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Everything posted by pete0

  1. does ne1 know if the 2 new boys will be fit enough 4 the pompey game?
  2. am not sayin drop them both, am sayin how can u pick a player who had a nightmare over a player who put in a decent effort. keepin lescott over valente wud then be tellin lescott that he is a starter no matter how bad he plays an then we wouldnt get the best out of him.
  3. how can u keep both lescott and jags in the team who were woeful, and drop valente who was pretty solid and 1 of r better performers against blackburn
  4. were havin a shit summer but blackburns is even worse. 2-0 win both osman howard jags yobo lescott valente neville gosling arteta osman baines yak vaughan/baxter
  5. jus doesnt look like a proper footy kit, umbros soo shit, wish puma still done r kits they were soo much better!
  6. hes class on footie manager, but i reckon this rumours came from some1 playin that game unfortuantlly, hope its true thou.
  7. definitly do not want a defender that cant even get in to newcastle dodgy back 4
  8. wud only be a squad player and prob wouldnt make the bench. id say gera would be the better option as hes free and more likely to improve the team.
  9. even thou Goodison is not acoustically well thought of, top managers still acknolege thsat Goodison has the best/most intimidating atmosphere. wenger, mourinho and ferguson.
  10. been linked with arda turan 2day for 10 mil. good player if we miss out on jaquin.
  11. call it andy vande meyde for the day as its well known but useless
  12. i'd want atleast 6mil cos big vic was higher up the peckin order than jimmy mc and we got 5.5 for him
  13. imo cana would do a better job than carsley and be a step forward, hope we get arshavin aswell cos then we could really mount a challange 4 top4.
  14. moyes got his tactics wrong, if stickin with that same 11 shouldnt change the usual tactics by soo much, to play defensively should have jus went 5 at the back. hes only young thou and i believe he would have learned enough about them from this game to beat them at Goodison. ps. IMO he should sub neville instead of hibbo all the time as hibbert is the better r.back
  15. pete0


    goin to be really optomistic and say 5-0 and show that we deserve 4th and hopefully push on to 3rd. vaughn to get two and osman to get one, yak and lescott aswell. COYBs
  16. 1-0 last min vaughn with also aj gettin denied a pen. must win this game to stay in contention for 4th as cant see the shit fuckin up again so soon.
  17. pete0

    Brann. (home)

    should play fringe players so every1 else is fit for the city game.
  18. yak be lucky to make the bench imo. vaughn and aj to start with big vic coming on at the end.
  19. must win if we are to have any chance of finishing fourth, also to go into the braan match on a high would help.
  20. if the fa drop the charges does that mean they are admitting clattenberg of bias. ifso shouldnt there be a rematch or somethink?
  21. is there a compitition between refs to see who can lose everton the most points, redshite always say the bad decisions level themselves out over a season, do they fuck. it'd be nice to see the table if there was less bias i know everton would then certainly be top4.
  22. team ithink howard neville jags lescott valente arteta cars fernandes baines vaughn aj 2-0 to everton VAUGHN BOTH OF THEM.
  23. weve been in need of a decent left winger for years now, but suerly theres better out there than downing for 9mil, rather get some one like m.g.pederson.
  24. why havent we bought this player yet hes absolutly class and would easily fit in to the arsenal team, we need to hurry before they get him. also think van der vaart would be a good signing if hes available but arshavin is better.
  25. pete0

    Spurs (home)

    Probably our best game all season was our away win against spurs, so I hope we play just as good at Goodison. We totally outclassed them that day and with the added class of fernandes now, tottenham shouldnt stand a chance. 3-0 arteta, fenandes and vaughan.
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