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Everything posted by pete0

  1. Not a lot 8-15 games over the last 3 years, just champions league games and Belgium ones really. Always one of the best players on the pitch without really doing anything that impressive, theres still a lot to be worked on in his game. Mascherano was 20 odd million and Fellaini wipes the floor with him. Felliani out-shined a Chelsea midfield that had Essien and Lampard in it, if he was already at Real Madrid he wouldnt even have a valuation, because they would flat out resist from selling him.
  2. Sorry, thought you were American so were talking in US$. alt 3 should do the trick.
  3. Kelly is probably the most deserving out of whats been a very poor season for them. The others all there on reputation alone. It's a joke, it's not the talent pool, there is much better players.
  4. Hazard is £32 mil, and Fellaini is a lot better. We bought him for that much. The likes of Henderson cost that.
  5. Cahill out, Kelly in. Broken jaw, harsh on him.
  6. A free Brazilian, centre back cover for if we lose Jags or Heits. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/12691/7791969/Henrique-leaves-Barca
  7. Kuyt has gone to Fenebahce, £1 mil. Can't see the kopites being happy about that.
  8. His contracts up in December, maybe it means were signing him once it runs out. His wages won't break our structure either.
  9. We paid £6 mil, since then he has established him self as Englands second best left back and arguably second best in the world. On top of that add inflation, then the additional inflation from the improved league money with also taking into account the comparative prices of Johnson and Cole, I wouldn't say it's a ridiculous price. Although his age and our lack of European football or financial strength will reduce his value a lot. I'd value Baines in-between £12-24 million, nearer the 12 unless there is a bidding war.
  10. LA Galaxy News ‏@LAGalaxyNews Donovan to Return to Goodison Park - Everton have reached an agreement in principle to bring Landon Donovan back to ...
  11. Full Liverpool rig out with a dapper pair of shoes. Actually seen someone out like this a while back in pop world
  12. It was a good deal at the time as whatever idiots job it was at the club was making a loss. Feck knows how though, makes yer sick when you see Spurs deals.
  13. Couldn't buy that one, had gone up to 14 st. and didnt wact to show the me moobs off. Hopefully it well be once we have a better kit deal, just seen this that says Villa have got a deal worth 5 times ours. http://www.keioc.net/index.php?mact=News%2Ccntnt01%2Cdetail%2C0&cntnt01articleid=380&cntnt01returnid=15
  14. Yea, it wouldn't be the best kit in the world wouldnt want to wear it every season. Just would have liked the heritage behind it, would have been a great kit to keep. Had checked the years and we missed out on an anniversary for it by 6 years, maybe do it for the 150th.
  15. http://www.grandoldteam.com/news/general-news/2012/jun/02/drenthe-made-it-very-difficult-for-himself? Heitinga giving a little insight, no details though.
  16. When I first seen the black kit, the first thing I thought was it would have been a lot better if they had done the sash.
  17. Eduardo 100/1 to be topscorer seems a very large price, worth an e.w.
  18. Have we? There didnt seem to be much mention of it, the deal with him and Saha seemed very hush hush.
  19. They offered Green a double the money contract. Wonder who is willing to pay more?
  20. Look at the comments after/during the game, did he play well? No. Sums him up well the first goal were he cocks up the play and ened up getting a goal, very lucky man. Just because someone scores a hatrick doesn't mean they have played well.
  21. I use 'definitely' a lot on here, so apologies if it was me. I write finite a lot so I hope it weren't me, sometimes I just right click when I misspell a word and click the top one without making sure it's the right one. Have a friend who does the same and handed a piece of work in, that said on the lines of 'genitally holds his gun up' instead of 'gently'. Nice big red circle round it to point it out when he got it back . Loose and lose is really not acceptable and really winds me up. How people still manage to get board and bored mixed up after typing it as their facebook status for the past 5 years really grates on me
  22. His decision making really lets him down and burns my head out.
  23. On the game, never watched or heard of him otherwise tbh.
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