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Everything posted by Matt

  1. This irritates me no end. If you're going to complain about something not going the way you want it, at least be prepared to offer advise or help, no matter how small or maybe irrelevant, rather than stomping around like a spoiled child who's not happy with things. They got the attention they wanted but did nothing with it. "we want change!" - propose it. Personally, I want to win the lottery. I don't go around complaining, I buy a ticket.
  2. i hate to agree but it's so true. You could predict the answers before the question was finished.
  3. I love the demotivational posters
  4. he didn't dispute it, he simply stated the fact that its "gone from a loss-making operation into a profitable one". Which it has. It's still rubbish in comparison, which I'm sure he won't admit to
  5. might not be manager for long if that happens...
  6. Already used that one (kinda). You going to try or here just for the halibut?
  7. Always reminded me of Tony Blair; lies with a smile to make it seem ok
  8. already used scale matie. You floundering?
  9. I really don't want this guy. He looked handy at Wigan but then, a 1 legged mushroom would've...
  10. Bolton (ha, autocorrect changes Notlob to Bolton!) won something Scotland, Wales and Iceland, Andorra, San Marino
  11. I'd start start with the puns, but I imagine you'd kick this silly mod off....
  12. Exactly, if they are serious about involving the fans of course...
  13. Shame, I would've had him back in a heartbeat. Can see him taking the Championship by storm and, knowing us, a 5m bid in a years time
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