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Everything posted by milesey05

  1. I actually think this pissed me off the most
  2. What a shite day! My lads draw at footy. Car engine warning light comes on- on the way home! Missus let’s me be with Everton and that goes wrong. Order a Chinese and they forget my pancake roll!! My fucking pancake roll!! Now using up Xmas booze with Mud slides. Tia Maria, Vodka and Baileys with ice. calming influence. Worth a try!!
  3. Keane OG and playing like a cunt down to Rafa?? no
  4. I was a supporter at the start regarding appointment… but my patience is wearing thin.
  5. Holgate doingvhis usual so far!! Shite
  6. Love our team atm. Chelsea only win 2-0 it would be a massive upset.
  7. Won’t make any difference how many first team, reserves or under 18’s have Covid for Chelsea. Their under 15’s will beat the team we are putting out tonight.
  8. Godfrey got lucky imo, it looked intentional to me.
  9. If I’m a celeb wasn’t so boring this year I might just turn over.
  10. I think that’s the best we can put out at the moment. Quietly confident
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