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Everything posted by mcirony

  1. Hate to say it but Geri is having a shocker
  2. The programme on top of the pile in the picture.
  3. Thanks John, it's a definite possibility - he came back from serving in Egypt in 47' aged 20 so I'm sure he would have back at Goodison in 48'!
  4. I know, Well I know my granddad stopped getting his season ticket when the price rose to £18 or something because he thought it was daylight robbery!!
  5. Thanks Mike, Here is the link to the rest of the photos: http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?/gallery/album/18-everton-memorabilia/
  6. I wasn't sure where to post this so I started a new thread, If one already exists for this kind of thing please feel free to move it! Sadly my Nana passed away a month or so ago, she was a born and bred Evertonian and lived 5 mins walk from Goodison Park. I always remember from a very young age sitting in her garden listening to the fans on a Saturday afternoon (in fact you could hear the Liverpool fans too on the next weekend!). I always knew my grandad, who passed away when I was much younger, was a season ticket holder and since my nana has passed away I have just inherited some of his memorabilia. I thought I'd share some of the items, whihc some of you may remember first hand, whereas others like me might find it interesting to see these relics. Anyway, my grandad's name was Harry Bonner and I'll pop a picture up of him outside Wembley (Empire Stadium at the time) at the 66' FA cup final.Enjoy! REST OF PHOTOS: http://www.toffeetal...on-memorabilia/
  7. I work with Neil Taylor's mother-in-law, funnily enough. Anyway, Naisy deserves a start without a doubt, hopefully he'll be full of confidence and will keep the momentum up. Gomis is a tricky player to defend against so I'd much rather have Stones at CB than Mori but if Coleman is out then we may not have a choice. Tough game to call but hopefully we'll do enough to get a win. 0-2
  8. I agree! I guess it's just becuase clubs could be seen as extorting young players by tying them down to 5 year contracts on lower (relatively) money. Though it seems that players these days actually want paying extra for doing the things footballers are SUPPOSED to do, like kicking a ball for example. Hernandez reportedly wanted a £90,000 goal bonus from West Ham. Obviously the £100,000 a week basic didn't include goals. It's a sham!
  9. Some young players often have a clause in their contracts - X amount of senior league games = better terms.
  10. http://www.skysports.com/football/news/15134/9990304/john-stones-was-immense-in-everton8217s-3-1-win-over-chelsea
  11. Chelsea really couldn't cope with pace of Citeh last week so we have to play lennon and Deulofeu if we want anything out of the game. If not we'll just be pedestrian like we were against Spurs and lose 0-1.
  12. To be fair the scouts will look at his raw attributes, his stats, movement, athleticism and then they would expect top class coaches to get the best out of him over here with us. Phil Jagielka wasn't a top class defender when he signed for us, he wasn't even a good midfielder but the raw attributes were there.
  13. These reports have no actual quotes or substance to back them up as things stand. I'm not saying he hasn't but until I see it or hear it from the club or player I'm not going to worry about it.
  14. Exactly, how impartial is Sky Sports News going to be when it could make so much money through Sky Bet?! It's a no brainer.
  15. I'm going for a 3-1 victory. Fuck it.
  16. Excellent point. The hypocrisy surrounding alcohol in this country is staggering.
  17. Wasn't it something like 5m for Lukaku for the season? Hardly a favour...
  18. He's undergoing a medical right now apparently - SSN
  19. He may have been at Goodison yesterday, just not picked up on?
  20. Anyone else noticed how very few, if any of our players ever publicly back the manager? Used to happen more often with Moyes but I'm not sure if the players are all still on board with Martinez. Hope last season was a blip but against Villarreal we were utter shit, can't really judge us against the Scottish teams as its not worth it. So,not full of confidence - 12th place, behind Stoke (God) and probably Palace (wretch).
  21. Ha ha. I wasn't really bigging up Nani, but he's a hero in Lisbon.
  22. Could be that he was competing against Nani for a place?!
  23. I actually think this is my main problem too. Football has been shambolic in general in recent years.
  24. Ah right, didn't notice that. You could argue that whether he said it today or last week is irrelevant. Martinez said something along the lines of "Chelsea lacked respect" and they shouldn't have leaked news of the bid. Kenwright said "he'll cost you a lot" of money "he's one of our core squad members". Sounds like Martinez is gutted that Chelsea have this one in their jaws and Kenwright sounds like he's trying to get the best deal, resigned to fact that he's a goner. Or maybe I'm just being cynical!!
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