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Everything posted by DonKey

  1. You are joking aren't you?!?!?1 He went right over the top of the ball, and stamped straight through the lads shin. If it'd been Gerrard doing the same we'd be calling for capital punishment to be reinstated. Awful challenge, and just hope the lad he's melted is able to recover!!!!
  2. Reckon a loan spell would do him the world of good to be honest. If I remember right Osman was on his way out until he had a good loan spell with Derby. Think Vaughany would benefit in the same way with a good run of games under his belt.
  3. If this guy comes to us I will be made up. Good footballer, regular for the Dutch national side, still only young lad. All that for less than that lad we signed from Wolves a few seasons back. If it comes off, this will possibly be our best transfer window ever!
  4. Would like to make it to final of the Simod Cup! Nah seriously, good run in domestic cups, last 4/8 in Europa and (please God) top 6 finish. When all members are fit, we have a got some real quality. Billy is an extra body, when you think that VDM didn't play. Distin good replacement, and Pip can cover both fullback slots. Jags, Arteta and Yak will all be quality additions once back fit. Quite optimistic after the last couple of days, lets hope the next few are as eventful!
  5. Would be an amazing signing, but don't think it will come off in any way shape or form.
  6. I got all excited listening to 5, lol. Going on about Everton signing Banega.... thought I'd missed something in the 30 minutes since I last checked tinternet!
  7. He'll do for me. Agreed, £5.5m is steep, but at 31 he's hardly on deaths doorstep is he. Will add solidity to the back line, and composure alongside Yobo. I honestly don't think he's that slow either.
  8. Ha ha. I don't think Big Mo will ever win some people over. Thought he looked alright tonight to be honest. Put himself about and looked comfy with the ball. Rodwell had a good game, and bossed the middle with Fellaini. Goose did ok dropping back into defence after the red card. MOM thought has to go to Pienaar. Same as usual... Graft, good touch and capped it with a goal.
  9. How good did Rapid look against Villa by the way. Milner was going on about Villa having chances.... bloody hell Rapid should've put 3 or 4 past them.
  10. DonKey

    Sigma (Away)

    Bang goes the prediction of Hibbo scoring! FFS! Not feeling as confident about this at all now!
  11. Myhre is never the worst keeper we've had, nevermind the worst player. I seem to remember a rumour that we got rid of him so that we didn't have to pay appearance related bonus to his old club.
  12. I saw something about it this afternoon on Bluemoon. Apparently loads of abuse aimed at Lescott, with a few threads (well several according to the Mancs) entitled Lescott is a c***. Oh well, should make for some decent conversation!
  13. Erm... Blackburn agree a fee in excess of £2 million for Pascal Chimbonda. Right back (check), Cheap (check), Good going forward (check). Why aren't we having a go at this one? Thought we were linked with him a while ago. If this goes through, then I would say Hutton is defo staying there aswell. Hope this is in the right section.
  14. Just thought of another for the hall of shame. John O'Kane.
  15. Pienaar and Arteta were both really effective last year at swapping sides. Oppo fullbacks were never really sure what to do depending on who was facing them. We still need a right back if Pienaar is to be as effective on the right. Baines bombing up outside him is not really going be the same as Hibbert plodding along behind him is it...
  16. I think the press do jump on it over here more on the rare occasions now when it does kick off, because it is out of character in the domestic game. Not saying it doesn't happen, but that it is infrequent because of the orientation of the game now. From what people who witnesed last night were saying on the radio, it was quite a lot of old heads coming 'out of retirement' to prove a point. So yes, probably 'dickheads being dickheads'. Hope they realise that last night could cause a massive problem in terms of the World Cup bid.
  17. I'd definitely go for Brett Angell. I remember the Echo headlines 'Angell of Mersey', and thinking a few weeks in how I wished the Angel of Mercy would cart him off to somewhere.
  18. Good chat that from Hibbert, and hopefully that is the mood within the whole camp. Agree with one of the comments above about the 'klingon' comment. When he was playing for us and some of that crap was coming out, people were leaping to his defence and slagging opposition fans for being so cruel and ignorant. Lets try and keep the moral high ground here. He's gone, we've recieved a great price and getting angry and bitter over it all is not really going to do us any favours. Although having said that I expect a hell of a reception when we play city.
  19. Bollocks to it all now. He's left, we've got a decent price for him. We need to move on and concentrate on trying to finish above City now. GLAD THE WHOLE THING IS OVER AND DONE WITH!
  20. I'd go for safety first to be honest. He'll probably be knackered after tonight, so to put him in for another (regardless of how long he plays) would be abit daft I reckon. Apart from that Vaughan, Saha, Jo, Agard etc have all done a full preseason so will no doubt be sharper at this stage anyway. Great to see him making his way back though!
  21. I thought it was that little weasel getting out of the car with Lescott on SSN when he was going for his medical. Seems to get his grubby little mitts everywhere.
  22. Get that in yer! Finished off inside 4 days.
  23. Sure the OS mentions that we are still talking to them to iron out details. That is bollocks though. We surely wouldn't be allowed to apply for the work permit if Valencia were not prepared to loan him out. I might have to post on the Moutinho thread seeing as I don't appear on there once!
  24. Well, we'll know for certain in 24 hours...... or so!
  25. He needs binning now to be honest. If his attitude is to the extent where he's dropped for an important match like tomorrows then I don't want him here. I think up until today, I was still optimistic about him putting a shift in and pulling his head in. He can fook off now. Just hope that we don't get fleeced fo a replacement. ** Looking at that article on SSN, it does seem like Moyes has opened the door a little to Lescott going... "I find Joleon a really good boy to work with, a pleasure in fact. I couldn't say enough good things about him. "But the boy has changed. It is not just me who has noticed but the players who are working with him have noticed it as well. "But the door is open for Joleon. We don't want him to go, I have said that all along, unless we get an offer that I think is right.
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