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Posts posted by holystove

  1. I think Bayern Munich will clear the ship, so to say in the summer, Klose, Podolskii, or Toni would all be a great signing


    ? .. Bayern isn't a team that can afford to mail it in for one year .. they gotta be there at the top evey year.. i don't think there's a chance in hell they'll let Toni or Klose go.. Podolski is most of the time a benchplayer for them so he's probably available.

  2. Yeah, well, what those idiots at the EU general assembly forget is that football is NOT a normal bussiness, where the normal rules of trade apply and free movement for workers isn't really that good an idea. But no, they keep their attitute toward the game that has brought us to a breaking point since the Bosman rule came into beeing. The simple fact that they claim discrimination is the basis for it is falatious, because what we're seeing now clearly points to a much more disciminatory rule that what we would have, and that is the fact that any player born in any EC country is worth less than a foreigner, and that is not only discrimination, it's gonna kill the sport in the medium/long term.


    What's the point in spending millions to train new players when they're gonna leave for pennies? Smaller clubs are gonna start/continue to disapear until the foundation of each countries' FAs will collapse.


    England, the most powerful league in the world, hasn't produced a tittle fighting side in God knows how many years, and probably never will, they even missed out on the last Euro, and they claim the 6+5 is discriminatory?


    They've given free reign to the the bigger sharks to keep spending more and more, keep paying more and more, until we'll reach a critical point and it'll all come down like the house of cards that it is. Any structure is only as strong as it's weakest link, and the weak links are getting weaker...


    i recognize the problem, i just have a problem with the solution fifa proposed.


    it's just such a serious breach of EU-law and i see no justification in the exceptions of art. 39 ECT.

  3. well it's a ridiculous plan ... it goes against one of the core constitutional provisions of the EC treaty.


    i'm happy the commission made it clear that this is highly discriminatory and therefor illegal, if we would have had to wait for a European Court of Justice ruling the damage would have been much worse.


    anyway if they're so in love with the rule they can still apply it in non-EU states, if it works there maybe they can convince the Member States of the EU to take that whole "discrimination" thingy out of the treaties :rolleyes: .

  4. in my opinion neither should play .. back to the no-striker team that was so successful in the middle of the season.. if we score a goal it's probably going to come off a set piece anyway.


    if we do play with the lone striker i fear we might be pushed into the role of just a counterattacking team which just hoofs the ball forward for Vaughan to run after .. winning the midfield battle is crucial and against a good side like chelsea, that probably means having 1 player more in that area than they do.

  5. We played really well against Chelsea WITHOUT JAGS last week. We will field the same team in the final, they will also field there same team as they were at full strength.


    We will be more hungry for the success.




    if you add fellaini to that team that got a draw at stamford bridge, then we're a better more dangerous team .. so logic demands we win the cup final :)


    that's what keeps me going at least.

  6. Can it improve or should it improve is more to the point Louis. You could follow the likes of GOT and have it all bells, polish and pomp, you could try and do a Toffeeweb and have everyone hate the place, you could make it friendly to only KEIOC or you could just tweak it every so often and let it run its natural course. What I like about this place is the fact its easy to use, most on here are a good crowd and we all seem to get along and it is moderated very very well indeed although on occasions I would argue postees from some other clubs get away with murder.


    If pushed I would say no, it requires no major overhaul, its nice the way it is. I think our member base is expanding, the level of postings appear to be up so what is you want from the site other than what you have at present?


    i second that.

  7. my first Uni exam is friday. shitting one right now coz im not ready for it. despite me cramming 3 to 4 hours a day for the past week. cant seem to remember any of it


    only 3 to 4 ? :) at least if your grades aren't that good, you got a lot of room for extra effort :).


    but i do sympathize with how your feeling, i've got to finish my masters thesis and i'm sick of it.

  8. Yes, and the key word in that sentence is "1918." Back then people still routinely died from things we usually take for granted in the western world today. Hell, you could still die if you cut yourself shaving back then...they hadn't invented penicillin or any modern antibiotics yet. It's worth pointing out that every death so far has been in Mexico, which while not as bad off as some parts of the world is still a pretty unsanitary place compared to the US, Canada, or most of Europe. They still advise you not to drink the water if you're traveling there.


    yes the overall number of deaths will be much lower now than in 1918 .. however the reason young people died in that 1918 pandemic is because the better your immune system the more effect the influenza had .. that hasn't changed ... so while in total numbers there will be fewer deaths, percentage-wise there'll still be more amongst youngsters.


    not that this has much relevance in our world of today but i just found it interesting that immune system and dying were positively correlated :) .

  9. The last one killed about 5,000,000 people in and around the UK, people with bad chests, old people, young people with bad hearts, I would be very arsed if I was you aaron, there again I will no doubt pop my clogs if it gets me. Be concerned, be very concern


    current virus has the same subtype (H1N1) as the 1918 flu pandemic which mostly killed healthy young adults ... soon it'll be just you and Bill :-) .

  10. ---------------------------------------Casillas---------------------------------------


    ----Bosingwa-----------------Puyol ----------Vidic-----------------Jankulovski--


    ----- Ronaldo -------- Gerrard -----------------------Pirlo -------- Ribery -------


    ---------------------- Torres ---------------------- Ibrahimovic -------------------






    in my opinion this team would beat anything any other continent can put together. actually i'd love to see a game of this team against south america, could be the greatest game ever.

  11. Great quotes (although it wasn't a great film) from Catch22...


    that movie was shite idd .. but the book by Heller is the best i've ever read (together with Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole .. i'd recommend that one if you liked Catch22).


    on topic:


    Tommy Johnson: I had to be up at that there crossroads last midnight, to sell my soul to the devil.

    Ulysses Everett McGill: Well, ain't it a small world, spiritually speaking. Pete and Delmar just been baptized and saved. I guess I'm the only one that remains unaffiliated.


    :D .

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