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Everything posted by GMorrison183

  1. 2-1 with a late winner from McFadden. If we get lazy off the corners they could sneak 1 or 2 in.
  2. I think we'd at least be hearing rumors about more than Appiah if we were to bring in 2 more players.
  3. Expect Pienaar to be mostly a bench player until at least the 2nd half of the season. Moyes is very big into team chemistry and easing players into the lineup(that's why I wouldn't be surprised if Yak starts on the bench against Bolton and comes on the 2nd half).
  4. I think he was just pointing out you can't strengthen a squad if there isn't money. No need to take it personally.
  5. The argument is whether it would be money well spent.
  6. GMorrison183


    I think if our midfield is shaky, it'll be exposed in this game. I think I read we only had possession for 39% today..against Wigan...at home... I don't like what the realist in me thinks about this one So 3-2 Everton! Lescott header off a free kick, AJ with a rebound, and Arteta for us. Berbatov and Bent for them.
  7. Honestly at that price, I would rather just have Anelka. Having seem him play for the French team, he has the ability to beat defenders 1 on 1 and is a classy finisher as well. Plus we wouldn't lose him to the African Cup.
  8. GMorrison183


    That's game. 3 points to start us off!
  9. GMorrison183


    You can tell we are playing to not lose 3 pts at this point.
  10. GMorrison183


  11. GMorrison183


    Still up 1-0. We've gotten close a couple more times though. I just read that after Newcastle Bolton the Everton game will be shown delayed.
  12. "The Egyptian met with club bosses on Friday and agreed terms on a deal (to Middlesbrough). He had the first part of his medical and is set to be presented as a Middlesbrough player on Monday if he passes more tests. However, as a fee has not been agreed between Boro and Spurs, Sunderland have stepped in with an improved offer." I will say if Mido goes to Boro, I'd expect Yak in on Monday or Thursday.
  13. It's just a hypothetical question... Lucho by a landslide. Manny showed flashes but is FAR from the sure thing Lucho is. I think Lucho's style would fit perfectly with Cahill and AJ and compliment Arteta from the other side.
  14. If Vaughan and Cahill were healthy, I think we'd be in a darn good position, especially if we utilized the 4-5-1 for some of these tournaments. That being said, we are a little thin right now up front, and there is no guarantee that Vaughan or Cahill will be in form as soon as they come back. Smith nor Nugent wasn't the answer. Alan Smith wasn't worth the progress stopper he would be for Vaughan and Vic. Nugent at that price is a decent sized gamble. Neither one would've been a smart investment with our current roster. I think Moyes plan is that we either are going to sign one more midfielder to help with a 4-5-1, or we are going to see Lukas play quite a bit off the bench acting as a "sparkplug" of sorts. There is nothing wrong with bringing in a young lad like Lukas; it's just when he has to start there is problems. We also have McFadden who can fill in for some spot duty as well. It is nice to seem some of the doom & gloom dissapear though. I am very excited about this upcoming year and look forward to us showing we belong at the top of Premiership!
  15. Unlike Nugent, it seems like we actually care for this player.
  16. I notice you mention Fernandes a lot- I think you just have to let that dream go. Jags playing as a defensive mid behind Gonzalez, Cahill, and Arteta would be just as strong IMO. If we got Baines and Gonzalez, we'd be tough when healthy. Stubbs, Valente, and Hibbert backing up the defensive ranks (with a lot of flexibility back there), Pienaar, Carsley, Osman, VDM, Da Silva backing up the midfield, and then McFadden, Vic, as well as Lukas backing up the forwards. Not too bad of depth to a strong starting 11=A team to do well in Europe. We just need about 2 more quality pieces to make everything click. Baines and Gonazlez would be just that.
  17. I'd much rather have Gonzalez than Smith and 4mil. I will say that with the news of this coming up, it seems our board feels that Baines isn't 6mil better than what we currently have, while Gonzalez is 10 mil better. Arteta, Cahill, Gonzalez, and Jags would be a very tough midfield to go up against. Transfer signings don't have to be so short term you know.
  18. Would be a great addition and compliment AJ. I hope it comes through.
  19. Seems more like a pipe dream than legit. It also doesn't fall in line with our offseason strategy.
  20. If we are serious about European football, we definitely need another striker. Anchiebe at this point should be nothing more than a sub and while Vaughan looked the part last season, we are one injury from going back to the 4-5-1. It seems to me that we are unwilling to move Beattie until we find out Nugent's decision, although our effort to get him looks poor. I have a feeling what we have on the team is what we are going to have at the start of the season in terms of strikers.
  21. What the heck happened on Neville's own goal? I am watching it on gamecast and can't see the game.
  22. Something that is being overlooked about West Ham is that they have been playing great football as of late. Besides Chelsea beating up on them last week, they have turned in a lot of 3 point results. AJ has been wonderful for Everton this season. I really think the chemistry him and Vaughn had gave me a lot to look forward to in the future.
  23. The 3rd kit really reminds me of DC United for some reason. The American influence is setting in...
  24. To everyone who suggested Nugent, Fernandes, AND Baines- with what money do you expect us to make these moves with?
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