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Everything posted by Bill

  1. Thats down to the managers formation and tactics, we didnt play to GERRARDS or ROONEYS strengths, so never got the best out of either of them.
  2. Absolutely Not, Must be Gerrard as far as i'm concerned, He's the most influential and inspirational motivator in the premiership, then when he retires after the next world cup, Terry can have it. Should be old enough and earned enough Caps by then.
  3. Knowing how Davy works, he'll probably start the seaon off with Stubbs & Weir.
  4. Mikeo............"!ot desu gnitteg emos ekat tsuM .gnitseretnI" ........ Nice one Mike, thats not easy to do.
  5. Bill


    A man and his wife were driving through country on his way from New York to California. Looking at his fuel gauge, he decided to stop at the next gasoline station and fill up. About 15 minutes later, he spots a Mobil station and pulls over to the high octane pump. "What can I do for y'all?" asks the attendant. "Fill `er up with high test," replies the driver. While the attendant is filling up the tank, he's looking the car up and down. "What kinda car is this?" he asks. "I never seen one like it before." "Well," responds the driver, his chest swelling up with pride, "this, my boy is a 1999 Cadillac DeVille." "What all's it got in it?" asks the attendant. "Well," says the driver, "it has everything. It's loaded with power steering, power seats, power sun roof, power mirrors, AM/FM radio with a 10 deck CD player in the trunk with 100 watts per channel, 8 speaker stereo, rack and pinion steering, disk brakes all around, leather interior, digital instrument package, and best of all, a 8.8 liter V12 engine." "Wow," says the attendant, "that's really something!" "How much do I owe you for the gasoline?" asks the driver. "That'll be $30.17," says the attendant. The driver pulls out his money clip and peels off a $20 and a $10. He goes into his other pocket and pulls out a handful of change. Mixed up with the change are a few golf tees. "What are those little wooden things?" asks the attendant. "That's what I put my balls on when I drive," says the driver. "Wow," says the attendant, "those Cadillac people think of everything!"
  6. Dont the opening bars make your neck hairs stand up. Is this the real life Is this just fantasy Caught in a landslide No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see
  7. Was going to tell Mikeo to clothes the shed door, but i thought he might come steaming back at me cos he's changed his Sig.
  8. Old fashioned Rattles at the match, and.................. The big knitted Woolen scarves.
  9. Anywhere i could, to get a game. Played for several decent teams in the West Cheshire league, as it used to be called, Dont know what they call it these days. Started off as a Centre Forward and as i got older i dropped back to Midfield/Defence. Didnt have any fancy tricks or step-overs but i always gave a 100%, and knew how to put the ball in the net. For the Last 4 years i played at Centre Half, I wanted to go on but knew i wasnt playing up to scratch, thats when i realised i wasnt as good as i used to be, and that was it really. Just packed it in.
  10. Not going to slate you Steve but i dont agree. Its got no place in what used to be called sport, and anybody that does that to deliberately get an opponent sent off is a cheat. Its not only that, but todays players let out blood curdling screams, and go rolling all over the floor, every time they get tackled, you'd think they've been hit by a juggernaut, thats just to sway the REF into thinking they've been done by bad tackles. All this play-acting and gamesmanship has ruined the game. This modern day game is not for me, its played by a lot of overpaid ponces, who might have done better, going into the acting profession. I played a lot of footy, sometimes 3 times a week for different teams, even when my team didnt have a game i would get my bike out and peddle up to the ground to see if any teams were short of players. I loved it and won my last trophy, a Cup Final Medal (losers) at 37, then hung my boots up. In all that time i had never gone out to hurt or intimidate the opposition in any way, always went in hard but fair, and there was never any play acting of any sort, there was a few hard players around who tried to do me a few times but thats football in general, or thats the way it used to be, but not anymore cos those days have long gone, what we see nowadays is total rubbish in comparison. Licker.
  11. I give up, cant think of any more.
  12. It gets to you in the HEAT of the moment. PS..... why is your shed door open. ??
  13. i almost fell FLAT on my back.
  14. ................. Ha Ha that creased me up.
  15. Alternately you could put in the letter itself that you would "appreciate an explanation" Which very often encourages a reply. PS............And another shirt to keep you happy.
  16. And be left with VDM..................................ooooh Dodgy. Need to buy left sided player, could play Arteta there. Osman/Davies............Cahill.............Neville..............Arteta. .......................Johnson..............Beattie........................
  17. Why would you do that, Emerton's not a left winger. ????
  18. No, i said that. Cos you were correcting everyones spelling, a few examples........ rite.....means right in English! ............ "gitted" means gutted in English! ........... Wha? That means what in english! .......... So i asked you not to come on here just to wind people up.
  19. Bill

    Post Mortem.

    Too upset and drowning my sorrows to post last night, but thought i would pass on my thoughts about the whole World Cup Campaign after a good nights Kip. First of all the Squad, IMO this was the first and possibly the biggest mistake the manager made. Owen was coming back from a serious injury, and hadnt played in a league game since Xmas, Rooney also had not played for 8 weeks and didnt play until the last group game as a late Sub. Clearly both of those players were not fit enough for competitive World Cup Matches, and any one of Defoe, Bent, or Johnson should have been in the Squad, at the exclusion of Walcott who has never played for Arsenal, never played in the top flight at all, and was used once as a sub for 10 minutes. Disastrous Decisions. Secondly the Tactics, Before the tourny started i said in a post somewhere that if we dont fook about with all these crap 4-1-4-1, 4-5-1, or that stupid diamond shape, and just went out and played the English way, we would win this Cup. Neville hurt so Carragher fullback...thats fine, but why drop crouch to bring in Hargreaves as holding player..4-1-4-1.. next game all change, Carragher Dropped Hargreaves to fullback, Carrick brought in to midfield, again a 4-1-4-1. but with a ball player in, and an attacking feel about it. Next game all Change, Neville back in, Hargreaves not dropped but moved to holding midfield in place of Carrick who was the best player on the pitch in previous game, 4-1-4-1 same system, but now with a defensive mode showing through. Again disastrous decisions by the manager should have had the System sorted before the Tourny Started. Then we move onto THE game, we started off slow and got even slower felt sorry for Rooney, we all knew he was going to blow a fuse sometime, Lampard and Gerrard must have had orders not to cross the halfway line, cos every time time the ball was sent up to Rooney they where still in their own half, Joe Cole had a stinker, and Beckham was nowhere to be seen unless we got a corner or a free kick. So we go down to 10 men and what happens, we play better with 10 than we played when we had eleven, cos then the old Bulldog spirit came out and we played the English way, a quicker tempo plenty of spirit and fight but why didnt we do it when we had a full team. Again i think its the way the manager tells his players to play. Allardice, or Pierce would have had them playing with fire in their belly's. A this point i would like to say that certain players impressed me and didnt do their reputations any harm at all. Carrick. for his man of the match performance when he played. Hargreaves. for his performance yesterday, covered every inch of that pitch and has energy to burn, we obviously dont see enough of him in this Country to assess him properly. Crouch, i thought he played great when he came on, it makes you think what might have been, if Sven had stuck to the 4-4-2 and played with some passion instead of altering the system, and slowing it down to play their way. Lennon. Done more in half an hour when he came on, than Beckham has in the whole tourny. One final point..cant see why lampard was chosen to take the 1st pen, his Stats shows he had more shots than any player in the competition, but none of them on target. Having said that i would'nt blame any player who missed a pen, cos it should never have got to that stage, Like Alan Ball said before the game "AT THE MOMENT THEY ARE JUST GOOD PLAYERS, BUT THEY HAVE THE CHANCE TO BECOME LEGENDS IN ENGLISH FOOTBALL, AND IF THAT DOESNT MAKE THEM GO OUT AND WIN THIS GAME THEN NOTHING WILL." and they went out and played like a gang of old women. i cant believe their lack of passion. Sorry it was long and drawn out post, but now that the Tournys over for us, we wont get much chance to talk about it again. Licker.
  20. ..................... But you have got dodgy hips, and sore knees.
  21. About 15-20 of us, with Wives and Girlfriends (WAGs) going around to one of my mates for a BBQ today, He's putting his 40 inch plasma TV out on the Patio. So its Burghers and Beer from about 1 oclock onwards, should be a good day. How about you lads, Doing anything Special. ???
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