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Everything posted by milesey05

  1. Martinez has learnt fuck all from last season. Still playing players out of position. Start with 2 natural wingers it isn't hard. Ossie will be on at half time.... On the bloody wing.
  2. Even nicer when the suns out. Really good nightlife too.
  3. Nothing like footy abroad I agree. Then again when the suns out Costa del Bournemouth is like being abroad.....just less northerners ;-)
  4. Lots of bars will have it on try one of - Litten tree, sharkys, walkabout, brasshouse. All with have the footy on.
  5. Just watched the game, nothing to get excited about if I'm honest. I know it was only a friendly and shouldn't judge some players but......Pienaar and Hibbert need to be moved on and replaced. They really struggled out there today and was it was painful to watch. Liked Jags, Stones, Galloway, Browning and Cleverley. Lukaku deserved a goal for the effort he put in, also get the feeling he will fall out with Gerry if he keeps making runs without getting the ball. Only a friendly I know but at least Saturdays all about a final with a few beers.
  6. - other teams worked out how to play us from the season before - having no plan B pretty much fucks up the above - Martinez insisting having 85 pct possession in your own half is okay - playing players out of position far too often - playing Barry far too often - Leaving subs far too late ( esp with Ossie , Barry treading water ) - Players not being fit enough at start of season ( Martinez was all about ball work ) - Howard thinking he was JC after the World Cup Not blaming the europa one bit. Players should be able to play Thursday and Sunday. We all want champions league so no different from playing Wednesday and Saturday.
  7. Yes All inc so I did pay to start with I suppose. Not too happy about this lad signing, like most will give him a chance. His first 90 mins better be special or he can go ;-).
  8. Here in Turkey eating great food and drinking lots of beer. All free of course, 30 deg so all going well. Then I log on to this.........
  9. Would he improve our current squad? ......... No so not for me.
  10. Some major fucking work to do in the summer. If this prick brings in the same sort of shit he has done already then it's a relegation fight next year. Pathetic today and that performance just sums our season up. Hope he proves me wrong.
  11. Please tell me that the " great to see Leon starting every game " is a piss take? You're dangling the bait for a bite?
  12. Let's Defoe off with a pen Let's Defoe off with a handball goal Let's Defoe off with a 2nd Yellow celebrating into the crowd. Refs a c@@t
  13. Bet Barkley gets subbed before Ossie or Barry
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