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Everything posted by Matt

  1. probably not very well since we'd forefit games This would explain Wigans ability to leak goals, if the keeper is in midfield
  2. thats exactly the reason why it will never happen. Plus the 17 goals he scored during the season. Hes still a 20m striker because of his age and goal return. Unfortunately for us
  3. Hes too slow to play in the centre of a 3. I can see Jags and Buzz stepping up and Johnny being the reason the offside trap fails.
  4. this Neymar deal... I was under the impression he only had 1 year left on his contract? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/22760770
  5. I think that mightve had something to do with him being put further back again....
  6. Are you deliberately ignoring everything put before you? Whilst I dont share the same level as skepticism, Av has provided evidence to back up his concerns, as he backed up his belief that Pip would be a good candidate. Meanwhile youve descended (not for the 1st time) into childish insults and repeated your opinion as if its fact. Theres nothing wrong with you disagreeing but try doing it without insults, just no need. I think Martinez can do well (might just be acceptance talking here). The whole relegation fodder stats can be justified somewhat by the info given by Haf in this thread - sold best players and reduced debt at the same time. The issues of defence are fully justified at Wigan but at Everton we have solid CBs and will have some money to invest. My only remaining concern is the replacement of the background staff...
  7. I can only go on my FM2013 experience (not that great a basis for argument, I know!) but this lad is quality there.
  8. April 2010 mate I assume at the time we had many knee injuries in the squad, but I cant remember! Fer we didnt take because his club didnt accept a different payment structure after the failed medical. If they had, we'd have signed him.
  9. hope they didnt pay someone to tear it all off! Whats all that soil behind the wall in the 1st pic?
  10. I should bloody well hope not! I knew I shouldve stayed out of this....
  11. I dont get that 1st bit but the last line is spot on. Neville has great experience and will most likely make a great manager... someday. He may well have spent a long time with two of the most fastidious managers to have graced the game but its a different pair of shoes to actually live the managers role. This is why I keep plugging him as the assistant manager, so he gets to learn to walk before he runs, hopefully a future Everton manager.
  12. welcome mate. always had a soft spot for BHA! I personally want him to stay at Everton and take the assistant manager position, to help keep some order in the dressing room since our background staff seems to be following Moyes. Think he will be a cracking manager at some point but (without meaning to be disrespectful) hes not ready for the Everton job yet, whereas BHA would be a great starting point and benefit both parties.
  13. get someone else to coach the attacking part. Having him as an example of dedication and professionalism makes him a great candidate for me...
  14. that would involve taking a step into reality....
  15. Have any of our background staff following Moyes actually signed a deal with Utd yet?
  16. to be fair Avin, thats an improvement on the design....
  17. what... the... fuck.... bunch of nutters...
  18. Oh I dont want to sell him. Im just saying, the usual 15m figure touted about is nonsense (as we all knew). For 30m though, you could get 3-4 good players in his place. Would be interesting to know how Oviedo would do at LB...
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