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Everything posted by Calico

  1. Beckham was also sent out on loan. Not that I'm comparing them, of course; the point is that it's generally the clubs with a so-called small club mentality that desperately keep a player in their squad even though said player needs time to adjust to the Prem. It stunts their game to do that because, regardless of talent, we're all well aware that players need to be able t handle themselves in this league. At least, I hope he is one of those players. Guess we'll find out when the squad starts to get stretched in the New Year.
  2. Real football is not just kick, catch, dive, celebrate though. Maybe when limited teams play, but not the better teams and certainly not the best.
  3. Good to see our achievements are finally being recognised in some quarters of the press.
  4. Indeed. Speaking with a lad at work, he seemed to have had a great couple of pre-season games. It'd be nice to have a Brazilian on form in the team.
  5. We should get a deal signed up tight in January if that's true.
  6. Here is the problem.... "flop" and "player not working out" seem to be interchangeable to some people. In football, I personally think this is a backward way of thinking but there you go.
  7. Trust me, I don't know anybody here personally in any way, so I couldn't be jumping at anyone for having a go at any so-called friends. Secondly, in the other thread, I was pointing out that you and the other person were not looking at the Pienaar situation logically; but in fact, you were looking at it so illogically that it could be called backwards. It's not because you don't agree, it's because you don't seem to be looking at the situation from each different angle before you label the player a flop. As for personal issues: I'm sorry, are you a mod or admin? Because if not, then I'll ignore your suggestion. Also, why would you willingly write crap? And if some of that stuff is meant to be a joke then I'd stick to your day job before you try stand-up. And once again, the post count person (can't be bothered to see who it is) isn't a mate of mine, so I couldn't care less. Finally, it is most likely one of the best Everton forums on the net; I agree with you on that one.
  8. God, you do sound like a retarded 12 year old. I think you need to stay in school mate, never mind working.
  9. Pienaar permanently, Appiah and a CB... been linked with Simic, haven't we? I think someone like him would be good cover for when Yobo goes to play for Nigeria and then look for permanent cover in the Summer.
  10. Surely Daniel de Ridder is too good for Brum as well? It doesn't seem to matter in the Prem, you either sink or swim and those that swim get the comfort of being in a good team.
  11. Pienaar wasn't a flop. They way the two of you are looking at it is backwards. If you're just gonna look at the goal statistics then you could call a lot of Dortmund's players flops.
  12. Beat me to it Licker! MikeO... Dortmund has been in such a piss-poor state in terms of managing its best players that it is little surprise Pienaar struggled. It was not a simple case of him not being good enough and the farmed off to us; of course, there may have been an element of that to it in terms of him wanting to get fit, but I doubt it's the main reason as Licker pointed out.
  13. Well, he'll certainly be handy when Yak and Vic leave for Africa in January.
  14. I hope he feels that he has unfinished business with us. Didn't he already turn it down a while ago?
  15. Load of tripe! A prime example as to how deluded some people in this country really are.
  16. Blue 250, first you said: Then you say: Make your mind up, son. Of course they do. After all, we're not a "big club" according to most of the British press. Wankers.
  17. Let's see, there was the beauty against 'boro from Mikel's wonderful pass. Then there was against Sunderland with the wonderful one-two with Valente. I'm sure he has scored another, but I can't think of it; perhaps it was quite a normal goal?
  18. Flopped? Hardly. You should check out the facts before you throw that at him.
  19. Yeah, it really makes no sense at all. Seems like you're just digging a hole after your view was proven flawed.
  20. Welcome to toffeetalk.
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