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Everything posted by Willo

  1. Looks like its going well boys as Aj has just bagged again today . 5 goals for Aj so far this season in the Prem and i don't think Pedro has scored has he ????????
  2. Get in there you effin beauty , AJ on the scoresheet again . Der der der der , Andy Johnson !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Think thats the one mate , a goal worthy of winning a world cup but the scots still crashed out
  4. Sounds a bit sh!te from what i've heard on the radio , at least Wigan have rarely had a look in ( touch wood ) . <_<
  5. I'am actually contemplating buying a 360 solely because its not coming out on PS2 , in essance i'am toying with the idea of paying upwards of 200 nicker for a game . Decisions , decisions eh <_<
  6. Roxy music - Love is the Drug , an all time classic matey .
  7. hahahahahahahahah Says it all mate doesn't it
  8. Hibberts for me should have been a RS pen mate but its nice to see dodgy decisions going in our favour for once , there was nothing in their other penalty claim except desperation though .
  9. I had a wager with one of my RS mates in work .................. .................. 20 notes that Aj would score twice as many goals this year in the prem as Pedro Crouchinho . Am i a fool , i'll let you decide
  10. Whiteside was a legend but i'am see-ing a bit of a trend developing with the mighty Blues ????? Far too many of our more recent legends are injury prone could have beens aka Big Dunc , Norman Whiteside , Joe Parkinson , John Ebbrell etc etc . You gotta love em !!!!!!!!!!
  11. Billy Ocean - Red lights spell danger ............................. Listening to it this second whislt supping pint cans of carling ((((( Crayola Corner anyone ))))
  12. Must say mate i'am a massive fan of oasis ( early stuff ) but good call with the cold'suicide''play !!!!!!!!!!!
  13. There were 2 great matches at wembley that year and in the poorer of the 2 England won the world cup . HHHHMmmmmmmm wonder what the other could be ????? Good to have you on board bluewolf
  14. I dont think anyone at the club is on more than 35 grand a week so your probably right pat . P.S. i read in the paper that Michael Bollox wage of 130 grand a week could get him a 30 million pound mortgage in London . Oh my fookin heart bleeds !!!!!!!!!!
  15. I just hope we can stop this whole '' only playing well for half a season lark '' and genuinly push on although it may be a bit early for the team to break into the top for again and on a regular basis . Guess its always nice to hear people saying good things about your club but i'am more for the underdog mentality , i don't want teams to see us coming .
  16. Doesn't kipper have a large Everton pics gallery , not sure if the sizing of the pics would work for you though .
  17. Hahahahahaha , my time spent kidnapped by the ladyboys you mean ........ ....... thats another story for another day my friend
  18. Just tried it once and it was wrong for me too
  19. Pity we're not gonna see the fat man swinging , even as an English cricket fan the pie man was always a pleasure to watch ( even though he raped us on nearly every occasion ) .
  20. And there was me wishing we'd brought him back in the summer , guess i should stop dwelling on the past and start looking to the future , and the future looks bright , the future looks Blue . Fook me i've just noticed my flak jackets getting dusty pat !!!!!!!!
  21. Utter bollox methinks . Even Bill '' the buffoon '' Kenwright wouldn't be so stupid as to even dare suggest we sell our souls to become Manure's feeder club . I'd rather smear my knob in honey and shove it in a bee hive than see Everton become little more than Manure's reserve side . Bollox bollox and more bollox .................
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