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Everything posted by GMorrison183

  1. 2-0 Everton if AJ is fit! 1-0 Everton if not. With AJ hounding that backline and Mascherano not in the middle to slow up Osman, I dare say I like our chances! I will say that the Liverpool backline makes a blunder (whether it's an own goal or pass back to the keeper) and AJ scores, then Yak at the end on the counter attack. Tim Howard steps up big in this one. COYB!
  2. GMorrison183

    West Ham

    2-0 Yak to hit 20 on the season and 4 against West Ham!
  3. 2-1 to us, Lescott and the Yak to put us in good shape
  4. I agree, AJ's 1st goal was very well placed and the 2nd goal was brilliant. I think some members need to step away from footie manager. The only goal that shouldn't have went in was Brann's last night.
  5. I'm not sure if it counts, but I was delighted to see the Yak's hat trick making #1 on the United States ESPN Top 10 plays I didn't hear the comments though because I was at the bar. How is that for media coverage!
  6. Just bringing this back up. The scum should be 12 points back from us at this point I would feel a lot more confident about our champions league hopes if it were true.
  7. I don't really put much stock into Carl's opinion on this one: he mentioned in another thread one of the reasons he dislikes AJ is he runs annoyingly AJ's work rate makes it that much easier for the Yak, Cahill, Osman, and others to get open. Once he is back to 100% confidence he will be a great compliment to Yak. AJ works well off another forward - just look to last season to see what he is capable of. Pretty plain and simple on this one.
  8. I really think anything over 2 mil is too much especially since he will only have 12 months on his contract. I've seen him a couple times and his finishing quality is no better than Carsley's atm (don't let his goal tally fool you). He is a fairly decent defensive midfielder though. If we consider ourselves a top 4 team I wouldn't sign him.
  9. If all of team hoof it is out on the field (Hibbert, Jags, Neville, Carsley) and Arteta and Pienaar aren't playing, then I will say it will either be a 0-0 draw or 1-0 victory in their favor. The service will never be there for AJ and the Yak in that system. Maybe we can pull out a goal on a set piece, but I am not as confident as many of you are.
  10. Notes I have from the game: Very scrappy game, but the type of game we are all used to. Today made it very evident that in the 4-5-1 we become a set piece team. With Carsley, Jags, and Neville hoofing it, we will never have the right service for AJ. I was actually surprised Moyes subbed Fernandes and not Osman. The past 2 games Osman hasn't been himself. I know many will disagree, but I would consider benching Carsley. His lack of pace, sloppy passing, and overall poor defense on the counter attack really has me wanting to see a different lineup. His strategy of just trying to backpedal and stay in front of the person with the ball got exposed a couple times as Kitson and Doyle blew past him a couple times. There was also an instance where he gave up a shot just outside the box at the end of the first half when he could have charged. I have a feeling though Moyes won't take him out as long as the backline and Howard keep holding up clean sheets... /rant done I would keep the backline as it was today. I will never get tired of Lescott charging down the wing. Fernandes and Arteta offered some creativity, but mostly quiet and the occasional sloppy pass. I did like seeing Arteta being a little selfish and taking a shot in the box for himself. I think that toe is really bothering Osman. He has been completely non existent. AJ had another good day of work effort, but he needs to find his finishing touch. He should've had an easy one after being their keeper. At the end of last season we had a a lot of success with Vaughan and AJ up top- maybe we should switch back to the 4-4-2 with Cahill coming off the bench.
  11. A billionaire owner would do it, although I don't think it's very realistic. Our best chance to keep us regularly in the top 4 is developing an excellent scouting staff and a saavy manager. We are definitely half way there, if us fans had our pick of what players to get (I was on the Nugent bandwagon as much as anyone else) then we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
  12. I think Neville will be out there regardless. I say we run the players in the best form. Assuming all become healthy... Howard Neville/Jags Yobo Lescott Baines Neville/Jags Arteta Fernandes Pienaar Yakubu AJ Now that is a lineup with some flair to it!
  13. If we set the bar at 68 points (which will probably do it this year).. the difference in results from the last 2 is enough to make me wonder if we can pull it out. 20 points from 13 games or 24 points from 13 games With our next 5 games though I see no reason why we shouldn't get at least 12 and be riding high into Anfield. Reading @ Man City Portsmouth @Sunderland @Fulham
  14. I will say that we are lucky santa cruz didn't get that last one in. Carsley looked lost on numerous b'burn counter attacks. Unfortunately we do not have any better options unless we want to sit Fernandes that deep. We need to shake something up though. Maybe start AJ and Vaughan up top with Cahill coming off the bench until we can bag a goal or two. At the end of last season they worked very well off each other.
  15. Absolutely robbed of 3 points today. Terrible offsides call. This could really hurt us at the end of the season.
  16. Ehh I have to agree, you're dreaming. Vdm isn't going to get us anything.
  17. 1. Redeveloped Goodison. For me, the historical magic that comes with Goodison Park will always be tops for me. 2. Scotland Road. It is a perfectly suitable site but there is obviously stakeholders with a lot of weight leading to #3.. 3. Kirkby. Sadly I'd take Kirkby over groundshare. If we redeveloped Goodison, has it said where the games would be moved to? Also, I imagine it would cut our club revenue for the time it was being redeveloped which would hurt us in the transfer market.
  18. Honestly I've been very uninspired by AJ's front play as of late, unfortunately Lescott and Cahill seem more likely to score... 1-1 Manny for us, Jenas for them.
  19. VAUGHAN CLINCHES IT! What a finish!
  20. With Grav and Osman being in form I wouldn't be surprised if Moyes starts with Pienaar on the bench. At this point I'd prefer Jags to start over Neville at RB, but I don't think that will be the case. -----------------------Howard------------------------ Neville--------Yobo------------Stubbs--------Lescott -----------------------Carsley------------------------ Arteta---------------Gravesen---------------Osman ------------------------Cahill-------------------------- -----------------------Yakubu------------------------- Bench: Wessels, Vaughan, Anichebe, Jags, Pienaar 2-0 us, Osman early on and Yak with a classy finish.
  21. Yea, I meant we should sell Faddy. I know he's doin good with the international team but for us I rate him behind the other 4.
  22. Apparently I am in the minority concerning Yak's play. I think considering how often we just hoof it up the field (a different playstyle from many teams) that he is adjusting pretty well. With Cahill, Arteta, Osman and Pienaar on the pitch I don't think I'd rate any striker above Yakubu. For our more defensive games, I'd prefer AJ and Vaughan up top together. The home Arsenal game last season really sold me on how good they can be together. Vic tires out too easily for me, I do like how quickly he adjusts to the game off the bench though. When I look at McFadden, I just think Yak can do almost everything better. I wouldn't be surprised if we try to cash in on him sometime in January.
  23. I think you hit the nail on the head. The fact of the matter is when we trot out Carsley/Jags, Neville, Hibbert, Lescott, Yobo/Stubbs, Baines we basically just put 6 defenders on the field. Combine that with McFadden and Yakubu, Strikers who need excellent service to be used efficiently. Does Moyes see the problem? That combination of 8 players gives us no chance of having a passing game in the center of the field which will cause teams to push up onto our half of the field. We are basically reduced to wing play (Arteta, Baines, Lescott, potentially Pienaar) and corner kicks for our goals, while teams run right down the center. I honestly think the only way we will see more attacking flair/less stress on the defense is when Cahill comes back. Only then will Moyes drop one of his defensive players from the lineup in favor of someone who can score. Here are a couple rules I wish we generally followed: If Stubbs is on the field, don't have Carsley in front of him in the midfield (their lack of speed is woeful together) Only when Neville and Baines are our LB and RB is it acceptable to put *1* defensive mid in the middle (If Hibbert is in form than he could substitute for Neville; the whole point is both backs could deliver a cross). Under no circumstances should Carsley, Neville, and Jags all be on the field out the same time. That gives up too much offense.
  24. The safest bet of the season to make is we will allow 1 goal. It's practically a given these days. That being said, I think the game ends up a 1-1 draw. Yakubu for us, Ronaldo for them.
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