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Posts posted by nutmegwolf203


    We'll attract players by paying stupid wages.



    Problem is that even that isn't happening.


    Players look at us as a drop down.


    Young?.....you won't get a chance.


    Play well? ....you won't get a chance.


    Smile at the boss?....you are first name on the sheet!


    Ehh, we may just attract more of the same.



  2. Totally agree. I can't wait to see Everton post Lukaku as I am sure fans will see that personal stats don't make a team.

    As Everton fans we have become naive, we see it as this.....


    Lukaku scores 17 goals.


    Chelsea had costa on 11 and Hazard on 10.....haha what fools they are....none of them scored as much as Rom!


    I can't understand how the top managers in the world don't rate Lukaku.....but we still believe that he is too good for us? This shows even our fans believe we are small time and this is our issue.

    Managers come and believe that we are lucky to have them.

    Players come in and believ we are lucky to have them.


    It's sad that as fans we have been dragged down to this level.


    I mean, yeah. I'm more worried about him influencing the goings-on of the club. Boycott this dude. Let him know his attitude doesn't cut it. I'm trying to implement this idea in more aspects of my life and we as supporters should demand better. There should be a Lukaku in lounge chair banner at the next home match to start things off.


    Seriously, Big Rom heading a ball into an empty net while reclining on a Lay-Z-Boy. Feet up, while casually reading a tourist map of Paris.


    I'll ask around to my illustrator friends, see if they can come up with something.

  3. So would we rather have a player that scores two goals and we lose and by the way are officially worse than Martinez last year!


    Or Coleman scores and we win one nil?


    I don't care about his personal stats....again he was outdone by a 15 minuteValencia....sell him!


    The latter, for sure. Lukaku can't and won't play the way Koeman demands. He's low energy, that's his style, or something...


    At the very least, I'd like to see us care, and he doesn't adhere to that ideal when leading the line. I read body language when I watch form home, as it's the only opportunity I have to asses the players. It's been said before but, Lukaku cares about himself and his personal accolades. He sees his development as a superficial extension of his personality; something to make him more appealing. In my opinion he plays because it's fashionable to do so; it's not about pride, winning and the success of the club. It's about his FIFA rating being better than it was last year.


    When asked about how he feels about Everton he's never made any illusions about his dedication to the club. In his defense, he's honest about these things. Simply put, he plays like he doesn't care. His ambling about is what abject talent looks like. He is not ALL of the problem, but unless he begins to play as Koeman would like, then we are stuck firmly in the shadow of Lukaku's ego. After assuming this was the case, I'm now convinced.


    I eagerly await post-Everton Lukaku, and I feel validated in that opinion because it's my dream to see and feel Goodsion, while he takes it for granted. He's enabled to treat the club and supporters as an afterthought to his stepping-stone agenda. Let's not support mediocrity. However impressive his individual stats are, he needs to be held to a higher standard.

  4. The first 60 mins were terrible.




    Terrible.....with passion, just lately, we've been, Terrible......without passion.


    Realistically, points gained in this manner is the best we can hope for after the recent performances. I'm not hoping for eye pleasing yet, that wouldn't be possible given the state of the team's morale and lack of confidence. It may have been wayward, but there was some fight in them today (fight that peaked, as it always does, in the last 15 mins). There are just SO many missing pieces that our team literally plays with a gap between defense and attack. If Valencia plays with Rom, and we drop the pedestrian joggers, we'll be better off.

  5. His work rate has been rightly questioned and I'm of the opinion that he still didn't show up today. Last 15 mins for him and the rest, per usual. If he added attitude and effort to his locker than this thread would finally close.


    I don't agree with hammering our own players with negativity, but effort, or lack there of, doesn't go unnoticed. Valencia did well when he came on. Lukaku will be more engaged with him or someone similar next to him.

  6. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2016/11/08/roy-keane-launches-attack-on-everton-and-the-clubs-weak-players/



    He's a dick, that's the one constant here, but he's right about the players needing to toughen up (not in the context of McCarthy or Gibson, that's just fishing). They have a weak mentality. Starts with Jags and effects everyone. Ironically, Coleman has more of that belief about him than a lot of other players.

  7. Rom plays like a king against West Ham. The amount of energy he gets after scoring a goal against that lot is inspiring; looks like a video game character going a 'level UP'. Really glad Calvert-Lewin got on the bench, and I see that sporadic form of our wing play being resolved as Koeman will keep shuffling things. I think Lennon is eager to impress and can be an asset.

  8. More to the point Ross Barkley, Evertonian or not, isn't good enough. I'm not singling him out we had several poor players, but he needs replacing if we want to go forward. I forgot he was playing for the second half.


    Me too. He influenced nothing; him and Gerard. Luxury players in many ways.

  9. Another assist for the big man, albeit rom had a lot to do. That's 3 in total now for Bolasi this term.


    I think he's been a great signing. In contrast, Del and Mirallas don't seem like they fancy starting matches. Bolasie isn't perfect, but he generally always causes problems for the opposition. I think he'll score his first goal soon.

  10. Who wants him to fail?! I certainly don't, any player in a blue shirt I want to do well - it makes sense. If we were drawing or losing and he was through one on one are you suggesting I would want him to miss?


    Do I like him and his ways? No. He pisses me off and I seen through all this before his awful behaviour in spring to summer. Everton fans have had to ride some really tough shit by insisting we are a big club in the face of poor ownership... then this lad cones along with a huge fee and at near every opportunity dilutes his association with us as much as he can.


    How the fuck dare he? He isn't anywhere near the level he or some fans think he is. I wish barkley had an ounce of Roms self belief.


    You say he will get better because of his age and that 90 percent do? That's a misconception - certainly in the case of someone who has a questionable attitude and application.


    It all remains to be seen. I've struggled to understand the hurrah around the lad. Maybe it's the clubs fault for lumbering us with cheap end strikers for so long.


    Maybe I'm old school and one of those fans who will support a player if he gives his all to a blue shirt. I've never seen this from him... it's all about him and not Everton.



    I agree with this completely. Even during his interview with Henry he speaks of Koeman's guidance and mentorship, never about the team. It's a strange relationship to have with the club's star striker and vice versa. I don't think about his talents in terms of how he can potentially decline and fail us as supporters, but I am conscious of his mercenary attitude. Personally, it's a manifestation of the "I'm not angry, I'm disappointed" feeling. With that being said, if he keeps scoring and we can sell him to where he wants to be, it'll work out for all parties.

  11. i suppose it is a measure of our progress for me to say that I am genuinely disappointed that we are not top of the league right now. if we had won the eminently winnable games v Bournemouth and Palace then that is where we would be right now. granted that our first 7 games would have to be viewed as less difficult than the teams around us but it would have been a wonderful feeling to have gone into the international break unbeaten and with 19 points from 7 games.


    it is easy to say it started to go wrong v Norwich but I dont accept that. I think the problem is still 15% fitness and 85% a lack of winning mentality. Each player seems now to be waiting for something to happen rather than making something happen. that is sensed by the crowd who then get nervous and transmit the negative vibes back onto the pitch.


    The front four are doing their best to press but pressing is a team game which requires fitness and stamina from 11 players for 90 minutes. Barry is a player I really admire but pressing is really not his style.


    Some difficult choices may need to be made in January if we are to continue with Koeman's pressing style - and it may spell the end for Barry.


    Or at the very least, moderation for Barry's involvement. I'm sure everyone wants to limit his playing time so he's more effective when he is included.

  12. Ross plays in, arguably, the most important position in our team. If he plays badly we will struggle. And he has played badly, too often. I'm not suggesting that others haven't had bad bad games too but if Ross can't get his act together pronto we need to look at alternatives. Maybe even think about easing Tom Davies or the lad we bought from Sheff Utd on transfer deadline day, in to replace Ross - at least for a few matches.


    Ross may come good but we should not be talking about potential with him now. He has to deliver, consistently.


    I would really like to see Calvert-Lewin in the first team at some point this season. I base that on footage I've seen of him and comments from Unsworth.

  13. Have to say it's been interesting to read about his relationship with Bolasie; or at least his comments about him and that fact that Rom has expressed his desire for him to play for Everton in the past. There are obvious reasons it doesn't, but I wish that came out in the media more often.


    That being said, I'd be happy for him to stay if his attitude was right and he can picture his ambitions being fulfilled here.

  14. Rich man's Anichebe... Not for me personally


    He hasn't delivered in a long time but I think that's being harsh. I think he's a talented player and he could play the way Geri does.

  15. Ah right. OK.


    Anyway, besides all that, he knows how it works. He wants him, the board will try to keep him because he wants him, but the players doesn't want to stay. So get a big fat fee...everyone is happy.


    I'm really not arsed about him. Which is an unusual feeling to have towards the chief scorer.


    I feel the exact same way. It's strange but I'm resolved about it.

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