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Everything posted by Matt

  1. I really like Mark Whalberg
  2. didnt you say you'd never seen an episode?
  3. brilliant summary Haf. Best wishes to his family and friends.
  4. Spat beer all over the screen http://youtu.be/wgHjAi48Fq8
  5. I tend to trust Louis on these things, he's usually right! But, I suppose you're right, judgement should be saved.... their PR is their biggest failing in my opinion, the badge change being a perfect example.
  6. the clubs public relations is pathetic. A perfect chance to offer an olive branch but instead further alienate (and provide ammo for) an unhappy group of supporters. Have they heard of being the bigger man?
  7. Need to resurrect this...
  8. dont know of this one. Is it reliable?
  9. could potentially have 2 Juniors running the midfield! Seems to be a new site that Dunc, anyone know if it has any credibility?
  10. Scale and reely were acceptable then? Best puns on the net...
  11. geez DK, whats wrong with partaking in some puns?!
  12. it was an improvement, just wasnt a very good one
  13. exactly. Last I heard from him was the same as BK & RM said - he's happy where he is and noone is expecting him to go. Since then its crappy websites and worse "journalists" bandying about the same old rehashed shite without a single quote from the man with the Fro or anyone else for that matter. I want him to stay, but wont be too disappointed if he goes (would rather he went abroad though, if he does) Im thinking he will stay 1 more season and see if Martinez makes a difference. Maybe he'll leave in January if hes not being played where he wants to be and/or where we are in the tables/cups.
  14. Gonna go with Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and Utd
  15. no idea then. Was thinking birds in the design but Cardiff changed to a dragon didn't they?
  16. on the scale of things, he could've got hooked on a worse hobby. I like fishing, reely relaxing
  17. cheers ironically 4 amazingly smooth flights, plus they had all sorts of films which kept me distracted
  18. Jetlag Got to get up in a few hours ands its like I've been hooked up to an espresso IV for hours!
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