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Posts posted by craigb

  1. Nev is a great pro, and i for one am happy that he is at our club, he no doubt brings things to the squad that the average pro doesn't. However that doesn't mean we shouldn't look at how the team performs without him. For me is certainly isn't the first name on the team sheet, he isn't in the first 11 if heitinga proves himself at right back. I feel that his role going forward may be to steady the team when holding on to a narrow lead. We have attacking options in midfield that justify dropping him, they way rodwell is playing makes him nailed on for the holding role. It's evolution, it's what happens, the same thing is happening to his brother. Being captain doesn't warrant auto selection. Liverpool will soon be looking at carragher as being dropped, crazy how fast the years go by for these lads.



    i actually agree with this, especially the point of evolution, things come in cycles, its strange what an injury can do for other players, and if pointed out they continue strongly, why tamper with a winning formula, anyhow, its early days regarding our 3 big victories on the spin, lets see how we fare against pompey, also we havnt been behind yet, and thats were neville comes into it, his leadership qualities are exceptional, he has picked the players up so many times, whether it be telling them verbally, or showing them on the pitch in a tackle etc

  2. Certainly worse "quiet" games he can have. 2 appearances, 4 assists. not bad, not bad at all.


    dont mean to correct you mate, but thats 5 assists in 2, even better!! 2 corners and the pass to pienaar vs aek, and the 2 for yak and jo :)


    I went up to hull and it was relatively easy. Some people mentioned that the radio broadcasters said we wernt too good during the second half. But we never wanted to go forward that much, we just passed it round the pitch, more of a training excercise to be honest. I know it was only the carling cup, but there fans are awful. Massive relegation candidates, theres just no backing behind there team, plus now sections of there fans want brown out. Anyhow, Hull was a sh!thole, and thats saying something coming from walton, liverpool haha. We had to go to a social club because the other pubs wernt allowing away fans, like there was even any hull fans at the game the other night haha


    Defence not really tested until the dying minutes, so i wouldnt say that gave us a clear indication if heitinga will be worthwile as a centre half... Rodwell was great again, winning the balls 90% of the time. We retained possession well too, which we have been doing for the past few games.


    Someone also mentioned the radio said billy looked slow etc, think it was sharpy on the radio who said that? Bloody hell give the lad a chance, his awareness is exceptional, knows were everyone is on the park, ok, he lost possession a few times on the line, but as round says, we wont see the best from him for a good few weeks yet, and the amount of assists in 2 games, i cant wait to see him in a few more weeks! Top pro perfomance from the lads, hope we do pompey, but i have a strange feeling, its time they got a point on the board, hope not though, on sky sports too, so something to look forward to :)

  3. well, the blackburn players stayed over in the radisson i think it was before the game the other night, my sisters mate works there and gets to speak to all the players, as she can serve them etc, blackburn players went into town saturday for a piss up, when there not allowed, they came back and diouf and sum other fella who my sisters mate didnt recognise went upstairs with 2 birds, later on the 2 birds got off, and diouf asked for 1 condom to be brought upstairs, my sisters mate had to take it in an envelope, unaware at the time it was a condom, and she said diuof answered the hotel door with nothing on, apart from holdin his tic tacs with one hand while recieving the envelope in the other, he then closed the door, But there was no girls in the room! My sisters mate only found out what was in the envelope when she came back down, and the next morning, they got speaking about someone, who i cant remember, but diuof said that his wife knew this other girl really well and my sisters mate turned around and said well what was that condom for in front of his whole team, they were all meant to have gone quiet haha, someone told me today he likes men aswell, i hadnt heard that before i dont think, but it seems he likes a bit of both lol :gay:

  4. yeah i would go with a near full strength squad, lets not write hull off, bad start i know, but they are a premier league side, so lets not take too many chances, i think something like the CC is a comp that everton have a good chance of winning, and who wants to deny us some silverware?


    Im going up to hull to see the game, hope there is many blue supporters there too, Any you guys going or no of anyone going? Also good areas for a drink before the game etc?

  5. Well that was a breeze last night. I expected a lot more from AEK tbh but you've still got to beat what's infront of you and we've struggled in the past to put crap teams away, so last night's performance was very pleasing. I loved every minute of that game because the hoofing was down to pretty much nothing and we passed along the ground. Not only that but we were patient with the ball too and instead of it being aimless passing for the sake of it there was penetration too and we looked threatening. Obviously some players impressed more than others but I can't think of any of the starters that had a bad game. Hopefully that will give us confidence for thr weekend and we can do the same to another poor side in Blackburn.


    Oh and Saha's ban will be for 3 games because it's for violent conduct.





    Howard - He must have been freezing his nonsense off because he had nothing to do.



    Gosling - I'm not a fan of Gosling but he showed the benefit of having a right-back who can actually play football. His link-up play with Pienaar was superb and it was nice to see us attacking down both sides of the pitch for a change.



    Yobo - Only hoofed the ball a couple of times and put in a very solid display. I didn't want him as captain but he did actually talk to is defence last night so I hope that's how it'll stay. Nice to see him score as well.



    Distin - Wants too much time on the ball sometimes and puts himself under needless pressure but he had a solid game just like Yobo. Their partnership seems to be shaping up well. Also got his first goal for us and goals from defence are going to be needed of Lescott leaving.



    Baines - Looked like the Baines of last season again, and showed that it's not just Pienaar he links up well with because him and Bily worked excellently together.



    Pienaar - Typical Pienaar performance; worked his arse off for the side and was always a threat going forward for us. What a clean strike for his goal as well, it was a peach.



    Rodwell - It's scary just how good this boy looks in Europe. I don't remember him putting a foot wrong all game tbh. His passing range is just immense and he's got a great engine on him, he just seems to glide around the pitch and everything seems so effortless to him.



    Cahill - As I've said in another thread, Cahill can play a proper midfield role in Europe and I thought he had a decent game last night, nothing stand-out but he did his job without too much bother.



    Bilyaletdinov - I'm loving Bily already if I'm honest, he is such an improvement on Osman it's unbelievable. He seems to be as quick of mind as Osman but is quicker than Osman for actually being able to put that into action just as quick too. He can cross too! I hope his injury isn't too bad so we can see him do the same against Blackburn.



    Fellaini - I thought he was fucking brilliant. I've been on his back lately but that was a faultless performance IMO. It may have been poor opposition but he dominated the game in my eyes, and showed signs that he could actually play the defensive midfield that he was originally bought for - he broke up play with absolute ease, and for the majority of the game he was quick to get the ball moving. My MOTM.



    Jo - I'm glad he got a goal because I think we all know Jo is a confidence player. He may not have been one of our better players last night and was a bit sloppy at times but he really worked hard last night.



    excellent assessment, i couldnt disagree with anything you said!

  6. cptn ferguson i would agree with most of your assessment of the match apart from fellaini and osman.


    I probably would have gave osman 6 for his endeavour, he did skin there players more times than he lost the ball, ok his final ball wasnt the best, but he isnt a wide man, hes a central midfielder playing on the line so of course his final ball aint guna be the best.


    Fellaini i thought showed the qualities last night that made moyes buy him from liege, he didnt relii attack he just sat deep like rodwell picking up the pieces, he slowed play down well which we needed with it bein a european match, and he passed it on, some of the balls he took out the air with great control was what i like seeing of felli. Maybe the pace of the prem bemuses him at times, but last night he done a fantastic job and was one of my motm's

  7. You'd have to get rid of Yobo, Hibbert and, to some extent, Baines as well for that to happen mate.


    he's done my head in this season with his stupid long balls, ok maybe he needs a lil better support, but i thought he was a better player than that, it winds me up, not just at the fulham match either, his accuracy has been dire with these long balls too, pointless...

  8. Thats right, because once he gives it to Cahill, Osman, Fellaini or Jo the move breaks down. How can you justify saying there is no end product when he has more assists than anybody in our side.


    your right bill


    im fed up of hearing, no end product from pienaar, do you watch or go the game? You wil see pienaar works his socks off to not only win possession back for the team but he also starts attacks aswell. He will take the ball and pass it on, the most effective pass is a simple one, around 8 players on the pitch for everton dont comprehend this fact. When pienaar recieves the ball 3/4s up the field, when hes not having to covers baines arse, he will get to the line and put a ball in, failing that he'll hold posession and bring other players in.

  9. you know what, id give it to distin, he has a mouth on him, and isnt afraid to let the team know there faults.


    it has to be a defender or howard for me though, someone who can see the game from the back with good knowledge and experience. It wont be distin it will probably be yobo has someone mentioned, as hes been vice captain for a while

  10. Fulham looked like they were gonna get 3 or 4, we looked like we wern't gonna score in a week. Why he took our only striker off an put Fellini on an then he put the Yak on, who's miles from fitness. should have gone 4-4-2 left Jo on took off osman, brought on Billy an so on an so fourth, then again hindsight is a great thing.


    It shouldnt come down to hindsight mate, as we all knew at teh time of the subs that they were the wrong ones


    id have done the same but put osman in the centre cos he is not a winger and i can only assume that bily wasnt fit enough cos we wouldnt have osman doin fuck all out there...begs the question though if he wasnt fit why was he there...


    bily is fit, hes had quite a few games in russia, i honestly don't know why he never give him some time on the pitch, yak is no were near fit yet, it was just plain silly bringing him on when we needed 11 players on the pitch playing there socks off.. I was really frustrated yesterday, as liek everyone else, those 3 points were ares, and through silly tactics and substitutions, and not reacting to fulham upping there game, its now them who are 10th in the league...

  11. I never stated i would put him there i am merely suggesting what Moyes has himself said that they feel he is a centre back.


    sorry i never meant you, i know thats what moyes has said and i meant it towards his comments, the way hes starting to progress with his passing ability etc, as someone else said it would be wasted in central defence

  12. the way hes performing in the centre now, y the hell would you wanna then drop him into the central defence role. He will be a midfield dynamo once all his best qualities shine permantely. I personally cannot wait for him as a player to grow, and hopefully stay a blue aswell!

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