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Posts posted by Palfy

  1. Good point do you think that whether success is brought or crafted doesn't matter it's the success that is more important how ever it is achieved.

    For me it's wrestling match with my own believes I have been a critic of Chelsea and City's model for success so now we may possibly have that at our disposal I personally wouldn't at this moment in time see us just buy our way to success that why I mentioned trying to mix it with our youngsters coming through still the model implemented by Arsenal is close to what I would like to a mixture of home grown,brought and improved and already big names I wasn't trying to make a judgment on who's right or wrong just more how happier would people be on moving forward with the money at our disposal something we've never really had the opportunity to discuss before due to having no money for years

  2. You know what MikeO I understand his position on why he did that fair play to the bloke his dog has given him a lot of happy times and loyalty for 18 years to be honest I don't think I could have done that with all those people round if I knew I was taking my dog for her last walk I would have been in bits I know that sounds wet to most people but there ya go

  3. I personally don't think I would like us to have a budget where we could be like a city or Chelsea i don't respect the fact that they buy their way to the top if that makes sense although the fans must love it and don't care how they got there whilst there drunk on success.

    I would hope that we could find a way of still bringing through youngsters through the academy and mixing it up with good buys and not necessarily all big names.

    Does that make me sound like I have no ambition and I should be happy if we buy our way to the top

  4. He's been taken there as back up in case of injuries not to be a regular first team player he would have been better off going to a lower division to get more game time or staying and fighting for his place here and at least he would be surrounded by better players and learning more

  5. Two nutters escaping from the asylum come up against a 10ft wall all they've got is torch one nutter says to the other I've got a great idea I'll climb on your back and get on top of the wall then I'll shine the torch down and you can climb up the beam the other one says you must think I'm stupid I know you when I'm half way up your turn the torch off

  6. Boys I voted in and I voted Labour I like some of you own my own business we cannot change the Brexit out come but what we can do is stop constantly looking for all the negative aspects and bleating about them it's done to late get over it try looking for the positives because it's fucking depressing listening to the whingeing and it's not helping the country move forward my advice is shape up or ship out and let the rest of us get on with it and when the next general election comes I will again vote Labour but I know I won't get another opportunity to vote on Europe so I'm getting on with it

  7. Orange / EE had my first mobile with them 31 years ago still with them and when you have a problem and need a little bit of flexibility to help you out they don't want to know so fuck em it doesn't pay to stay loyal to these companies you don't get any recognition for it really pisses me off wankers

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