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Romey 1878

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Everything posted by Romey 1878

  1. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...amp;ito=newsnow
  2. Everton "The Club Of Disappointment". I reckon we should get that copyrighted I can't describe how pissed off I am by this, I didn't think things could get worse at Everton after the yes vote. I was very wrong .
  3. Theres already a thread on it mate. Yes it is shit, I'm devastated.
  4. SSN and teamtalk and the Guardian (I think) arent Spanish. Let's face it people, it's very unlikely we'll ever see Manny play for us again.
  5. http://football.guardian.co.uk/breakingnew...6877020,00.html Brilliant how Everton keep their fans informed isn't it? Not.
  6. Welcome mate. Pity you've arrived at this shitty time though (Fernandes etc).
  7. Already done it mate, said he couldn't comment on it because 'morons' post what he says on websites. I had a go and said we should be told whats going on like Valencia have done with their fans. He said the club would say something when it had something to say. I told him to do it before everywhere else reported it first.
  8. How could anyone trust our board enough to vote yes?
  9. They should have had two against them today.
  10. There was an article on there about it, maybe it's been taken down?
  11. http://www.everton.vitalfootball.co.uk/article.asp?a=80417 If this is true, serious questions need to be asked of the Premier League.
  12. Yes he's a good player. No he's not better than Arteta. Yes it's a good price. Now go away.
  13. Look this a disappointment for us, so I'd advise you to go away.
  14. I've just looked on the Valencia website and I can't find anything on it. me thinks he's a red de shitio on a wind up
  15. So why has he been training all week with us and was at our match yesterday in the directors box?
  16. The way he said it may have been wrong but what he said is valid.
  17. Im confused, you're going to have to explain this
  18. Moyes - "There will always be eyebrows raised (at team selection) and you are going to have to play well to be in the team. That goes for everybody." That's bullshit, Moyes has his favourites and sticks with them no matter what a la McClown.
  19. http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/fadd...dedication.html Nice one Faddy
  20. Good, if we can get him we can get shut of Hibbert quicker.
  21. He;s trained with Chelsea for a week as well, so he must have something about him. I hope we get him. What position does he play? He's not a right back by any chance is he?
  22. Thanks to this thread I am now hooked on FM 07 again. I hadn't played it for months before this thread.
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