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Romey 1878

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Everything posted by Romey 1878

  1. Shit im a long way from that i hope, i dont wanna be stuck under the thumb just yet
  2. She just sounds like every other woman tbh, not meaning that in a bad way at all
  3. I bet she doesnt complain once shes seen what she could have ended up with eh
  4. Apparently we have matched Bolton's £7million bid, and Wigan have offered £6million plus Damien Francis
  5. They are now speaking to Billy Davies, this could be good for us as if he goes Nugent might become available then
  6. On another note how old is everyone on here - im 18
  7. Just tell your wife to close her eyes to all the violence and blood spill
  8. I only knew about the Russian Revolution being celebrated in November coz i did it in history
  9. I am on your side coz we young fuckers have too much confidence for our own good its down to u to bring us down a peg or two
  10. Personally Cahill is one of my favourite players
  11. Well im one of the young gobshites and i cant see the oldies standing a chance, you wont be able 2 keep up with them and they'll run rings around you. Good luck you're gonna need it
  12. I knew they were trick questions but i still didnt know the right answers
  13. It does show alot of loyalty, but it could be seen as stupidity aswell as it could be the only chance he'll get to manage in Premiership again. But as u said fair play to him and good luck
  14. 1) 99 years 3) Fish 4) November 10) Red I have absolutely no idea if im right about any of them so please do post the right answers
  15. Big Sam has been promised more transfer funds than hes ever been given before so i could see them spending that much tbh. Bolton doesnt look so bad when youve lived in Birmingham
  16. Cant stand the Sharpe books myself but i know someone who loves them
  17. This is just another example of Everton picking up whats left, the fact is he is not good enough and will not add anything to our front line if we get him.Whatever the price it will be a waste of money
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