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Romey 1878

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Everything posted by Romey 1878

  1. I mean because they'll never be given the opportunity to play for us. Ruddy has had rave reviews at pretty much every club he's been loaned to but hasn't even been given a chance here. A young keeper who signs for Everton is effectively killing his career for few years.
  2. What happened to Microsoft being evil and Windows collapsing?
  3. Bily is another they're saying is definitely out. So that's no left or right side now .
  4. Baines is definitely out according to some.
  5. Another keeper who will never see the light of day at Everton. Why do we even bother looking at young keepers?
  6. Monty Are I - All Of You Tonight Seriously good song.
  7. Rumours again that Rodwell will be sold to United in January - fee and personal terms agreed apparently (could explain his drop in form if true).
  8. I'm sure Carlton Palmer would resent that.
  9. 2-0 to Bolton. I just think that battering and playing so soon after it will have had a negative impact on the players. I hope Pienaar's back so Cahill doesn't have to play tbh.
  10. http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,16368,2483_5646022,00.html What a twat.
  11. I'm going to try and keep this brief so that I can get on with forgetting last night. Moyes is fucking crap tactically! . He needs to have a word with himself, nevermind his players. I expected us to get fucked (and we did, spectacularly) because the line-up we put out there was pretty crap, so I can somewhat accept it. What I can't accept, and what hurts like hell, is that there was no fight put up by the players, no passion, no effort. Especially by a certain skippy <_<. In the first half we more than held our own, albeit without looking threatening, but we totally capitulated in the second half. Howard - I don't think he could have done anything for their goals, I could be wrong though. Gosling - He can't pass, he's slow as fuck, he can't tackle, he has no strength, he can't take throw-ins. He's just got nothing in his locker. Hibbert - I thought he had an OK game, but wtf was he doing for their 5th? He made the error and then the little prick just gave up and let Di Maria go . Distin - He may have made a mistake but for most of the game he was playing CB and LB because Coleman had gone walkabout. My MOTM simply because it could have got to double figures without him at the back. Coleman - I pray his performance was just down to nerves etc because, if not, then the lad can't defend for crap and it thick in the head. Cahill - The player who most disappointed me. He's captain and he hid all fucking night, and again, he hung Gosling out to dry. He needs a good bollocking and dropping because this sort of performance isn't good enough, and it's not the first. Of course he won't be dropped (even if we have more options) because Moyes doesn't have the balls or nouse to do it. Rodwell - He needs a rest badly, but I thought he was the best of our midfielders tbh. He was playing as two CM's because of the shitness that was Fellaini, and while he didn't stamp his authority on the game he at least tried, unlike others. Fellaini - Horseshit. I really thought this would be a game where he would step up and show something, but he let everyone down, again. Bily - He needs to work on his movement. The amount of times we had the ball down the left and he was completely static was unbearable. Jo - Offered more than the Yak did, that's something at least. And to be fair to him, and the Yak, they nothing to work with all night because we have no midfield. Yakubu - A completely different player to that who came on against Wolves. He looked lethargic from start to finish.
  12. This just gets worse and worse. I'm scared to watch .
  13. Fortress Sports Fund, just so you don't stay annoyed .
  14. There are tablets they can give you for a split personality you know.
  15. Resorting to personal insults? Tut tut .
  16. Word is that Coleman will start tonight.
  17. The reason being that they can't afford to sack him and pay the compensation he'd be owed .
  18. Based on Rodwell's performances at CB in pre-season against mediocre opposition I'd rather throw Duffy in at the deep end before him.
  19. Let's face it we're in for a right twatting if the team available is anything to go by, so anything less than that is like a victory .
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