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Romey 1878

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Everything posted by Romey 1878

  1. Holy shit, Michael Schumacher has come out of retirement to race for Ferrari again!
  2. Anyone else think Lescott may have to go in order for us to spend any money this summer?
  3. I think it tells us that the management team are confident they identified the right players two years ago that would improve us.
  4. It's a no from me. I would honestly rather just keep Neville at DM.
  5. http://www.clubcall.com/everton/lescott-ready-go-reports-926260.html
  6. In effect doesn't every team buy success? I mean, we were successful at one time because we had more money than anyone else weren't we? The Mersey Millionaires and all that.
  7. I'm more losing interest and passion for Everton Football Club rather than losing the will to live if I'm honest.
  8. It saddens me that Hull fucking City can afford £14million for a player and we're scraping the barrel for money and face losing one of our better players this summer .
  9. Have you got a link or anything to back this up?
  10. Romey 1878


    Hopefully it'll be worth staying up for this time.
  11. http://www.chesterchronicle.co.uk/chester-sport/football-everton-fc-news/2009/07/28/everton-fc-news-leon-osman-struggling-with-niggling-ankle-injury-59067-24252685/
  12. I've only read the two I've listed recently, are the first ones any good?
  13. http://www.nsno.co.uk/news-4955.html
  14. The Mail reported that Yobo was leaving and then he signed his new deal the next day, so if SSN are just going off the Mail's story then there's a good chance it's a load of shit.
  15. Just because SSN report it doesn't make it true, they're just reporting the same story as before. Once they get quotes from Everton or his agent then we can say it's definitely true.
  16. You really think he'd sign a player just to piss you lot off? . He just wants to win, that's all Ferguson cares about.
  17. http://www.nsno.co.uk/news.php?item.4953.1 Wouldn't this negate the main reason for moving to Kirkby? I.e. bringing in more revenue.
  18. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11671_5455819,00.html
  19. I'm not sure how being booked early explains him being out of position time and time again tbh. More often than not he'd drifted centrally and gave Malouda free reign. I was sat pretty much directly behind him in the first half and the lad was in a dream world from the first whistle.
  20. Well City are supposedly on the verge of signing Toure so hopefully that means they've given up on Joley.
  21. This is all we need. Hopefully it's just a bollocks story though.
  22. Had you heard of Elm before the stories?
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