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Everything posted by Calico

  1. Also, Victor isn't going to Africa in January so I can't see it being a problem area.
  2. Diaby has already (reportedly) said that if he doesn't play more games then he'll have to consider leaving Arsenal. I think that's where the rumour has come from as it is known that DM is after a CM.
  3. Good to see they've left Victor for us. Can definitely see DM getting couple more players in January as we already need some more cover as it is! Oh, and don't be too surprised if either Yak or Joey get mysterious injuries just after Christmas >_>
  4. Love the Mr. Men picture And good on Howard and Moyes. Great to see have a quality 'keeper long term. As for Martyn; I couldn't believe we got what we could out of him, but in comparing them... I dunno, I think we got the best performances of his career and he'd already been playing for how long?
  5. Poor decisions do not make football interesting. Good football does, surely?
  6. I'm absolutely gutted about this. First decent left-back we've had for a long time. Hell, first decent left-footed player we've had for a long time.
  7. It'd be great to see him become a legend for us, as he can score goals like no-one else in this country. And that's not even just an opinion, but fact.
  8. Glad to see the lad proving that you don't need to be some massive, stupid, talentless thug to play in the so-called less fashionable clubs in this country. In fact, well done to DM and the players for proving that midfield doesn't need to be full of huge athletes to play decent, winning football.
  9. I would prefer European or British investment, actually. That is, if it can be helped of course. Quality pic btw :lol
  10. If he didn't give it then it would most likely have been because of the home crowd, which is no better. A penalty in my opinion, but I still think the way he dives is shameless; guess he prefers to win at all costs, much like C. Ronaldo. The main difference being that Ronaldo has actually won a league title, of course. As for them being burgled, nobody deserves to have that happen to them and I sympathise for the children mainly. However, the way they were plastered in the 'papers (The Mirror especially) the next day was pathetic.
  11. English football doesn't deserve this. But, as an Englishman who has been losing faith with the team over the past year or so especially, it is good to finally see a quality manager in place.
  12. Looks like we inspired them. Hehe, good to see them doing so well; after all, by rights, it should be them who were playing in that qualifying group.
  13. "Roma fans = Scum" What a wonderfully short-sighted thing to say. I'll say this much - when Utd came to Goodison last year their fans had to be escorted by quite a lot of police after the match due to some problems between their lot and ours. Now, are Utd fans scum, or are ours?
  14. Ahh, Yak proving me right.
  15. Whilst I agree I also think it's down to the manner in which they play football that makes them better. Something people in this country need to pay attention to if any positive changes are to be made.
  16. I can see a win even if we rest a few players. Of course, with our squad at the moment we can put a few classy players on the bench just in case.
  17. Some of the under-23 talent at this competition is amazing. I hope they shine through, as it could be bloody marvellous if they did.
  18. In the Prem, Huddlestone will undoubtedly suffer if he doesn't change. But he is young, and on the continent he would be given the time and breathing space to develop into a top class player. A shame, but true.
  19. If BBC and ITV do that then it'll just be another sign of the laughing stock this nation has become, football-wise. I personally can't wait to watch an international tournament without the side order of a heart attack.
  20. A supposed Blue phoned up 606 the other night and claimed that the Yanks down the road will be after Moyes.
  21. Here's hoping. Still be a tough game, though.
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