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Everything posted by BedfordBlue

  1. Naismith wont be playing in the middle and I think people are a bit harsh on Neville. he's no world beater and if everyone was fit I wouldn't want him in the team but he does a job still.
  2. Don't know why we keep Starting with Naismith but great to see Mirallas on the bentch.
  3. Took a deflection or Howard would have had it easy
  4. time for a new keeper should have caught that easy but puts us under presure by punching
  5. Coleman is playing right back Neville centre and Naismith right side
  6. I thought he was rubbish last night I have never seen a player give the ball away so many times.
  7. Atleast we will be able to buy him back in 12months for a fraction of the price when he gets no time on the pitch.
  8. Be intresting to see if Utd or Chelsea come in or just let city have him.
  9. Lets hope this is because Moyes as a player he wants and needs the money for and not just to keep the bank happy.
  10. That doesn't say Everton are interested just says Sunderland And QPR are interested in former Everton player. I would take him on a free especially has its looking like we could lose Felli
  11. If he's on £75,000 a week let him go not worth anywhere near than anymore.
  12. if that's the players we passed on thank god Moyes is the manager and not you, wouldn't want any of them and Zenden hasn't been prem quality for about 5 years.
  13. With the transfer budget we have I fear for the future if Moyes goes.
  14. Because before moyes came to Everton they were fighting relegation every season, I know what I prefer.
  15. What a bunch of morans Everton fans are. Maybe you would rather be playing in the championship because that is were Everton would be without Moyes.
  16. that was much easier than i thought it would be thought Magaye was really good tonight but gave it to Cahill thought he looked like the old Cahill tonight.
  17. The Moyes bashers look a bit stupid now
  18. Strange signing dont think we needed a midfielder but at £1mil maybe could end up a bargain.
  19. Just a shame Rodwell isn't playing instead of Neville
  20. Why not leave Heitinga in midfield and drop Neville
  21. Sack moyes and Everton will be relagated this season.
  22. Only a moron would believe a rumour that fellaini was going for £34mil
  23. I find it amazing that the things Moyes has done for this club and some morons still slag him off. If it wasn't for Moyes with the transfer funds he has had over the years we would be a championship side by now. Maybe thats what some of the idiots on here want.
  24. you must be the most negative person i have ever seen
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