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Everything posted by Calico

  1. With the forwards we have 4-4-2 should be our long-term formation, but 4-5-1 is doing the business right now.
  2. Totally agree, Pat. I can see the transfer window being important this year, especially with four players leaving for maybe up to six weeks.
  3. Aye, I agree about Pompey. That'll be tight IMO And it's great to see us scoring so many. A shame we can't defend so far this season in comparison to Moyes' high standards. Ah well, I'm sure we'll get the balance right. I'm still gutted we lost to Reading to be honest.
  4. Indeed. The South Americans watch it as much, if not more than we do and their players are payed as well, if not more than ours and yet they are still amazing when they play for their national teams.
  5. So all the best players don't get paid as much? I don't give that a moments notice quite frankly. The fact is that the culture of football in this country has changed thanks to the general culture of the country. The problem goes beyond money.
  6. You know, there seems to be this myth about Lampard in an England shirt. A lot of people have short memories when you consider the goals he scored in the WC 2006 qualifying. Statistically, he has more goals and assists than Gerrard even though he has played for England for three years less. I mean, considering how well "Captain fantastic" played against Croatia last week, I don't see why he is still immune from criticism. As for the draw... Group 1 Portugal Sweden Denmark Hungary Albania Malta Group 2 Greece Israel Switzerland Moldova Latvia Luxembourg Group 3 Czech Republic Poland Northern Ireland Slovakia Slovenia San Marino Group 4 Germany Russia Finland Wales Azerbaijan Liechtenstein Group 5 Spain Turkey Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Armenia Estonia Group 6 Croatia England Ukraine Belarus Kazakhstan Andorra Group 7 France Romania Serbia Lithuania Austria Faroe Islands Group 8 Italy Bulgaria Republic of Ireland Cyprus Georgia Montenegro Group 9 Holland Scotland Norway Macedonia Iceland I've gotta say that England got lucky when you consider that groups 1, 3, 7 and 9 look like car crashes waiting to happen.
  7. What an idiot. Claiming that he needs to buy more players to be successful. I thought he was a football manager, not a bloody bank manager.
  8. LINK I can't see the sense in it personally, as their players just aren't good enough but they could do a Watford by planning for next season and getting promoted immediately, but then again football is a mad game.
  9. If people stopped going to games, and stopped watching it on the TV, the something would be done by the people in power in English football. Until that time it's only gonna get worse.
  10. Well, to cover for when Joey goes to Africa in January, yes that'd be good. But for long term, I dunno. He is 32 now and is still contracted to Milan until 2009, so we'd have to pay... not sure how much, though.
  11. I don't know if I could say for sure that Gordon is going to be as good as the worlds best, but I don't think he'll be too far off.
  12. Capello or Lippi IMO. Both have track records that make Mourinho's impressive one look quite... unimpressive
  13. Calico


    This is how male cancer is being made aware to people? O-kay....
  14. Albelda would make a 4-4-2 viable. A class player who would surprise a few people with how well he could adapt to English football IMO
  15. The fact is that the deep-rooted problems within English football were presented to the world once again last night. Once again, the fans look for scapegoats... oh, that includes some people in this thread as well.
  16. Well, it's certainly not the #1 holiday destination for those who wish to have rest & relaxation. Or so I would think....
  17. Oh that is about the most logical statement someone has made to do with this situation. A supporter after my own heart
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