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Everything posted by BedfordBlue

  1. Barry thats 2 decent games on the trot hope he can keep it going
  2. one positive from today is we wont have to put up with Barry next game
  3. I know nothing about Mori but I know Evens is shit so would rather give Mori ago
  4. Please let this be true we are so much better when he isn't in the team. Didn't play again Newcastle won 3-0 only played last 10 minutes against QPR won 2-1.
  5. we win 3-0 without Barry and Naismith but both are back in tonight
  6. Naismith starts again how shit does he have to be before we drop him.
  7. Its not a thread about relegation its a thread about the man of match
  8. Well clearly 25% of Naismith's are in the direction of the opposition.
  9. So you only count what fits your argument then
  10. Ross Barkley has a pass completion rate of 89.7% compared to Naismiths 75.7% that's 23rd out of 27 players used this season Yet Naismith starts every game.
  11. How is he 1 behind. Lukaku has 15 In all to Naismiths 7.
  12. How can anyone vote for Naismith He works hard but has no talent what so ever he's a championship player or Scottish Prem.
  13. Martinez has to go this has been shocking
  14. How the hell is Naismith still getting started ahead of Mirallas and Barkley
  15. I can't understand why anyone would play Naismith full stop
  16. When Howard got injured I thought we had to buy a keeper but Robles gets better with more game time and deserves to keep his place.
  17. First clean sheet since the West Brom game in the last game.
  18. Martinez should be sacked for that substitution Besic by a mile and he takes him off.
  19. He loses 100% of his through balls. Can't see how they are goal certainties when not one has resulted in a goal.
  20. He doesn't have a single assist so clearly those through balls never make i
  21. I really don't get the love affair with Steven Naismith, Yes you cant fault his effort and he had a decent start to the season but in recent games he has given the ball away so many times. His pass completion rate is one of the worst in the squad. Really don't understand how he gets 90 mins every game.
  22. Starting to lose faith never seen a game were you are losing 3 0 and no subs been made
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