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Everything posted by pete0

  1. pete0


    liverpool fans sang about carsleys disabled child, but the press dont like to mention that
  2. i think theres a rule allowing 3 over age players. am unsure thou.
  3. ive went 4 arteta, but wud off picked the big fella if he hadnt got booked.
  4. pete0


    good win, another clean sheet, were in good form an i cant wait 4 the derby!!
  5. pete0


    joke of a yellow 4 cahill
  6. pete0


    live footy doctors gon all zango , ne1 got ne good links pls?
  7. dont see why any1 would want nugent, were better than portsmouth and he's obviously not good enough for them. i'd rather stick with cahill a felliani as it seems to be workin anyway.
  8. my 1st thought after the draw, was fellaini is defo gettin a yellow card this month, lol.
  9. i'd say we'll get 7 aswell, but think are only defeat will br arsenal, think we'll draw against utd and win the other 2.
  10. goslings lookin v.good in las 2 matches, looks ready enough 4 1st team football all the time. Rodwell has been a 1st team regular this season. We already hav a better left back anyway in baines. if we get anythink over £10 mil for are 3rd best centre half, i dont see any reason not to let him go.
  11. rodwell an gosling both can play centre half aswell. wud be v.good move 4 us financially
  12. werent jo ment to be the better of the 2, and look how crap he's been in the prem. hope we get owen instead
  13. owens class, he's probally got the best positionin in the prem. he's always in the right place! imo he's still the best goal scorer england have got and i'd have him at everton ne day. but he does get injured alot
  14. ne1 see the villa game last night, they were shockin! 3-0 win to us, cahill with 2 and ossie in the las minute.
  15. am scouse and i would agree a shared stadium makes more sense, as both clubs are lacking in finances. my grandad always goes on about when he was younger, he an all his mates went to both everton and liverpool games, so i think a ground share would be a good idea and would bring the people of liverpool closer again.
  16. pete0

    Tottenham (away)

    2-0 to us, arteta to run the show, as he done the other season. harry redknapp doesn't fair 2 well against us usually. hope lescott gets dropped hes awful!!
  17. pete0

    Wigan (away)

    howard- only positive of this game. 1st time ive felt comfortable with him in goal this season neville- average yobo- delt with most well jags- not at his best but still above average lescott- looks like he's playin 4 a transfer to the newcastle defence, hes that wank! he's been consistently bad and probs cost us atleast 5 points already this season and needs droppin for baines arteta- average by his standards but probs r best mf 2nite. will probs get more undeserved stick and made the scape goat again fellaini- looked lost and never quite got in the game. cahill- absolute dross! should only be played in a 451 formation osman- never really got into the game saha- the difference in quility he looked from the rest of the team in the 1st half was huge, but sadly ended up playin shite like the rest of the team yakubu- terrible once again, never looked like scorin. needs droppin. think moyes needs to man up and drop lescott and yakubu and try somethin new.
  18. ne 1 got a clue y lescott hasnt been dropped 4 baines yet?
  19. fm has scouts all over the world, and they do find some gems, so don't see y you don't see it as a valid form of scouting.
  20. feel v.optomistic about this game, think 5-0 win with the yak gettin an hatrick. big vic or vaughn to come off the bench and score and cahill to score last minute. howard neville yobo jags lescott arteta fellianni cahill pienaar yakubu saha
  21. pete0

    Bolton (away)

    lescotts performance in the 1st half was dire, the person nex to me at the match was genuinally askin every1 wether he had an injury cos it didnt seem as if he cud play. never looked comfortable on the ball once, didnt seem to have the ability to put a foot in, cant remember actually makin a tackle in the 1st half, hes positioning was just awful, a dont even think he made more than 2 passes to his own team. in the 2nd half he got better but he was still a liability, we were v.lucky ronaldo had a shocker otherwise it wud of been about 5 nil at half time lescott was that bad. sorry 4 chattin on a bit, but he was terrible.
  22. pete0

    Bolton (away)

    howard neville yobo jags baines castillo pienaar cahill fellaini arteta saha lescott and yakubu need droppin, lescott looked like he'd never played football in his life against utd, and the yak only had a 5 min good spell. saha looks a quility signin, and fellaini was the best plyer on the pitch in the 2nd half. a reckon we'll win 3 or 4 nil with saha gettin 2, and hopefully/finally a clean sheet.
  23. james and kaboul were class 2day but we were v.unlucky not to score we created enough chances should have had another pen but probally wouldnt of made a difference anyway we jus didnt hav that little bit of luck u need.
  24. not a big fan of hunt, reminds me of kilbane too much. decent player, but not goin to push us forward. imo he wouldnt get on the bench if we had a fully fit squad.
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