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Everything posted by Matt

  1. seriously? I took a guess when you said old alien film that film wigged me out.... anyway, from a film ive never seen all the way through....
  2. maybe... God he was pissing me of yesterday. I dont blame him for wanting to get the best for his player, but calling 2 people at SSN - whilst on or moments before being on camera - to complain about the deal Everton offered?!
  3. if we are paying all of Barrys 125k, that means 200k split between the remaining 6, right? At least we know where the rest of the transfer budget is going
  4. from the BBC: how is there a 2m misunderstanding??
  5. great summation. I wouldve just 'liked' it, but getting that stupid error message that someone *cough* Louis *cough* wont fix
  6. its still something that can be banked against though, isnt it? Id hope that Felli + Vics wages would cover those 3 wages!
  7. closer to 5m off the bill, 100k a week between the 2 of them... again, I dont understand why the full agreed fee isnt taken into consideration for Vic.
  8. more objective I guess.... maybe my excitement of getting rid of him got the best of me!
  9. all sources that I can find saying we're paying 100% wages, no loan fee
  10. he is that bad, Mike. apart from the last couple of months of last season, hes been useless and petulant for years. Indeed he does, but looking at the executionersbong blog, 4m for a season long loan?!
  11. Hi Zolton, welcome to the forum. on Lukaku, so excited and surprised that we managed to get him. Hopefully he will be the player we need to put the ball in the back of the net. on Vic, we've robbed you of 6m. Hes lazy, injury prone, falls over far too easy for a big guy and acts like a spoiled little bitch when he doesnt get his way. I feel for you guys, because I know how it feels to watch him. Brilliant business for us though Good luck with the season, hope Clarke gets you playing well again.
  12. McCarthy and Felli, thats it. Gibson will be injured for the most part and I doubt Barry will be in there 100% of the time, there will be a rotation between the 3 I reckon. Either way, it looks like Ossie has lost his place. As much as I love the guy, it had to be done and im kinda glad he wont fizzle out, turning the fans against him
  13. in this window disagree about only counting the initial fees into the calculations though, at the end of the day we have to pay the full amount. Also dont understand why you'd include wages only for the 2 loanees, all newcomers will have a wage that impacts the transfer budget. Fellis 70k a week should cover McCarthy and Lukaku, Barry is likely to be a big strain, depending on how much we are contributing.
  14. some undoubtedly will, but again, hes conducted himself exceptionally well during this window, and throughout his time with us (for the most part anyway). I hope he does get a chance at the title only (since we're not competing for that ) but better not knock us out of any of the cups :shaking fist:
  15. well, hes a hard worker if nothing else. if i was given the choice between Naismith or Vic staying, I would've said Naismith.
  16. Louis - any chance you can look at this? Remove / extend the limit on likes?
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