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Everything posted by Calico

  1. I'm torn... there is so much tradition with Goodison, but we're on the up and need to compete with the big boys financially.
  2. Calico

    Wigan. (away)

    Yeah, the referee is a bloody joke Why is that Henry was allowed to take a quick one yet Arteta gets yellow carded? Oh yeah, I forgot, he's playing for the wrong fucking team for the ref to allow that
  3. Yeah, here is hoping. But I want the lad to play for Capello. Anyone see what the Italian did for Robinho last season?
  4. Calico

    Wigan. (away)

    Yup... but we'll take that away from home with the players we have missing. And to think some people want rid of AJ! Also, it goes to show that if we do have players like Arshavin coming in then we will have enough quality cover so we don't have to play both Neville and Cars together in midfield.... we have Manny, which is excellent, but one or two more creative options in mid and we're good to go I reckon. I can't wait to see Manny come on, I really can't. carl: Useless? He's tried to run the channels and make runs for opportunities but the service has been awful and he has had very little support. You just can't leave the lad alone can you?
  5. It would be great if the fee was so small. Here's hoping... Oh.. and as for AJ, the first half at Wigan has just finished and are you sure you'd still sell him, carl? Also, if we had Arshavin then Ossie could play centrally and we be playing a lot better.
  6. Yeah, dodge is worrying... I mean, copying articles from the sun. Glad I didn't bother reading any of it now...
  7. I think people need to relax a little bit... the article just stated that it was weird that Newcastle or Totteham hadn't gone in for him.
  8. If we could get some performances from him that are even close to his standards then I think we'd all be bloody happy. At least, if we can do it to so someone will buy him; you know, in fits and starts... as cover, that sort of thing. However, if that is totally impossible (only the player himself and Moyes will know that for sure) the here is hoping that someone comes in with an offer on par with what we got for McFadden.
  9. I see what you mean, carl, and I agree.... for the most part. I am partial to the idea, though, that if we got someone like Arshavin in to go along with the quality players we have now then maybe Cars and Neville(he plays DM whenever Cars doesn't, from what I remember) will not have such pressure on them so we're desperate to replace them right now. However, I can also see that if we got in a DM, CB and possibly a winger that we would have a more balanced team, and squad, so that makes more sense. I still favour the former, but each to his own I suppose. Also, I'm not sure if Moyes can pull many, if any, more rabbits out of the hat as he did with Arteta so I still think luxury cover would cost more money than that... As far as Pienaar, we don't actually know how much he'll cost so we'll wait and see.
  10. He's not a terrible player, as those who have seen him play would agree. But no, he's not what we need.
  11. Seriously!?!?!?! You'd take Brown over van Buyen??? Or hell... you'd take Brown over anyone? Can't agree with that, sorry.
  12. Carl, carl, carl.... why can't Arshavin keep Cahill/Arteta/Pienaar on the bench or them him? You cannot say he will DEFINITELY be a starter... the point of us having extra quality to challenge higher in the league is that players like the four I've mentioned might spend a few games on the bench. Or would you rather put all the pressure on Cahill, Pienaar and Arteta with no quality back up such as Arshavin?
  13. And now we have four strong forwards competing for us!
  14. These teams gain more beneficial deals because the people who make them for them are very good at marketing the club. The question is, are the people who make these deals for us no good or has the club got such a low profile on the international stage that it is gonna take time to get better deals?
  15. If McFadden goes for the figures then we are definitely winners... not THE winners, but winners nonetheless because, regardless of what he does for any other club, he has had lots and lots of time to live up to his potential and simply hasn't done so. So if we make anywhere near £5million profit on him then yes, we bloody well won and finally made some money on a player that hasn't worked out here.
  16. Let's see... Sidwell or Arshavin? lol, kidding...
  17. How about if he plays Euro games mainly, whilst Jags and Lescott learns from him? As I said, for a small price that kind of player is well worth it.
  18. So we can't have quality players on the bench as well? I'd like to think we're past the stage where we sell good players just because we got someone new in who is just as good, if not better.
  19. I think people underestimate Arsenal and Chelsea, and that is nothing if not silly.
  20. 18 goals in 137 appearances says it all. Disappointing that he couldn't cut it here.
  21. That's just what I was thinking, Randomness.
  22. 3 at the back would take some courage and a different look at how to play Premiership football in this country. And quite frankly, I don't think even God could manage that miracle. I agree, I don't think we'll get him either. But Jagielka is younger and more willing to wait, surely? What happens when Yobo and Dunne finish playing at the same time? Lescott will either be a LB or will have left to play first team football, whilst there will be no-one to replace both Dunne and Yobo. I think the squad we have for our back line is pretty decent at the mo' and doesn't need someone like Dunne in it. 3-5-2 works for a fair few continental teams who play a higher quality of football than we do. I don't think it'll work in the Prem, though; too many players and managers unable to adapt it. I don't understand... that's the order in which you'd replace those players with?
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