies is better he's old enough, that's why I got know time for Koeman, we could do better than we are with the players he has at his disposal if he had a clue about what he was doing, and that's not saying we could be pushing for Europe or being 6th in the league, but we should be out there looking like a football team and not eleven blokes who look like they've never met before, a bad tradesman always blames his tools.

    For these reasons to me he is a poor manager good managers wouldn't constantly pick players that weren't good enough when he clearly has other options.

  7. Or not.


    Relegation we're 200/1 at worst, best value 275/1.


    Top six finish between 15/2 and 10/1.


    Too many knees jerking.

    That really does surprise me I was miles out, but when you think about it another 11-12 points with half the season to go is more than doable, but the odds for us finishing 6th are shocking would have thought they'd have been 20-30 times better than there offering.
  8. There is now a nine (9) point gap between us (7th) and Man U (6th)....that is a hefty gap for one place up the table.


    I know its hard to get your head around, a bookie would probably give odds out that would reflect, that you have more of a chance of going down than finishing 6th even though your 7th.

    Based on current form.

  9. But we did get the points. By your way of thinking it's like Leicester saying " can you imagine we didn't get 14 points from a possible 15 there we wouldn't of won the leage"

    We got the points just like we have 4 from 6 over the Christmas period. If and I understand it's an IF we beat Soton Monday we will have 7 from 9, would you not be pleased with that? I'd of bitten your hand off if offered before a ball waskicked.

    I know that this may sound strange, but it's yes to the points even if we end up with 4 or 5 I'd be happy with the points, not so long ago I genuinely thought we were going to be dragged into a relegation fight, but what I'm not happy with is bar the Arsenal game, the manner in which we are achieving some of the points we are spunking a lot of these draws playing some grim football, and that's not the Everton I want to see.
  10. I think the fast start set people's hopes unrealistically high personally.

    Your right that has got a lot to do with it, but can you imagine what a predicament we would be in if we didn't get those points from our first five games, and we average what we've achieved points wise in all the other games, as Fraser would say we're all be doomed.
  11. Say what???


    Worst home form in the clubs history wasn't it? I'm all for a bit of revisionism but lets let the dust settle a little bit before we grant clown-shoes a stay of execution.

    Sorry if it looked like I was praising Martinez, but I was trying to use last season as a comparison on how I see our football in terms of what we looked like then to now, last season I was frustrated we'd go 2-0 up and lose 3-2 but I never had the feeling I have now of team that look like they haven't got a clue how to win a game or string 3 or 4 good passages of play together, we are playing some of the poorer teams in the league and they look better, never felt that last season.
  12. I'm not 1982 but a couple of points: The team is much more resilient. We have managed to win points by either scoring late or keeping the shop shut at the end. Something Martinez's Everton was horrible at. Defense is also much, much better. In fact without that crash against Chelsea we'd have one of the most efficient in the PL. Only Chelsea and Spurs have had clearly better defenses this season.

    I totally agree Martinez team was woeful when it came to defending,I saw it for myself and it was his downfall, and that isn't just taking swipe at the back 4 the whole team bare a responsibility for defending which Martinez couldn't grasp.

    Then Koeman arrives and we're flying he has sorted the defence out everything is looking good, then the wheels come off in a massive way and the defence is all over the place again where leaking goals early in games, we don't look like we can put to passes together, and the manager seems unable to work out what's happened in the last 12 game's and that worries the shit out of me, and scares me even more when you hear some supporters say they think we are playing well, now I except that that is there opinion and they have the right to express their opinions, but I have the right to dismiss their opinions just as much as they have the right to dismiss mine, and believe that my believes are right just as everyone believes that theirs are.

    So Makis on that note I hope I haven't upset you to much by not agreeing to all you said and hopefully you won't come back swearing like a 10 year-old in the playground, but if you do mate feel free I won't get offended its water off a ducks back.

  13. Course I don't I've only been going for 30 years. Why do you have to be such a condescending pretentious jumped up prick all the time?

    For spells of that game we dominated them, this was a side that for 70 minutes were the better side against City last week. Look at the bench there was literally nothing on it, nothing.

    There are no gimmies in this league, did you expect us to steamroll them? Because if you think we have a squad capable of doing that, quite frankly it's you who knows fuck all about football.

    So it's not condescending that you can tell everyone that said we were terrible that they need to wake up and smell the coffee, you started the mud slinging got some back and through your dummy out the pram.

    And 30 years a supporter doesn't make you right.

  14. Those players last season went behind and stayed behind... we've gained more mettle - it may not be obvious but I think it's 12 points gained now from losing positions. We're far too slow at starting and shouldn't be going behind in these games but at least we're getting back into them.

    Far worse than last season is a huge call... we are poor but that's pushing it. What I will say is maybe we got into winning positions more but I'm sure we had the record for throwing away leads under Martinez. We are by no means solid under Koeman but I think his game management is much better - problem is we need to up the tempo to get ahead earlier. I'm sure time will tell but for me, we've got the right manager.

    I do wonder what the reaction would have been had Calvert Lewin snatched it late on... would have still been the same performance but I suspect a different after match reaction...

    I personally think people are more disillusioned about the way we are playing than the results, last season we played better football when in possession of the ball, but let ourselves down defensively so that needed working on, and early on it looked like he had cracked it but last 10-12 games have been on a par with last season, and I don't find having to come back from a goal down to salvage a point from teams we'd like to think we are better than a positive, to me it's a negative that we keep finding ourselves in that position, unless the the reality is we aren't better than Hulls of this league which is looking more like the case, and if so that's down to Koeman, because I can assure you we never looked like the worst team in the league last season.
  15. When given a bit of time, yes.

    As said above... it'll take more than one window and 6 months of coaching to turn round the previous shite. This squad needs a whole transformation. I'm not sure if our fans are delusional or see that these players are good on computer games so must be in real life but we really only have the 7th best squad in the Prem and even that's debatable... we're not that good at the moment and whoever took over had a massive job on their hands.

    He's had one window and six months in the job so you would expect to see some improvement no matter how small, but the truth is that we are far worse than we were last season.

    We go on to pitch at the moment and you would be forgiven for thinking that the players had all just met 20 minutes ago.

    There are no basics in the way we are set up the way the players work as a team, it is a total shambles every game it's a different line up or a different formation, he just hasn't got a clue.

    Last season with the same players who you ridicule now as being shite and the only reason we are in the position we are at the moment, those same players last season could play football, they could retain the ball play it round could find each other had good movement on and off the ball, we've have none of that now Koeman has taken any ability they had out of them through bad management.

    Your right we are shit but the shit you see out there now is the shit he has created.

    To be honest you could go on forever about what he hasn't done or hasn't got the ability to do, since his one window and six months in charge here, there's so much shit its endless.

    But and I'm being objective here you struggle to find any positives he has brought to the team, bar Gana, but even he has really struggled in the past few weeks as the team gets worse with every game we play, racking my brain here but I genuinely can't think of anything else positive he has done for this club.

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