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Everything posted by DangerMouse

  1. Is this argument still going on... Anyway first point id make is......"internal workings" & "external signings" in the BUSINESS of football are sadly the same thing..... so still believe its better to keep things hush hush.... United signed Owen in 2 day because Owen & his agent were desperate & United didnt have to agree any fees with a money grabbing club / agent.....
  2. Im sure the media will make Owen the best thing since sliced bread now he has signed for United............ but was wondering the other night....... where the hell is he going to play in their system......... Me thinks he will be keeping a bench seat very warm next season....... maybe just what he wanted in the first place..... I for one....although I may be pushing it a bit.... think United may have blown their chance this summer to break Liverpools championship record.....
  3. Hold on a minute........ Im sure your forgetting something..... hmmmmm... A FUCKING VOTE MAYBE.......
  4. I hope it would be too..... tell them to fook right off
  5. Maybe its a case of....... Lescott isnt are only target you know Mr Moysie
  6. City throwing their weight behind a bid for Terry....... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...sea/8131944.stm
  7. Well "theories" discussed on toffeetalk arnt exactly gospel are they........ Think you you have just backed up my argument to be honest
  8. Where are these stories of us having "zilch"?????? And dont even say " Thats what it says in the papers"
  9. This is how its done.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIFA_World_Rankings
  10. I think you will find etto has basically stalled on the move because he wants MORE "severance" money off Barcelona...... I dont know if hes owed it or not but I dont think Barca are too amused........
  11. It is now its full of cockney wankers on stag nights..... I remember when I went you could get a few beers a meal and a "bed" for like £10... GOOD TIMES
  12. I heard Joe Parkinson is coming out of retirement to sign for the blues and fix are worrying DM crisis..........So random so surely its true
  13. I was thinking along the same lines as everyone else as I read this........
  14. Well said.......... dont forget Andy Van der Meyde.... Its his fucking fault we have warm beer at the match.......Tony Hibbert....... what a BASTARD
  15. I will enjoy a nice cool cider though when at the match..... Think Ill like supping that....... maybe not the price though.... I bet its close to a fiver
  16. I like this part the best....... Its never ever their fault
  17. Hes nearly 30........ not a chance..... thats just the way the cookie crumbles
  18. dangermouse has been on the "ale" mikeO has "ale" breath but I'm sure.... I fancy an "ale" means good olde fashioned ALE......... I'm with MikeO on this one..... Prof Dangermouse BSC (erm i mean the other [bachelor of arts] shitty one lol) scousetalk
  19. 20M Not wanting to put the fella down but I think we would struggle to get 20m for him... If he ever went.... he would go for less than 10m FACT!!!!
  20. Yea I put pay to that......
  21. I thought Jo had a good touch and held the ball up well. He was very effective away from home because he isnt strong enough (or "falls over" alot ) I thought his finishing was ok but at times faultered because he would try and be to flashy..... I wouldnt mind him here again for another season on loan he allways looked quite effective at home....
  22. These people that think the club should tell them anything & everything are the same people that would walk into a showroom & say "ive got such & such to spend..... what have you got?" They just dont get it and never will...........................
  23. Agreed!!!!! or maybe we just got GAZUMPED!!!!
  24. Not much of a problem if we have the Yak or Owen up front.....
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