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Posts posted by nutmegwolf203

  1. Koemans now said he wants to keep Lukaku but if the board decide to sell him I'm powerless to stop it but we are doing everything we can to keep him.


    Koeman looks pissed off already. Welcome to the circus that is Everton Ronald.


    It seems the only thing that would keep Lukaku around is more money and clauses for any future departure. We are in a stronger position now, every club is susceptible to the 'business' of football, and to continue focusing on the negative and not acknowledge the fact that every football club does things their supporters don't like, that's the circus. Lukaku's a misguided, overrated, intelligent talent, that's on the verge of either becoming great or forgotten. Forgive him for being a prick and stop thinking about him and see that he's just put the club in a bad position with his shitty attitude. He's not a winner, he's an entitled millennial.


    I haven't seen this recent interview, but it seems Koeman is just being honest. Transparency is key, so I support his approach.


    In the current market and with the idea of having unity in the dressing room I'd sell, regardless of his skill set. I'd rather see a hard working and grateful team play at Goodison, than someone sulking and ruining team morale. Fuck him, his wage demands and his lack of respect.

  2. The guys an extremely good player and always caused us trouble at Goodison. However these names really aren't inspiring me!


    Obviously I'm not sure about what's actually happening behind the scenes, but I think that despite Koeman and his reputation, the combination of high player valuations and our poor recent record is working against us. It's probably just hard to get higher caliber players to come to Goodison. This has probably been said before, but I'm just tempering my expectations because I think there's a lot of rebuilding that has to be done around the club. That being said I believe they've started in the right direction.

  3. big fish in a small pond at Swansea, did nothing since his move to City.


    But, there is a decent player in there. Not great but decent. I think £40m and him would be great for Stones. If we could get £50m, Begovic and Remy for Rom too (the latest rumour) we'd have 3 solid, yet unspectacular, signings and an extra £90m to play with. Can't argue with that no matter how much I want to keep them both


    That's actually a rational way of looking at it.

  4. Geri turned that poor bastard inside out


    Ross's penalty saved. It was a good save.


    Only seen a replay on a grainy stream from a bad angle, haha. It looked like a Geri dive. I just expect him to dive when he's in the box. That's the one thing I don't like about his game. If he didn't, fair play, but that's what it seemed like.

  5. I honestly don't think Jags has been the best captain, form or not. I just never thought it was his strong suit. He seems like a great person, but perhaps not the type of leader the team needs. That's why I'd factor in energy and attitude in appointing the next captain. In my opinion you could go for a steady head like Barry or someone with more passion and drive like Besic/Coleman. Besic is still green in a lot of ways (and generally undeserving so soon), so I'd go with Seamus because he's critical and vocal. A move like that might even give his game more energy again. I think he's pretty inspiring and I've seen him critique the play of others on more than one occasion. He seems like he's always attempting to be constructive.

  6. "Longest Thread for Drivel" is right.


    Wow, I just, don't care anymore. He can leave; could've left last season because he's been disrespectful towards the club and the supporters for far too long now. In fact, if the club's going to keep him he should be doing some PR damage control to win everyone back. Obviously his agent has influenced things, but Pogba and Ibra, despite their own unique personalities have actually been pretty tight lipped about transfer dealings. Perhaps not the best examples, but at the very least, speculation seems to happen around them without them engaging the media directly. Regardless, he's been a dick, and I hope there are other prospects for the position that have talent, ambition and genuinely want to be at Everton.


    This is not in reaction to any recent media outbursts, just how I feel about this whole pseudo-saga


    If he's not sold in this window he's got to perform either way.

  7. Gut feeling after our glimpse of him today? I reckon Roberto has left with us with a right little gem.



    He looked very good today, once he has settled into the team and adjusted to the Premier League I think he will be a quality player for us.


    My sentiments exactly. He'll be a tidy player operating right behind the striker.

  8. from my perspective as a Belgian person.. I just see a lot of 'us' versus 'them' and escalated to a level that's way out of proportion for what it really is. Maybe it's the distance that does that. But I think Beyoncé is a downright criminal for her role in this, since she is one of the most privileged people in the world. She's pretty much calling for a racial war.


    Mirallas, I had to look up what I thought you were referencing. If this is indeed it, it seems as if she's urging anyone who reads that open letter to go through the correct channels and demand change. I don't know what race war you're talking about. In fact, I'm not even a Beyonce fan really, but she has stood up and used her platform responsibly.


    Police reform is the next step, or a next step, and the public can be instrumental in making that happen.



  9. "Everton is at the level where building their system around Mata only has benefits; their football last season was all-out attacking, free-flowing, possession-oriented football. Mata would also have the necessary attacking talent to pick out; Ross Barkley and Romelu Lukaku were spectacular last season, while Gerard Deulofeu and Aaron Lennon represent direct threats on goal. Mata could, and probably would be one of the best footballers in the Premier League again, which he likely can’t do at United.


    Mata has been a leader and a fan favourite for his short-lived three years at United, and it says enough about him that his standout attribute is his incredible professionalism and ingenuity, attributes that are often gone in football. United could be saying goodbye to yet another leader, a player who picked them up in a time of dark and tried harder than anyone to carry his weight. However, as I’ve already stated about his counterpart, Wayne Rooney (albeit for different reasons), it could be time for Mata to move on.


    By moving to Everton, Mata would be helping a team with massive potential step towards it, and he would be able to do things he never got the opportunity to do at Manchester United or under Jose Mourinho. United fans love the Spaniard as much as any other player at the club, but bidding farewell would be best for him and Old Trafford. Mata will forever be a part of United, whether he’s at Old Trafford or not, only a true Red Devil would score a bicycle kick at Anfield."



    Really level headed perspective, given the circumstances.

  10. He doesnt deserve to be a part of our "project". We had a project at the end of last season and he wasnt arsed... he just kept spouting shit.


    Hes clearly got an attitude that means he cant keep his gob shut. To me this is a problem - i want a team with togetherness. Not a team with a player who thinks hes too good for us and gets itchy feet.


    Exactly, it's toxic. Hoping every player absorbs the Evertonian mentality is unrealistic, but having the decency to express ambition in private is not. He should know better, even in spite of his loud mouth agent. If he stays he'll need to go on a PR campaign to allay constant heckling from supporters.

  11. Besides being injured and the state of the Fulham team...didn't he have a horrible season there? Including a performance he felt compelled to apologize for? This is what I heard/read, not something I know first hand. Just trying to get an assessment of his ability. I agree that his development has been hindered by the depth at the LB position.

  12. Full time. Thank fuck for that. Abysmal.


    Fair play to Arsenal. They played an ace game today. Real good quality...quick passing, moving, energy. And they played against Barca on Wednesday night!


    As for us. Well, the nay sayers will jump all over Martinez...and that's fair enough...but this set of players need to step up. They talk enough about the quality in the squad, how they need to do better, the potential, best team in years...Scrub the talk and start stringing a few passes together. Stop with all the hype and start doing the basics right. And that goes to the manager and the players.


    I wouldn't mind going down 2-0 if we'd actually showed some fight, desire, actually looked like we wanted it. Instead, we played like we could just turn up and all would be ok.


    Every league game is a cup final now. Luckily, we only have 3 home games left.


    In the topic of home games...what the hell has happened to the fortress that was Goodison Park?!


    Right, it's very easy to point fingers at the manager, but that match was lost because of the lack of energy and commitment from the players in the first half.

  13. http://www.football365.com/news/romelu-lukaku-the-ridiculous-statistics


    More praise for the big man. He's worth everything and I'm glad he felt that at Goodison last night. I'm quietly confident that they'll get him and some of the others to sign new contracts. They have to be looking at Leicester and Spurs right now and think 'we can compete'. At least that's how I think.

  14. In Rom's loan season they seemed to have a telepathic link, but in the two following seasons it's not been evident for the most part. Not sure why really.


    I have a feeling that's growing pains more than anything. Barkley's getting better and as he becomes more confident in his scoring ability he holds on to the ball. The challenge, or next step, is threading passes like he did yesterday and finding the balance of score or assist.

  15. Sydney is an acceptable name for women too.


    Is Sydney not an androgynous name in the UK (or elsewhere)? Most of the Sydney's I've ever met in the states have been women. In fact I'd say it's a much more common female name here. Not like it matters, but I do love those subtle societal differences.

  16. Howard has to be dropped.


    There are just no words for Lukaku... normally, he makes up for his heavy touch by finishing opportunities like the ones he had to day, but he can't be defended when he misses.

    I honestly don't think that aspect of his game was that bad, but, like you said the usual finishing wasn't there. That atmosphere sounds horrible to play in. It's cyclical though and no one's really at fault, but there needs to be some leadership out there to provide a catalyst. One thing that is obviously making the whole team nervous is Howard's form. He was directly responsible for both goals. He'd hardly been tested all match and then two subs come on and he flaps at crosses. Joel needs to come in.

  17. I don't k now what it is with Baines but he doesn't look like he likes playing football. We had the same with hinchcliffe. He said it was a job but didn't enjoy playing near the end.


    I agree, Baines seems to lack proper drive to play.

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