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Everything posted by Calico

  1. Got to agree with Louis on this one.
  2. Is it just me or has the team fell down using Cahill in that role at times this season. Now what I mean, before people start swearing and (ab)using caps lock, is that although Timmy has really helped with his goals and work rate that perhaps we should look at getting a player with more to his game? Edit: Also, how did Arshavin play against us in the UEFA Cup?
  3. Calico


    Nobody noticed this?
  4. Calico


    hehe one for the easily pleased
  5. If we get him on much lower wages than are being quoted and he then goes on to displace Cars - which is highly likely - then I'm sure people will forget about this. Typical fans eh
  6. That is a shame. All that time with us as well.
  7. Clichy would just get injured by out LB curse... someone else mentioned it <_<
  8. European experience in the long term and cover for Yobo in the short term. As long as it is a decent price then why not?
  9. So where would everyone put the (hypothetical) £5million from McFadden???
  10. If the lad can play RB as well as he says then I say good luck to him! We could do with someone to genuinely compete with Hibbert and Neville there and then that way Jags can stay as competition for CB.
  11. I think if we finished 5th or 6th this year then Moyes deserves a lot of credit, never mind 4th. The fact is that he has engineered a highly impressive turn-around of this mighty club in the space of five years, even though he and his team have received god knows how much criticism in that time, and still do... not least of all from some people on this site. All I can say is that even inn my short time as a Blue I never thought I would see us competing - and rightfully so - for European places as well as playing quality football and attracting quality players.
  12. Great stuff mate, I'll keep an eye out for this topic.
  13. Calico

    Teddy Bear

    hehe... can't believe I laughed at it
  14. I agree JD. However, I think we have lacked when we have come across the Blackburns, Portsmouths and Man City's this year... I *think* so anyone, but could be wrong. If it is true though, that is slightly worrying.
  15. lol, yes the £90K is something of a ... surprising demand. They are most definitely not shit. It is simply another example of two young players who are actually out of their teens and aren't yet world class players... of course, this means that they aren't playing their best football and so in this country the assumption is that they are either no good or just plain lazy money grabbers. The actual reason behind this is much more simple - at the minute, they are not ready to play for Arsenal for various reasons, but their quality is still there; for example, if Diarra had been patient with Chelsea then right now you could argue that he would be the number 1 holding midfielder at the club, what with ACN, injuries and Mourinho having left.
  16. I think a winter break would be sensible either way. However, the footballing *ahem*culture*ahem* <_< of this country will never allow it.
  17. Indeed it is, but who is gonna defend between Ossie and Fernandes? <_<
  18. £30K!? And where are you getting this money, which you are so generously donating to the club, from?
  19. Are you telling me that Stuart Downing would have come near the same Ajax first team that VDM featured in so prominently? If you read my post you'll actually see what I meant. Same for you, read my post and you'll see what I meant. And hell, even now, no I don't think Downing is twice the player VDM is. Just because VDM doesn't play doesn't mean he still can't be a good player. If he was so highly rated then why isn't he at a better team than Middlesborough? No point harping on about England neither as a certain Mr. Rooney failed to score in a competitive match for that team for two years. England success is no standard to be judging by, regardless of which side you would be coming from on this issue. Well said. I couldn't agree more. Exactly! The point is, surely we should be aiming to capture more players of Pienaar's quality?
  20. Yup. Koeman has been making changes at Valencia; the type of changes they have needed for a while and since he already felt that Fernandes had an attitude problem from his time at Benfica, it would seem that being arrested was the proverbial straw.... Fernandes is top quality and would most likely flourish in La Liga, it just so happened that it wasn't the right time for him to be at Valencia. It happens to some of the best footballers on the planet but doesn't mean they aren't good enough or don't suit the leagues style of play.
  21. There are no reserve teams, as we know them, on the continent. Fernandes will have merely been training whenever he hasn't played.
  22. If the supposed wage demands of Diarra are true then I don't want him either. At least, not buying him outright in this window.
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